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A trip to Europe by car: What to do with insurance

Most recently, I tried to write on the topic of the general situation with how to assess the damage to a car after an accident. High activity in the comments led me to the analysis of another topic, which (I think) may seem very interesting to those who like to travel in his car. First of all, because independent tourism (without the help of travel agencies and tour operators) became more accessible with the development of the Internet, mobile gadgets and a variety of services - from navigators to hotel booking.

In this journey there are obvious advantages and disadvantages, for example, a trip by car to Europe involves a painstaking study of the system of rules and fines in each country that a tourist is going to visit. On the other hand, this type of tourism gives complete freedom of movement, and the route can be changed at any time.

I do not think it makes sense to argue about whether it is better to fly or ride a car. My task here is to give a practical analysis of what to do in terms of insurance.

Green map

A green card, or green card, is an international motor third party policy that is recognized by all member countries of the Agreement. Now the “Green Card” system includes 48 countries - this is the whole of Europe along with Russia, as well as Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Iran and Azerbaijan. Entering the territory of these countries without a policy is strictly prohibited; firstly, the driver is waited for a fine, which may exceed the amount spent for issuing a document hundreds of times (1,000 euros or more), and secondly, the violator is threatened with a ban on subsequent entry into Schengen countries.

The functions of the headquarters of the agreement in Russia are performed by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. The PCA website also has a list of companies that can provide services for issuing a green card. To get the policy, the driver must apply to one of the insurance companies, providing the necessary documents and paying the insurance premium, the amount of which varies depending on the vehicle category, policy duration, and the document validity territory.

A green card can be issued in any city, even before the direct crossing of the border, as a rule, the policy is issued within five to ten minutes. The driver must provide a passport (or other ID), a certificate of registration of the vehicle and a passport. In the case of registration of the policy by a legal entity - a certificate of registration of legal entity. It does not take into account the number of drivers and driving experience, as in the design of the usual CTP. That is, regardless of the experience of the driver, as well as the people who will drive the car during the trip, the price of the policy remains fixed.

All updated tariffs can also be found on the RSA website, the last time they changed on December 15 last year. According to them, now issuing a green card for 15 days for a car will cost 2320 rubles for all countries of the Agreement. The maximum period for which you can issue a green card is 12 months.

Features of the policy

The most important thing to remember is that the bureau of the Agreement, in the territory of the country of which the accident occurred, will pay damages to the injured party. That is, if a foreign tourist gets into an accident on the territory of Russia - the RSA will work with him (who assumed the functions of the bureau of the Agreement in Russia), and if the Russian driver gets into an accident in the Czech Republic - he is handled by the Czech bureau of the green card system. Compensation on the green card is as follows: the injured party sends a complaint to the national bureau. Then it is analyzed by the correspondent of the insured country, and the victim receives compensation. Sometimes it is paid by the national bureau itself. After that, it exposes the SC, the policy of which fell under the insured event.

The settlement of all issues related to the accident also occurs in accordance with the laws of the country where the accident occurred. Before you go on a trip, you should also familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of legislation in the territory of those countries where the tourist is going.

Green card does not exempt from prosecution. For example, if a situation in which a driver falls is classified as an administrative offense in Russia, and in another country as a criminal offense, the culprit will be prosecuted in a criminal procedure. Such situations can happen more often than it seems - in some countries you can even go to jail for a red light.

So, for registration of a green card is required:

PS The procedure usually takes no more than 10 minutes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400747/

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