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3D-TVs all: LG and Sony stop the release of TV with 3D function

Yes, they say, "did not take off"

Several years ago, manufacturers of televisions, monitors and even mobile phones actively developed the theme of 3D. It was even announced that a new era of three-dimensional television. It all started, perhaps, before the release of "Avatar" on the screens of cinemas, but this film only aggravated everything - everyone was completely carried away by 3D.

The high price did not deter buyers, although any TV with 3D function cost much more than its counterpart, only without 3D. Sensing profits, began to produce "3D devices" and manufacturers of tablets with phones. But they were not particularly popular, and over time, sales of 3D-TVs began to fade.

As a result, in March of this year, several large companies announced that they were discontinuing the release of such devices. One of the first to report this was Samsung Corporation. Its representatives said that a very small amount of content is being released for 3D, so users cannot fully enjoy the three-dimensionality of the “picture”, and there is no point in releasing 3D TVs without the possibility for viewers to use this feature.
In principle, everything was explained by the fact that almost immediately after the “three-dimensionality” boom, 3D-TVs simply stopped buying, so companies simply did not have the opportunity to waste their time and resources in order to make useless devices for anyone.

After Samsung, Philips made a similar statement, the management of which directly said that no one needs 3D, and the technology with such a function is much more complicated than usual, and therefore costs more. They buy such TVs worse than usual, and their production costs the company more than the production of conventional TVs.

Earlier this year, a significant decline in sales of 3D-TVs and other companies announced. In particular, such a statement was made by LG. According to its representatives, for this reason, the share of production of 3D TVs has been reduced from 40% to 20%. And this is despite the fact that the company has invested quite serious amounts to start the production of new type devices.

Sony, at about the same time, announced the release of only two 3D TV models this year. Just the other day, the same company announced the complete cessation of the production of this type of TV. None of the new models, including the most expensive ones, will support 3D mode.

In addition to the above companies, they stopped producing 3D TVs and lesser-known manufacturers, including Vizio, TCL and Hisense. By the way, none of the companies presented a new 3D TV model at the Consumer Electronics Show, which was held this year in Los Angeles.

Interestingly, soon after the release of "Avatar" there were TV companies that decided to launch broadcast channels with 3D content. One of these companies was DirectTC, which, however, after some time decided to stop its experiments with 3D. Disks with 3D content are still being released, but they are also getting smaller. But, for example, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" just recently came out in 3D, on a Blue-ray disc.

As for LG, it made it quite clear that 3D is no longer interested in it. “3D features have never been particularly popular, so this mode did not become a factor affecting the purchase of a device,” says Tim Alessi, a LG representative. “Research in the field of consumer demand has shown that this function is by no means one of the main criteria for users who want to buy such a TV. Moreover, the percentage of purchases of such devices is vanishingly small. We decided to stop producing 3D TVs in 2017, in order to be able to concentrate on HDR, a much more versatile technology. ”

Sony’s response was similar, although less detailed: “Based on information about current trends in the market, we decided to remove 3D support in our new models,” said a representative of the Japanese corporation.

The point of view of companies that stop the release of 3D systems can be understood. The market share of such TVs has been declining since 2012. Therefore, one may even be surprised that many TV manufacturers have not abandoned 3D much earlier. In 2016, 3D TV sales accounted for only 8% of total TV sales. In 2015, the same indicator was 16%, and in 2012 - 23%. Similarly, the market share of 3D Blu-ray players is decreasing. In 2012, it amounted to as much as 40%, in 2015 - 25%, and in 2016 it decreased to 11%.

“It seems to me that the reduction in sales of 3D TVs and players suggests that buyers are now guided by other criteria when choosing,” said Ben Arnold, an analyst. “Functions like 4K / UHD, HDR have become much more in demand, this, together with the screen size, is now a key factor that drives customers.”

Most users of TVs with 3D support, by their own admission, have tried the novelty 1-2 times, and then stopped using it. It is unlikely that soon these or other users will want to get their hands on 3D TVs or players again. So in the coming years, the revival of this direction should not be expected. Of course, supporters of 3D (especially those who bought an expensive TV at one time) still exist, but there are fewer of them left.

Now many more buyers are interested in 4K TVs, they simply do not need a 3D function.

Well, the petition, the drafters of which ask LG to resume production of 3D TVs, scored only about 4 thousand signatures. There is nothing to say here - everything is clear and true.

Maybe sometime 3D TVs will become popular again, but this will obviously not happen in the coming years. 3D TV is dead and you don’t have to argue with that.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400821/

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