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Connection options ESP826 ESP-12. Exotic

My first acquaintance with Arduino began, oddly enough, with the ESP8266 Witty Cloud module. Everything in it is good, but there are nuances ...

1. For the firmware it is necessary to remove the ESP from the assembled scheme.
2. ESP is not good friends with the breadboard.

The first nuance is “treated” by soldering the “mother” type comb to the Witty firmware module.

The "extra" legs are paralleled with GND or VCC, and will be very useful when connecting several modules.

The second nuance can be corrected by “adding” another prototyping board.

But still it turns out or / or. On this topic could be closed, but then came the completion of the ESP-12F.

First of all, we are friends of ESP with the Witty firmware module.

Add a mother-mother comb for easy ESP connection without a firmware module.

The mother-mother comb doesn’t look very good, so I decide to solder the mother immediately:

But how then flashing with Witty, probably something like this:

In a standard comb moved the plastic base to the center.

Stitched with a bang, but somehow cumbersome, so I decided to minimize the kit.

1 SMD resistor per 10 kΩ between GND and GPIO15, another conventional 10 kΩ resistor between VCC CP_PD / EN. Before flashing, we do a reset with a closed GPIO0 to the ground. Converter 5V → 3.3V to AMS1117 does not hurt.

Friendlim ESP-12 with breadboard.

Here is such an exotic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400997/

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