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The main types of software

Actually recently became interested in this issue. In particular, the difference between free software and open source (I thought it was the same thing). By simple research in the network (thanks to the wiki and Yandex) I found out all I need. And decided to share with you. Maybe someone will be interested.

Open source software

What is open source software? This is software with "open source" (English open source software - the term was introduced in 1998). What does it mean? This means that the source code of the programs being created is publicly available for viewing and editing. Thanks to this, it becomes possible not only to use the already created code for one’s own needs, but also to help in the development of an open program.
With all this, an “open” license does not require software to be provided free of charge. But most of the "open" software is free.
Free software

Free software is software for which the user has “four freedoms”: run, learn, distribute and improve the program.
Under existing law, the software product and its source code are protected by copyright by default, which gives the copyright holder full authority over the distribution and modification of the program, even in the case when the source code is publicly available. In order for the software to become “free”, the copyright holder must give the user the four freedoms mentioned above. To do this, you must release the source code for the software under one of a special kind of licenses, called free licenses. BUT! In this case, the author of the program retains its copyright!

The concept and principles of free software was formulated by Richard Stallman in the 70s. Here are 4 criteria stipulating the rights transferred by the author of the program to the user:
1) The program can be used for any purpose ("zero freedom").
2) You can study how the program works and adapt it for your own purposes (“first freedom”). The condition for this is the availability of the source code of the program.
3) You can distribute copies of the program - to help someone (the “second freedom”).
4) The program can be improved and published its improved version - in order to benefit the whole community (“third freedom”).

Only a program that satisfies all principles can be considered free. It is important that these principles stipulate only the availability of programs for general use, critics and improvements, but they do not stipulate in any way the monetary relations associated with the distribution of programs, including they do not imply free of charge. Free software can be commercial - it is implemented, for example, as paid service support. Or software is distributed for money, but they comply with all 4 criteria: each user is entitled to receive the source code of the programs, modify them and distribute further. Any software whose users are not granted such a right is not free - regardless of any other conditions.

Commercial software

Well, everything is very simple here. Commercial software (eng. Commercial software) - software created by a commercial organization in order to profit from its use. Add to this like and nothing =)

Free software

Free software or freeware (from English free - "free" and software - "software") is software whose license agreement does not require any payments to the copyright holder. Such software can be distributed free to anyone. Also nothing complicated.

Proprietary, proprietary, or proprietary software

Proprietary, proprietary, or proprietary software is non-free software that DOES NOT meet software freedom criteria. In this case, the author (or other rightholder) retains an absolute monopoly on the use, copying and modification of the software product. The main thing is not to confuse with proprietary commercial software, which can be free.

Monopoly is achieved by technical and legal means. Technical tools include the release of only machine-readable binary files, closed source code, the inability to use hand-made copies. Legal tools may include trade secrets, copyright and patents.

And now some clarifying information.

OPEN VS FREE. The vast majority of open source software is simultaneously “free” and vice versa, because open source and free software definitions are close, and most licenses correspond to both. The difference between them lies mainly in priorities. Open source advocates emphasize the effectiveness of open source as a development method. Supporters of free software come from ideological considerations, and believe that it is the rights to distribute, modify and study programs are the main advantage of free software.

FREE VS FREE. In English texts, confusion often arises here, since the word “free” in English means not only “free” but also “free” and is often used in relation to free software, which is distributed without charge for use, but which is not available for changes by the community because its sources are not published. Such free software is not free at all. On the contrary, free software is quite possible to distribute (and distribute), while charging a fee, while respecting the criteria of freedom.

That's all. Thanks for attention. I hope someone so useful read. Now I will deal with the types of licenses. There are also many interesting things.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40094/

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