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"New Records": Dolby Atmos strides across the planet

In December 2016, Dolby Laboratories announced that the number of installed Dolby Atmos systems in cinemas reached 2,000, and the number of films supporting this sound format has grown to five hundred.

Photo m1try / CC

For the first time the Dolby Atmos system was announced simultaneously with the release of the movie “Brave at Heart” by Disney Studios. Mark Andrews (Mark Andrews), the director of the film, said that the Dolby Atmos format allowed to literally transfer the viewer to the magical world of Princess Merida.
“The Dolby Atmos system allowed Pixar employees to create stories that sound new and give the audience a vivid impression,” notes Mark. “We were the first to use Dolby Atmos, so we could observe the development of technology.”

After its debut, the technology began to gain popularity due to the ability to control the sound perception of the viewer. And today, a total of 43 sound and film directors work with her. Dolby Atmos systems were installed in 150 recording studios in 60 countries of the world and were used to work with sound in many Hollywood blockbusters. For example, one of the latest films with the use of this technology was the film “Batman vs. Superman: At the Dawn of Justice”.

Doug Darrow, vice president of Dolby Laboratories, noted that Dolby technology allowed filmmakers to create the most immersive products in which the sound is as good as the picture. Kurt Belmer (Curt Behlmer), Senior Vice President of Dolby Laboratories, agrees with him: “Dolby influenced the expectations of the audience in terms of sound quality in many ways, and the Dolby Atmos format makes a significant contribution to the entertainment industry, ” he says .

Therefore, it is not surprising that soon the technology has ceased to be something unique for cinemas. More than 150 films with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack on Blu-ray discs were released, which opened the door to the mass application of technology in the field of electronics. Today you can find about 75 AVR-solutions and home theater systems (HTiB), as well as fifty models of speaker systems.

It should be noted that the Dolby Atmos technology was developed with an eye on “flexibility”, so its capabilities can be assessed using a smartphone or tablet. Get 3D sound on mobile platforms by combining traditional virtual surround technology with an object approach from Dolby (we wrote about this in one of our materials ).

The foundation of Dolby Audio is a stack of advanced audio formatting and signal processing technologies that provide clear sound. At the same time, representatives of Dolby note that the company's audio experts independently configure each model of the smartphone that supports Dolby Atmos or Dolby Audio in order to get the most out of the device and achieve clarity of sound.

The first Atmos smartphone was the Lenovo A7000. Dolby itself also noted that Samsung's Galaxy line smartphones are capable of playing immersive sound: Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 Edge and Galaxy Note 5, as well as some smartphones from HTC, ZTE and LG, which manufacturers only need provide relevant software. In this case, the presence effect will be emulated by special Dolby algorithms that take into account the transfer function of the head (HRTF).

Today, due to the flexibility of the Dolby Atmos sound format, you can listen through headphones and headsets, so it is not surprising that the technology went further than music and movies and found use in computer games. Video games already include support for Dolby Atmos on personal computers and will soon be expected to be implemented on game consoles. Starting in 2017, the Dolby Atmos format will be played on Xbox One consoles and on devices with the Windows 10 operating system.

Xbox will be the first gaming console with Dolby Atmos support, and game developers are happy to introduce new functionality into their products. Xbox Head of Platform Solution Development, Mike Ybarra, noted that "Dolby Atmos support in games will allow players to dive deeper into the atmosphere of their favorite game universes."

One of the most recent games with Dolby Atmos sound support is Blizzard's Overwatch session shooter. In shooters, it is very important to hear opponents and understand where the noise source is located, so Dolby Atmos technology simulates the influence of your body on sound perception. The sound is influenced by the shape of the ears, the shape of the head, the distance between the ears and other physiological parameters.

Dolby Atmos takes all this data into account and simulates the sounds as if they sound around you. You hear the steps of your enemies and allies in three-dimensional space - this undoubtedly gives you a tactical advantage for experienced players and plunges deeper into what is happening on the monitor screen. Dolby Atmos audio playback does not load the processor too much, does not affect game performance, and is taken into account in the minimum system requirements that Blizzard specifies.

“Gamers spoke very well about the game and highly appreciated the immersive effect and improved spatial perception,” say Dolby representatives. “We will definitely continue our collaboration with the developers of computer games.”

If you are interested in this topic, then here are some more materials from our blog "Hi-Fi World":

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400753/

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