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More and more people are hitting the obscurantism and denying the existence of HIV. Russia on the verge of an epidemic


In recent months, the media has been shaking, one after another, about the impending HIV epidemic in the country. According to various estimates, the number of people infected in the Russian Federation has exceeded 1%, and in Yekaterinburg the situation has become completely critical - there physicians officially declared an epidemic (1.8% of the city’s population is infected).

At the same time, propaganda is gathering momentum that HIV does not exist, and all the hype around a deadly infection is only the machinations of doctors and the attempt of corporations and the health care system to intimidate citizens and profit from their ignorance.
A similar point of view among certain categories of patients began to take a mass character, which is clearly visible on social networks. The saddest thing is that, in contrast to GMO obscurantism , which results in only a slowdown in research and mistrust in genetic engineering by the population, in the case of HIV obscurantism, people die. Moreover, as in classical sects, in the movement “HIV is a myth” there are own “prophets” actively advocating the refusal of treatment and prevention, as well as preventing the provision of assistance to those who really want to receive it.

HIV obscurantism as a social phenomenon

Conspiracy and conspiracy theories are fertile ground for denying any phenomenon whose understanding requires the use of other people's knowledge. Unfortunately, one hundred percent of everyone can only be convinced of the existence of HIV, dying from it. In addition, until recently, the number of infected was not so large. But after all, no one doubts the existence of the flu virus?

It is not completely clear why preachers of the idea that HIV is a myth are engaged in their “enlightenment” activities. Probably, the problem is lack of attention, lack of opportunities for self-realization or other deviations that lead to similar behavior. But unlike the witnesses of the sect %%, insert any name %% that urges people to believe in their only true god or accept this or that idea, the founders and followers of the HIV-myth movement actually kill other people with their ignorance (and yourself).

For example, the community in the social network VKontakte, entitled “HIV AIDS - THE GREATEST MISTIFICATION OF THE XX CENTURY” has more than 15,000 people, most of them are HIV-positive (for obvious reasons of indexation, the link to the community is not given, but you can find it yourself ). This category of citizens denies the fact of the existence of HIV infection, and also ignores Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Infection of HIV”. At the same time, adherents of the “HIV is a myth” movement do not deny the existence of AIDS, but consider it a separate disease that people get infected with, for example, while receiving a blood test for HIV or during therapy . There is also another conspiracy theories that AIDS is the consequences of mass vaccination of the population from dangerous diseases. Excerpt from one such publication (spelling and punctuation preserved):

The cause of AIDS was massive vaccination, but it was hidden behind the fake HIV epidemic.

If, in fact, vaccinations do not so much create artificial immunity against certain diseases, they weaken and destroy it as a whole, and if instead of acknowledging this fact, among the causes of immunodeficiency, mythical HIV was put in the first place, then it turned out that the medical mafia continues successfully to carry out immunization killing of the population, and with it cynically fight against the non-existent HIV epidemic.

A scam with vaccines for several generations has undermined human immunity. But the guilty were assigned HIV, not vaccinations. That is, one scam covers another scam, and due to it, it has arisen and exists. First, immunity is killed by immunization, and then the fight against a nonexistent virus, which is found to be guilty of immunodeficiency, is unwound, and from all sides deceived victims of this institutionalized pharma genocide, in the end, they simply finish off chemotherapy against HIV.

If we put together all the arguments of opponents of the existence of HIV, then we get a cocktail from the pharmacological plot, the position of the authorities, the genocide and the intentional infection of AIDS, followed by “killing” the patient with “drugs”. Unfortunately, the fact that people denying the existence of HIV disappears from online or dies, blames it on the fact that either the person got it all right, that is why he is not “on the net”, or that killer doctors have reached him and he fell victim to the fight against mythical HIV.

The normal practice among those who deny the existence of HIV is unprotected sexual contact, giving birth to children with violations of the rules for preventing HIV infection, getting medicines for treating HIV so that others do not receive them (of course, they do not take drugs). The latter is similar to a real sabotage activity, but such individuals can be brought to justice only under the above article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 122 “HIV infection”. Often HIV patients, but those who deny its existence, have the support of their relatives, drawing them into the ranks of those infected in an attempt to prove that HIV does not exist.

It can be fairly noted that the method of detecting HIV infection through the delivery of a blood test has been worked out for a long time and works flawlessly. At the same time, opponents of the existence of HIV are subjected to an enzyme immunoassay , through which the presence of HIV infection in the body is detected, to harsh criticism of this kind (spelling and punctuation are preserved):

Taken from an article on the Internet:
HIV tests are unable to detect the presence of a virus. They are unable to tell if you are infected or not. All they can show is more or less antibodies. But all tests for antibodies in medicine have absolutely no meaning. This is especially true for HIV tests. It is clear that those antibodies, which are determined in tests, are present in all people. Someone has a higher concentration, someone lower, but only when someone demonstrates a very high concentration of antibodies (much higher than that found among normal people) - the label is labeled "HIV-positive." But this is complete nonsense, since in any other antibody tests, the lower the antibody level, the higher the risk of infection is considered. But in the case of HIV, the test result is considered positive if the concentration of antibodies is extremely high. And if it is not high enough, they say that the test is negative. Isn't it funny? A large number of antibodies, on the contrary, is capable of producing people with very strong immunity, and not, as is commonly believed, with a weakened one. But in the history of HIV, everything is exactly the opposite.

