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Evolution: from analog video to digital. Part 1

Good afternoon, dear readers of Hiktames.
I want to share my experience and observations on the results of the operation of two video surveillance systems: analog and digital. I have long made a choice in favor of a large and warm house, so I tried to equip it with all the convenient features available on the market for adequate money. I will talk about the video surveillance system, which will work equally well both in the house and in the apartment. Someone will certainly add in the comments, and someone will allow my material to avoid mistakes. Therefore, I begin with the theory and preparatory work.

With the approach of spring, there is a mass of advertising by insurance companies that campaign to insure their real estate from burglary, since the summer season coincides with an increase in the number of thefts in apartments, and the end of the summer season is an increase in the number of “enclosed” houses. Guided by the rule of “rescue drowning”, I decided to first engage in independent security, and after that engage in insurance.
To begin, as well as everywhere, it is necessary with planning. Having read the forums and theories, I realized that the first stage is the drawings and calculations.

Draw and plan
First of all, we determine the boundaries of the necessary observation, the distances and the geometry of the objects. The number of cameras, their type and cost will depend on this. It is not necessary to put the same cameras along the fence on the street and in the warm hallway of the house. I have determined for myself that I want to see the perimeter of the house outside and I do not need video surveillance inside. Therefore, we arm ourselves with any drawing tool and design the layout, preferably with respect to dimensions. I used Visio and got the following image.

The diagram perfectly traces all dimensions, the direction of the cameras and numbers. I will dwell on this in more detail. I immediately laid three cables at each point: coax with power (KVK-2-V 2x0.75 CU (monozhil))

220V power supply for connecting lighting equipment was laid using VVGNG cable 3x1.5 mm.

And the third cable is a twisted pair Cat5e. The cables were laid in a self-extinguishing corrugated pipe, so I did not take wires from the street.

The cables should be laid under the siding, and then brought into the switch box - then you will not have to wrestle with how to hide the wires. All this is desirable to calculate at the design stage of the house.

Bookmark several types of cable at once will eliminate the need to adhere to only one type of camera: analog / digital and solve the issue with additional power. If you suddenly need to add a spotlight, then it is quite simple to do. I think that the reminder will not be superfluous: all wires must be immediately numbered at the ends, and preferably along the entire length.
Also, the diagram clearly shows which sector covers the camera and how far it can shoot. If the camera is stationary, and you want to see the person’s face without using the zoom lens, you should expect the location of cameras no further than 5-7 meters from the possible appearance of the subject. Of course, it is necessary to plan the location of the cameras in such a way that there are no blind zones left - ideally, each subsequent camera should fall within the visibility range of the previous one. But in the pursuit of perfection, you can exceed all reasonable financial boundaries, so you should reduce the excitement and really estimate the need and your financial capabilities.

Equipment selection
Here we come to the choice of the type of equipment: analog or IP cameras. I started with an analogue simply because there was available used equipment. Cables were laid, it remains to compress all the ends, start on the DVR and configure the recorder itself. But I will tell about the capabilities of modern analog cameras. There are models that produce a picture no worse than IP cameras.

For example, the Hikvision DS-2CE16D7T-AIT3Z camera is equipped with a 2 megapixel matrix, a varifocal lens, an IR illumination and provides a picture of 1920x1080 @ 25k / s.

But the camera with similar characteristics, but the network: Hikvision DS-2CD2T22WD-I3 . The difference in price is about 30%, but the functionality of the network camera is noticeably higher if only because the function of the analog camera is to transmit the picture, and the IP camera itself processes the picture, creates events, can record on its own or network drive, and so on.
The advantages of analog cameras can also be attributed to the greater distance of signal transmission (up to 500 meters), while using Ethernet without a switch, transmission over a distance of up to 100 meters is provided. But such a distance within the ordinary house is more than enough.
The advantages of IP cameras include high functionality, the absence of interference in the digital signal, the ability to transfer data and power over a single cable.
In general, if you have not yet decided on the cameras until the exterior finish of the house, then lay three cables - the difference in the cost of additional cables is insignificant against the whole system.

Reserve food
All this works well for as long as there is food. As soon as the mains electricity disappears, the video surveillance system turns into a “pumpkin”. That is, it is not enough to assemble the system, it is necessary to provide it with backup power for the estimated period. I always proceeded from the fact that electricity may be absent for up to 1 day, and then either they will connect the external network, or I will use a backup power source.
Most analog cameras are powered by 12V DC or 24V AC. The first option is the most affordable, because all car lead-acid and gel batteries are formed on the basis of 12V voltage. Therefore, I chose to reserve 12V power for cameras. There are two options: ready or self-assembled. Ready-made UPS units for security systems look like this.

They are a charging device, a metal box and a small battery capacity. The picture shows a block with a gel battery of 17 Ah. The current consumption of one camera varies from 0.5 to 1 A, which means that such a battery lasts a maximum of 17 hours for one camera - this is not enough. In reality, the battery will not give full capacity and the camera will turn off earlier. The power supply itself is capable of delivering up to 8A, which will go to charge the battery and power the cameras. I have 8 cameras installed, which means this power supply will be right next to it.
Therefore, I went another way: I took the power supply unit Orion Vympel-55 - it is also a charger for car batteries. But he has a lot of advantages: programmable current and voltage, the choice of operating mode (power adapter, multi-stage charge, etc.). Yes, and produced in Russia, which means that there is a warranty service and support of domestic producers. So, unlike most Western and Chinese UPSs, which always have high voltage, which almost guaranteed to kill gel batteries for 3 years, this charger is set to a safe voltage and constantly feeds the cameras and keeps the high capacity gel battery charged.

The second step was to backup the power of the DVR, because there is little to ensure the operation of the cameras, it is also necessary to save the shot. Here the inverter MAP Dominator, which I described earlier, came to the rescue. Also made in Russia and it differs in that it produces a pure sine wave and a voltage of 220 V, which is suitable for all home electronics. And you can connect to it batteries of any capacity, thereby picking up the required battery life. Well, if the power is turned off for several days, as it happened in December 2016, when the next ice rains passed and the electricians were not ready, then you can simply start the standby generator and recharge the batteries. So I reserved the power of the whole house, the DVR and all the cameras. Therefore, the transition to IP cameras for me was completely painless, because it was necessary to replace only the cameras and the DVR, but I will tell about this in the second part.
So there was a preparatory work for the video surveillance system. If I haven’t covered any moments, I’m ready to answer in the comments or tell you in detail about what interests you in the next part, where I will describe in detail the transition from analogue to digital video surveillance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400971/

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