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We are looking for speakers at the DIY Meetup March 4


We open the filing of applications for the next DIY Meetup, which will be held on March 4 at the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group. If you already have projects on your account that you did with your own hands or your invention is in the process of development, but you already have a story to tell, we are waiting for your applications. What could it be? These can be projects that you, for example, have implemented using Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266. The project may or may not relate to smart home and IoT. Telling is not necessarily about electronics: any DIY will do. There are two options for speeches:

  1. A full report for 20 minutes: if your craft is completely ready, and you can talk about it endlessly, but keep within twenty minutes.
  2. Blitz report for 5 minutes: if you have a very interesting topic, but the material for a full report is not enough.

To apply, you need to write to k.ragozina@corp.mail.ru or to private messages here. Send the topic of your report and a brief description of what you want to tell the guests. We will select the most interesting topics and invite authors to become speakers. Applications for participation are accepted until February 5.
Just in case, here are the posts of our guys on the results of previous mitaps:

  1. Smart home and smart watches .
  2. Hugging: a huge talking plush toy .
  3. Electric bike do it yourself .
  4. Imager on FLIR Lepton do it yourself .

And here you can find a list of all the topics from the past mitap. We are waiting for your application!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400995/

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