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Google bought Fabric from Twitter


Alphabet Holding bought Fabric service from Twitter, as reported in the official blog of the latter. The amount of the transaction is not disclosed.

"Today we are starting a new chapter in the history of Fabric and are pleased to announce that we have signed an agreement with Google, under which we will join the Search Products giant's Developer Products Group and will work together with the Firebase team (Google is developing tools for mobile developers)" in the company blog.

In 2016, Fabric reached 2.5 billion active mobile devices, and Crashlytics - the product of the team, was recognized as the best SDK in terms of stability and analytics in the world. It is estimated that in 2016, almost 580 thousand developers used Fabric products.
After closing a deal with Google, access to Fabric products will be provided under the new conditions, which can be found here , but support for Fabric, Crashlytics and Digits will be preserved. During the transition period, the Twitter team, which participated in the work with Fabric, will continue to support the products until it is completely adapted to Google.

Previously, the search giant was a potential buyer of all Twitter, but the parties failed to agree on the terms of a possible deal. Fabric sale is the transfer of the only powerful asset aimed at communicating with developers that was on Twitter. In the long run, such a step cannot be called absolutely true, but against the background of the multi-million dollar loss of Twiter only for the last quarter of 2016, it seems quite reasonable.

It is likely that the leadership of Twitter hopes to postpone the prospect of losing independence and purchases from more successful competitors looming on the horizon at the expense of the proceeds from the sale of Fabric.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400885/

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