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Superstitions, omens, lucky numbers, that's all. Ufological survey of the "supernatural"

For a superstitious person, this situation is the threshold of the end of the world.

We at Geektimes love science, technology and everything connected with it. But recently they thought - what if you create a post that has nothing to do with science and technology, but still has an important impact on the lives of many people? We are talking about all sorts of supernatural things like avoiding women with empty buckets, fear of black cats, belief in some otherworldly forces, and so on. It is clear that no one in the editorial office is serious about this topic, but what do other people think of black cats? We decided to find out.

They decided to test the topic for the simple reason that all this still exists, moreover, over the past couple of decades superstitions, horoscopes, psychics and various kinds of signs (of course, now it's not about the weather) have come into our life and become part of it . We hear this kind of information on the radio, we watch on TV, we read in the newspapers. It is clear that not everyone believes this, but those who are still supportive of such a topic are millions. We conducted a small survey to find out how visitors to this resource relate to everything mentioned. And yes, the answers are received, and quite detailed. Let's see what came of this venture. At once, we say that fasting should not be taken too seriously, but rather an excuse to find out what a person with violent imagination can believe in.

Initially, of course, questions:

1. How do you feel about the belief of people in the supernatural?
1.1 Do you believe in supernatural powers and how do you explain this behavior to yourself?
2. Signs. What, in your opinion, is their place in the life of a modern Russian citizen?
2.1 Are there any distinctive features in the perception will take, in your opinion, in different regions?
2.2 What is the reason for the widespread belief in omens?

3. Horoscopes. Are there many people around you who regularly read their own horoscopes and generally pay attention to the signs of the zodiac?
3.1 What is your attitude to horoscopes and astrology?

4. Lucky numbers. Do you believe in them?
4.1 Separately, in Russia there is an unconscious movement of “eaters of lucky tickets” - did you enter it at some point in your life?
4.2 Do you have any feelings of the number "666" or "777"? How do you explain your emotions in relation to numerical signs?

5. Finally, the final question - what will you do if on the street a black cat crosses your path?

And now - the answers:

Alexander and Irina Yuranovy - conflict analysts, leaders of the psychological creative workshop.

1. How do you feel about the belief of people in the supernatural?
1.1 Do you believe in supernatural powers and how do you explain this behavior to yourself?

People’s belief in the supernatural must be treated with understanding. Because not everything that happens can be explained logically. The supernatural may be different. From our point of view, it can be divine or magical. In one case, God implicitly helps us. In another case, magical powers influence what is happening. To believe in the supernatural begin when they receive personal experience in contact with this supernatural.

2. Signs. What, in your opinion, is their place in the life of a modern Russian citizen?

On the eve of the New Year, a banal proverb “How to celebrate the new year, so you can spend it” comes to mind. Based on this sign, which indicates the importance of the event with which the new calendar year begins, we, for example, recommend men and women who love each other, be sure to celebrate the New Year together. We believe that in this case, 2017 will be the year for them when their relations will develop and strengthen. They will manage to preserve the feeling of love for each other.

2.1 Are there any distinctive features in the perception will take, in your opinion, in different regions?
2.2 What is the reason for the widespread belief in omens?

Belief in omens is drawing attention to frequently encountered clues coming to us from the environment. The person pays attention to them and reacts to them in a certain way. Or does not pay attention and does not respond. Much depends on the type of person. Belief in omens is based on the fact that they come true. For someone, rain is a good omen. Someone thinks so that the trip will be successful, because on the way to the airport I had to open an umbrella more than once. As a result, the trip, indeed, will be successful and the belief in signs will be strengthened.

What helps faith in omens? Good luck - improves mood. A bad omen indicates that there may be difficulties and difficulties ahead, and you need to be prepared for them.

3. Horoscopes. Are there many people around you who regularly read their own horoscopes and generally pay attention to the signs of the zodiac?
3.1 What is your attitude to horoscopes and astrology?

There are a lot of people around us who believe in horoscopes. This is due to the fact that everyone wants to have at least some clues and guidelines in life. I want to know in advance what to do and when. When is it better to rest and when is it better to work? Indeed, on some days it is better to spend money, and they will be quickly compensated, but on some days it is better not to spend money, because a financial hole could open up. We have a respectful attitude towards professional astrologers. The stars and planets give them hints, and they give us information, then each one adapts this data to himself. Although we know that the recommendations can be deeply individual, made for a particular person. As in any business, there are professionals and amateurs among them.

4. Lucky numbers. Do you believe in them?

Yes. We have lucky numbers. When this number comes across during the day, we know that the day will be successful. We know that in a house with this number you can live and enjoy. You can joke and jerk about the lucky numbers, but everyone relies on his personal experience. Someone about their preferences declares out loud. But many prefer to keep quiet. It is known that if you tell others, then the lucky number stops being happy.

