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The car will pay: the concern ZF has developed a blockchain-eWallet to pay for auto services

The news about the refrigerator, which itself orders and pays for the products is not new for a long time: they were talking and writing about similar developments in the IoT world 10 years ago. It is not closer to reality - we still have ordinary refrigerators in our houses, and they are not expected to be replaced in the near future. On the other hand, the automotive industry completely unexpectedly burst forth: the automobile-robots became a much closer and more probable future than the refrigerated robots. This means that the question of embedded payments again arises: a machine, even if it is a robot, is very expensive.

Earlier this month, a well-known auto parts manufacturer ZF introduced eWallet in Las Vegas, a payment system for automatic payments for car expenses that runs on the blockchain.

According to the developers, eWallet Automatically takes over the payment of all transportation costs without human intervention; ideal for charging electric vehicles and micropayments, and the blockchain at the core ensures safety and versatility of technology. It is worthwhile to dwell on the latter in more detail: tying a card to a certain service, (whether it be trips on Uber or a subscription to Photoshop), it means that you trust him to write off money from you without additional confirmation. But are you also ready to entrust the adoption of such a decision to your car, recharging at an unfamiliar gas station (well, at least in the era of electric cars there will be no problem of diluted gasoline)? System security, transaction transparency is critical in this case - this is precisely what explains the need for blockchain Carsten Stoker, head of innogy Innovation Hub, ZF's eWallet development partner.
There can be a huge number of eWallet applications: besides refueling, it is also paying for toll roads — without waiting in line at the kiosk for payment, and so on, until self-pay for service work.

Of course, the process remains under the control of the driver, who himself sets the amount of money that the car is allowed to spend. eWallet here simply provides additional convenience, saving time on routine things. Blockchain is not the main feature of the system, but its use is very important from the point of view of both security and decentralization, which will allow the ecosystem of car payments to expand and develop independently.

Now, eWallet is at the pilot testing stage, but Stoker argues in favor of the ripening demand for technology: this is the Oaken project - an application on the Ethereum blockchain created for Tesla cars to automate the calculation of toll roads, and the recent purchase by the German automaker Dashmler AG of PayCash digital payment company.

I would like to remind you that this is not the first and clearly not the last use of the blockchain in the automotive industry: you can already see how the HashCoins “ Autoblockchain ” demo version works, designed to track cars and their components and protect them from theft.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400895/

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