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Exoskeleton Prosthesis - racing robot for future competitions

In the desert, a school of pilots for racing robots will open!

The Exoskeleton Prosthesis is a 5 meter racing robot. Undoubtedly, one of the most unusual exhibits of CES 2017. It is striking not only the futuristic design, but also the concept of the robot itself, in which the pilot hangs, freely moving the levers to control the movement of the robot.

The robot operates on the principle of exoskeleton, i.e. To control the robot, you need to make proportional movement of controls. The appearance of the robot resembles a huge animal on four powerful legs with a pumped torso. Movement is carried out alternately overstepping paws. All the mechanics are powered by hydraulic, the power unit is an electric motor.

The car moves quite silently, despite its huge size:

Width - 5m.
Height - 4.2 m.
Length - 3m.
Weight - 3.5t.
Maximum speed: 30 km. / H.

On one charge, you can drive up to 2 hours. Battery 96V x 20kWh LiIon. Electric motors in peak give out as much as 225 horsepower (175kW), a powerful motor, however!

The safety of the pilot is provided by a powerful frame, a kind of monocoque around the cockpit. "Cabin" is mounted on 50cm. dampers, this is especially important during tests, because the car often turns over.

Now the car goes, for 2 months the author of the project promises to teach her to run, and by the end of the year he will teach to jump from the spot. All these efforts are aimed at creating a kind of platform for the further development of a whole league of racing robots. Everyone can take part in the races. In this case, reported on the organization of the school pilots. All for an adult, two weeks in the desert, training first to control one paw, and after receiving the certificate already driving on a robot exoskeleton. I already want myself such a MechWarrior vacation!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400891/

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