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Pirates host porn on YouTube using a well-known trick of unpublished videos.

There are a lot of pirated content on YouTube, and moderators are struggling with it. Automated systems are also used that detect illegal copying of video materials or musical accompaniment. Nevertheless, the pirates manage to find loopholes to effectively use YouTube as a free host. As TorrentFreak writes , the YouTube service is actively used by pornopirates as a streaming provider, generating millions of views a day and helping porn businessmen make good money.

On YouTube, pirates use an old proven trick. They publish the material, but at the same time tick off it from public viewing ( Unlisted ). But even in this case, the video can be seen by those who have a direct link to it from the GoogleVideo.com hosting. Pirates take this link and inject directly into the code pages on their sites. Thus, the video is transmitted via a direct link from GoogleVideo.com , but is not published on YouTube and does not go through the moderation procedure.

Free materials download from GoogleVideo.com . No cost for hosting and traffic - profit. It is possible that such materials are not even analyzed by the Content ID automatic detection system for pirated materials. According to the rules of the system, the video files added to YouTube are compared with a database that contains files sent by users to the Content ID system. If a match is found, Content ID claims the rights to the videos on behalf of the copyright holder and applies the policies chosen by them.
True, about the bypass of the system is not so simple. Many YouTube users report that the automated system for detecting unlicensed content even reveals private videos with copyright infringement .

However, in the case of pornography, the Content ID system should not be used at all, because the publication of porn is prohibited by YouTube’s rules. But if the material is not added to YouTube, then it does not pass the test. Thus, pirates manage to circumvent the copyright system, and even their own rules for publishing materials on YouTube.

The producers of licensed porn are most outraged by such a “cheat”. After all, they are generally not allowed to open channels on YouTube. But the pirates, it turns out, you can put your files on the hosting? A glaring injustice.

The first was the alarm of the Dreamroom Productions porn studio, which is actively fighting the distribution of pirated material. As the representatives of the studio told TorrentFreak, the pirates use the YouTube loophole for profit. Pirate videos are distributed through many porn sites.

Direct address to such a "non-public" video from GoogleVideo.com looks like this:

Representatives of the official porn studio Dreamroom Productions say that the procedure for removing such links, if they are still found, takes a long time - up to three weeks. They ask Google, the owner of YouTube, to close this bug if they are not aware of what is happening: “YouTube needs to know about it. They allow such a situation, if not close the hole. You can correct the situation by disabling the sharing function of videos that are published with such [private] settings. ”

Of course, to use “free hosting” have the opportunity not only pornography, but also any users to distribute any video that would not normally be tested on YouTube. And in fact, many take advantage of this opportunity. Even Google’s own Transparency Report lists tens of thousands of requests to remove pirated content from this domain. Such links usually have referrer source=youtube or source=drive . The second referrer means that the video was uploaded to the Google Drive cloud hosting.

According to Dreamroom Productions, at this point YouTube may be the world's largest hosting of pirated content .

Check out how this trick works on YouTube.

How to post a YouTube video to bypass moderation

Before uploading the video to the hosting, select the Unlisted or Private option . In the first case, the video is available to anyone who has a link to YouTube, in the second - only those with access rights.

Download the video. YouTube videos are best downloaded in the following formats: MOV, MPEG4, AVI, WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP, WebM.

And we find a link to it in the source code of the page.

The link can be taken from the developer’s console in the browser (the Network tab in Chrome).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400817/

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