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Google Android Demonstration in London

At the last Google Developer Day in London, the head of Android development, Mike Jennigs, held the “first European” demonstration of a smartphone running this OS. Judging by the video, this smartphone is the HTC Dream. But the brand of the device was hidden.

Journalists attending the event note that now, unlike early demonstrations of the operating system capabilities and the device itself, it looks much more workable. Mysterious smart on Android is apparently not a prototype, but a complete device, ready to enter the market.

Jennigs demonstrated the work of OpenGL and Java. For example, the transformation and rotation of the cube. It looked, according to PC Pro journalists, very cool (for a mobile device). Some attention was paid to the launch of custom applications. As Jennigs noted, showing a simple little program written by him in a couple of hours, “writing your own programs and distributing them among your friends is really great.”
When journalists asked Jennigs to call somewhere to demonstrate this opportunity, he refused, joking that he "would lose his job if he showed something else."

via Engadget

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40074/

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