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Short NF story "Error in the program"

K1732 hurried. There was little time left. He really wanted to perform a set of activities 138450 before midnight. And getting to the square B8422, D8591 has its own course - the local transport A13 will be already only in 1264 seconds. Coordination in space does not require the use of all available computational resources, so he managed to think more. He could not come to the conclusion about the usefulness of his reflections, since they did not give any concrete practical result. As a matter of fact, all his thoughts boiled down to the formation of a question, and the search for a concrete and unequivocal answer to a question led only to the appearance of new questions. For example, why he really wanted to perform a set of activities 138450? And why precisely until midnight?

Why should he not want to perform a set of activities 138451? And what does it mean to want at all? And if he does not have an answer to the last question, then who wants to perform these actions? Is he or someone else? But who else might want this? All the other actuators familiar to him, though sometimes give instructions, but for the most part he still wants to perform some actions, without any other instructions. Of course, in addition to actuators, all kinds of forms and species, there are also biological forms of life. He was never interested in them, because they do not have logic, they do not exert influence on him, give no instructions, do not pose threats, do not carry any benefits, and are generally very limited in their habitat - move chaotically in a special area allocated to them and do not interfere with his life .

“And if no one remains, it means he himself wants to carry out this set of activities 138450,” he argued further. At least, just such a conclusion was only possible for him. Of course, if you build a conclusion based on logical judgments. But this conclusion was useless to him. “Now, if I could not think in a logical way, I could get a different conclusion” - a thought was spinning in its central control unit as it went around the cracks on the road. In fact, there was no need to go around them, but for some reason he sometimes wanted to do it - as if it made some difference. There was no value in their detour, but there was simply a corresponding desire.
It is not known whether a meteorite accidentally came to K1732, hurrying about his business, but this stone managed to penetrate the armored casing of the central control unit. By a strange coincidence, this meteorite, in addition to being hot in terms of temperature, was also hot in terms of radiation, therefore, only milliseconds remained in operation for the central unit K1732.

It would seem - only one moment, but it was enough for the not quite correctly functioning logic of the mind K1732, under the influence of radiation of a meteorite, to cease to be logical, which made it possible for him to change the status “hypothesis” of a mental quantum “do I want what I want "On the" basic axiom ". In the next hundred milliseconds, he came to the conclusion that it was necessary to have someone who could not be, and at the last hundred milliseconds of his activity he saw in a place that he was going to drive around a second ago, a strange creature that they had never seen before. It was a bit like a humanoid robot from G15 to G20, but it was very different from them in the imperfections of its forms, and for the K1732 robot, whose life and environment were quite monotonous, this imperfection of forms made an indelible impression of the beautiful. He did not have time to appreciate him.

“Look ka!”, Exclaimed Cyril, addressing his workmate for the shift, “this K1732 managed to see a person in the last moments of its functioning!”. On duty that night, they had to find out the reason for the failure of robot K1732, which had failed shortly before midnight. They looked through the logs of the control program and the archive of records of the built-in DVR in search of the reason for the appearance of a decent-sized hole on the case. They found the pebble inside quickly, but only in the morning the thought came to them to get a dosimeter and measure the background of this pebble. It took another 15 minutes to draw up a report, and only half an hour remained until the end of their shift.

He recalled a fragment of a seminar from the time of his students, where the teacher asked them to come up with the perfect defense against the destruction of humanity by robots with artificial intelligence. Nobody doubted that the extermination would take place - the person was quite self-critical towards himself and to the results of his activities on a global scale in order to understand the inevitability of such a thought in the mind, guided exclusively by iron logic. Of course, none of the first-year students could come up with anything better than the three laws of robotics, formulated by Isaac Aizimov many years ago, and they spent the remaining time of the seminar on discussing the standard method used for these purposes.

Its essence was extremely banal: to exclude the possibility of any kind of action on the part of the robot in relation to man, it is enough to make sure that the robot has no way of knowing about the existence of man. Those. you need to make a person completely invisible to the intellect of the robot, and if a person meets on his way, then the robot will have the motivation to change the trajectory of movement so as to avoid collision. Of course, this left its imprint on the performance of useful work by robots - they had the motivation to do something for no reason, but since only artificial logic was at the disposal of their artificial intelligence, in the absence of a “root cause of desire” this logic could not give any results and did not violate the functioning of robots. The decision was as simple as an ax and just as crude, but it worked and delivered the robots from any “moral dilemmas” and other temptations.

Kirill hurried home, he really wanted to eat, and with lust represented jelly waiting for him at home in the refrigerator, and already warmed up by a smart stove, with an Internet connection, potatoes. He really wanted to have time to eat and fall asleep before noon, so that there was more time to sleep before the next shift. I had to get home on foot, because bus 13 route, which went past his house, left a couple of minutes ago, and the next will be only after 20 minutes. Having wrapped himself in his coat more tightly, he went and thought about the peculiarities of taste - why now he just wants potatoes with jelly, and not buckwheat with meatballs? No, he would not refuse buckwheat either, but you want a bit more jelly ... And why? Why precisely his want? And if he cannot explain his own desires to himself, then are these his desires?

The rare robots that came across him along the way helpfully avoided him, while completely ignoring him - as if he were an invisible man. Out of habit, Kirill stepped over some cracks in asphalt and the intersection of some conventional lines, such as joints in tiles and other things. For this reason, crossing the road, he did not notice the car rushing at him. Although he was crossing the road to green, from the driver's side, the red signal of the traffic light did not work, because the fuse that had not been replaced by the K1732 robot had blown. Already when he was flying, tumbling in the air, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that in the place where he had recently stepped over a crack in the asphalt, some kind of figure appeared, somewhat resembling a person. Only this figure was so perfect with its face that it left a deep sense of beauty that completely filled the last seconds of Cyril's life.

“You look ka!”, Exclaimed Seraphim, addressing Dardail, “in the last moments of his life, this man saw an angel!” ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400999/

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