4.1 Separately, in Russia there is an unconscious movement of “happy ticket eaters” - have you entered it at some point in your life?

We always knew that this practice exists. Personally, we believe that this sign is not very strong. Therefore, we do not eat tickets ourselves and do not advise others. Not a very useful procedure for the body.

4.2 Do you have any feelings of the number "666" or "777"? How do you explain your emotions in relation to numerical signs?

There is such a belief that 666 is the number of the devil. I remember the American mystical film "Hotel number 666." Sometimes sixes and sevens people start to brag. For example, you meet them in car rooms. Sometimes this combination of numbers is found in telephone numbers. Personally, we react calmly to this combination of numbers. Just draw conclusions about those who use them and how.

What will you do if on the street a black cat crosses your path?

We are spouses, but we react to it in different ways. Irina, if possible, will pass to the side and make sure that the paths do not intersect. And if there is no such possibility, I will spit three times over my shoulder and go on. Alexander, if possible, will shout at the cat and try to make him run the other way. But sometimes it turns around, goes to the other side of the street. I do not want to risk it. In rare cases, it is more active. When the cat crossed the road, in space, he would stretch a black thread or a black ribbon. Mentally removes them and goes on without turning off the path. How in what situation to act, suggests intuition.

Svetlana Demidova, journalist

1. How do you feel about the belief of people in the supernatural?
1.1 Do you believe in supernatural powers and how do you explain this behavior to yourself?

I'll start with tediousness - depending on what people consider supernatural. Indeed, many "mystical" phenomena are often either scientific facts unknown to a particular person, or cause-and-effect relationships, again, to a specific person not too obvious. In general, I think that people often program themselves and get what they want or are afraid of, not for some supernatural coincidence, but because they themselves are doing everything possible to make it happen.

3. Horoscopes. Are there many people around you who regularly read their own horoscopes and generally pay attention to the signs of the zodiac?
3.1 What is your attitude to horoscopes and astrology?

I myself have long been a column editor with a horoscope in several publications. It has always forbidden authors to write negatives in horoscopes - for the very reason that people who are too sensitive can program themselves for this “promised” failure. The maximum "rigidity" in the wording - "be careful with <...>", "pay attention <...>, otherwise it may be <...>". Once I received a response from the girl - “in four rooms in a row I was promised success in love, and I confessed my feelings to a guy who liked, and now everything is fine”) I can say that the rubric is very readable and popular, , does not say that readers take it seriously and believe in it.

I myself do not believe in the general descriptions of signs, or in astrological predictions. But I also like to read the horoscope. I believe that positive predictions can help act bolder and serve as such support for "affirmations" and other wishes. There is no harm in them, but the authors and editors of astro-forecasts are a big responsibility.

Especially a lot of superstitions and will be associated with money and finance.

4. Lucky numbers. Do you believe in them?

Once, when bus tickets in Moscow were not so dense and the numbers were 6, I was interested in happy tickets. But it did not occur to them to eat them even in childhood, as I imagine how many microbes are on them, the whole appetite fights.

As for the cat, I'm a mad catwoman. I love cats, regardless of their color, so if a cat is walking around me, I'm sure I will call him and try to stroke him. And very often I carry with me food for stray cats and feed up such "crossing the road" if they are not too shy. So, I think we would meet. Never in my life, cats, no matter black or whatever else, brought me bad luck. Only positive and smile. Let there be more black cats on my roads.

Melania Aydinyan, PR Manager at Pomogatel

Belief in the supernatural is an alarming sign, showing a very low level of education of society. It seems to me very strange that a person uses a smartphone and is afraid of a black cat crossing the road. Belief in omens and other nonsense is quite natural for the primitive consciousness, but not for a person who is in contact with high technology every second of his life and needs to understand at least a little that this is an achievement of science, and not happily formed numbers.

You should not discard the phenomenon of self-hypnosis and self-programming. If a person inspires himself that the signs work, he will often find confirmation of this. I think it would be useful to make efforts to raise the level of education of the population, then there will be less people who eat happy tickets.

No output

Yes, this post is not for conclusions, but simply to make Monday not as serious as it is for most people. It is clear that an audience has gathered at GT, where most of the users will ask themselves and us: “Why is it all here?”. As for the answer, it will be simple: "Why not?" The post itself is not in order to understand the details of superstition, but in order for the readers of Geektimes to see how all this does not relate to geeks who believe in singularity, but ordinary people. AT

Perhaps, you will have a desire to answer the questions posted above? Let's then try to do this in the comments. What the hell is not joking, suddenly someone's answers will be much more interesting than those that we have already received. And Monday will be more fun.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400789/

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