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This is the buzzword of "IT"

Hi, Habrocheloveki!
I regularly visit Habr for some time (from www.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo/business-lynch/2007/02/23 ). And, probably, throughout all this period I pay attention to the constantly used word in all its forms - “IT” (“IT”, etc.). That is, in Russian. What do I mean? And besides, I do not like this word, because, as it seems to me, it shows the incompetence of the person who uses it. Why? Because the one who says “I am an IT specialist” is not able to determine specifically which group of people employed in the field of information technologies he belongs to (such expressions are rarely found on Habré, but everywhere on the Internet). There used to be “engineers”, “programmers”, “physicists”, etc., at the very least “techies” (oh! I think this is a translation into Russian of the word “IT Group” :)).
Here I am, for example, in the profession of “software engineer”, or in the English manner of “ASP.NET Developer”, and in diploma “engineer of electronic equipment” :) So it seems clear ... And who are YOU, dear visitor Habrahabra? How do you feel about the word "IT"?

UPD: Undeservedly forgot about the designers :)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40084/

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