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How can a home desktop manipulator help DIY?

Not everyone had time to buy / assemble (you need to underline) a home desktop 3D printer for themselves, as for the geeks they came up with another blue dream. Several campaigns to raise funds for a desktop robotic arm for DIY, small-scale production and children's creativity (a strange set of possible applications, according to the authors, don't you find?) Made me think about the need for such an instrument in the household. After a brief review of projects, I hasten to present you my conclusions.

I'll start with the Dobot project, which collected $ 506,351. This project has already been completed, and the robot itself has already glimpsed on the GT in a post about MakerFaire 2016 .

Dobot M1 can lift up to 1.5 kg. and has an error of up to 0.2mm. Various interchangeable heads are already ready: a 3D printer with two nozzles, a laser engraver, a soldering iron, a magnetic lasso, a vacuum sucker, a manipulator.
Supports connection via WiFi and Bluetooth. You can combine several of these manipulators into one chain and give them a general operation algorithm.

For programming, you can use multiple IDEs, including those with visual programming.

The maximum radius of action is 400mm, angular speed up to 200 degrees / second.

On GT, we have already described the types of backers , I just can not understand what type of backers here prevailed, because on average, everyone left about $ 1,400, which is a lot, comrades.

The second CTRL project, a fundraising campaign in full swing, although at the price of ($ 799) this robot for early backers clearly wins against Dobot ($ 1,399).

This robot-manipulator looks just like industrial ones, the developers claim that they have common DNA.

CTRL has 6 degrees of freedom, brushless motors with high-precision encoders are used. Loading capacity - 750 gr.

It is expected that the attachments will be replaceable, but the authors of the project did not clearly indicate what they will be, it remains only to guess from the video.

Deliveries are expected in August 2017, but the project has so far gained only a quarter of the required amount. I think the problem is that the description absolutely does not describe the possible benefits of such a device at home and there are no technical characteristics.

The possibility of group work of several robots is declared, but of all of the possible data on dimensions, only the comparison of this robot with A4 sheet is indicated. Most likely the lack of technical details and a comparison of your device and Iphone immediately indicates the target audience to which the authors of the project are aimed.

CTRL and Dobot support learning to move using the physical movement of the manipulator, my only question is:

- Can one of you come up with a go at thinking of a situation when it might be useful on the desktop?

The third project is rather comic. LittleArm 2C is a mini manipulator on the Arduino, but in every joke there is some truth. Very clear positioning and scope for DIY audiences. Charges more than 400% of the required amount. A simple, small manipulator on the Arduino and several servos, which everyone can print on their own if they wish, or buy an assembly kit for $ 65.

The manipulator of any configuration can be made independently. If we talk about teaching children, the project with Moscow Mini Maker Faire is definitely much more useful and more interesting.

If we talk about laser engraving and 3D printing, then specialized devices will have significantly greater rigidity, less backlash and accuracy, and this even in DIY has a significant advantage.

Talking about business use is ridiculous, because Those wonders of soldering, which shows the device even on the video is not particularly impressive. Moving objects? What for? Immediately emerges from the memory of the loaf and troll ...

Well-known meme "These are very good projects, I myself will not buy such ones." I can find only one application of this robot - highly specialized training of specialists. For example, connect it to ROS and try to master on it what can be applied to industrial manipulators.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400955/

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