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P2WP - service for mobile posting in Wordpress

I, like many, actively use Wordpress. In particular - as a platform for a personal blog. Some time ago there was a desire to add records not from a mobile device. The choice was a PDA with Windows Mobile and a Nokia E50 phone. Opera is installed on both devices (Mobile and Mini, respectively). And none of these devices could not fully enter the administrative part of Wordpress. And if it was possible - the navigation would not have pleased, I think.
Searches have shown that there are no normal clients for mobile posting in Wordpress (this is not fair - the platform is popular, everything is there for others ...). Therefore, it was decided to correct the situation. And P2WP was born (aka "Post to Wordpress").


In general, this is a minimalistic service optimized for small screen resolutions and defective browsers. Traffic is consumed with a minimum of maximum benefit. XML-RPC is used to communicate with Wordpress. I’ll say right away that authorization data is not saved anywhere, but is used only to display the list of blog sections and add the record itself.
The service is at the stage of 0.9 beta - that is, there are no obvious bugs, I myself already use it. But there may be shortcomings, which I, of course, will fix. Wishes are also accepted :).
In short, I hope that this thing will be as useful to you as I am.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40093/

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