The low level of education of the population in this matter and the total, bordering on paranoia among individual comrades, distrust of medicine and health workers leads to the fact that the HIV epidemic is spreading faster than it should.

Overall, the denial of the existence of HIV is a global problem. Thus, in 1992, a magazine was opened in the United States devoted to the mystification of HIV and AIDS, alternative treatment methods and issues of interest to the LGBT community. Already in 2001, the publication ceased to exist. The reason for this was that all the authors of the magazine died of AIDS.

The position of the state in the fight against HIV infection

According to some reports, only 30% of those infected are receiving treatment for HIV in the country. And the problem is not dissident fanatics (more precisely, not only in them: they are a drop in the ocean, but they accelerate the spread of the epidemic), but in the lack of funding.

A case in point is the example of Yekaterinburg, where the local Ministry of Health found the strength to admit that almost every 50 people in the city are infected. However, this was enough only for a surge of news in the tapes of online media, where more attention was paid to reducing the health budget in 2017 than to the spread of the deadly infection.

Speaking of budgets. At the end of 2016, the Ministry of Finance published a document , which reported a reduction in medical expenses by 33%. This year, the budget will provide for a total of 362 billion rubles against 544 billion rubles in the previous one. At the same time, officials openly declare that reducing the cost of medicine is an optimization and “we must live within our means.” The budget deficit of the Russian Federation in 2017 will amount to 2.74 trillion rubles - with an income of 13.4 trillion rubles, it is planned to spend 16.1 trillion rubles.

At the same time, lawmakers with a clear conscience lay 10 billion on the maintenance of the State Duma - almost 2.8% of the amount allocated to health care of 143 million Russians. This money will go to the maintenance and salaries of 450 deputies, their secretaries and assistants. If in quite visual figures: the maintenance of one conditional unit "deputy" (if you include all secretaries, ministers and cleaners) will take 22.2 million rubles, while both the average citizen who works and pays taxes will spend only 2701 ruble. And this amount should include the salaries of doctors and staff, the purchase of medicines and the cost of maintaining the infrastructure.

Regarding the situation with HIV in the country, Yevgeny Roizman, the mayor of the “problem” Yekaterinburg, spoke out quite harshly:

“This is not an epidemic in Yekaterinburg. This is an epidemic in Russia. Not only that: the situation in Ekaterinburg is exactly that because we have a very high detectability. That is, we are doing it purposefully. We have strong doctors, we have very strong programs to identify. In Yekaterinburg, surveyed 23% of the population. Meanwhile, in Russia it does not rise above 15%. That is, we have one and a half times more people examined. And if at this level they will be examined in Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara, in Tver, then, believe me, the situation there will not be another shot, ”he said.

If you believe the official, his words only confirm the popular saying: there are no healthy people, there are poorly examined.

It is known that addicts who use heavy injecting drugs are the most frequent carriers of HIV infection, along with citizens practicing indiscriminate unprotected sex. According to the medical records cited on Wikipedia, in the summer of 2015, 700 thousand drug addicts were registered in Russia. These statistics do not take into account those who did not come into the view of law enforcement agencies, as well as those who use anonymous paid services for the withdrawal from “breaking up” and treatment in narcological dispensaries. It should be understood that any registration should be carried out only with the written voluntary consent of the patient. An exception can only be a court decision, that is, a referral for compulsory treatment (according to the Law of the Russian Federation of 02.07.1992 N 3185-1 (as amended on 03.07.2016) “On psychiatric assistance and guarantees of the rights of citizens when it is provided” (as amended and additional, entered into force on 01/01/2017) and the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 30, 2015 N 1034n “On approval of the Procedure for rendering medical assistance in the psychiatry-narcology profile”). So what about the real number of drug addicts in Russia can only guess.

According to statistics provided by Roizman, during an examination of drug addicts, it turned out that 40% of male heroin drug addicts were HIV carriers. The percentage of infection among girls who used hard drugs was close to 100%.

Against the background of these cuts and “budget optimization”, the epidemic in Yekaterinburg and the generally worsening HIV situation in the country as a whole can not but scare. To multiply what is happening on the momentum “HIV is a myth” and we will get a very big problem. And the search engines will only help the "doubters" by slipping links to questionable sites, where in all seriousness the impostors assert that HIV does not exist.

Specialist in the prevention and treatment of infections caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, academician Vadim V. Pokrovsky states that in order to reverse the situation in a country with only HIV and AIDS, funding is needed for research, treatment and prevention of at least 100 billion rubles annually . Based on the available figures and the situation with prevention, Pokrovsky notes that as many 1 million HIV-infected people in the Russian Federation can safely add the same number of hidden carriers.

In 2016, 32 of 544 billion were allocated for the treatment of infectious diseases by health care, but this year funding is expected to decrease. No money, but you hold on. And protect yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401009/

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