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Total WeChat or Dominator E-Commerce


Good day to all! I'll start right away with the facts. At the very end of 2016, WeChat statistics was published. WeChat is 768 million daily active users, 50% of them spend about 90 minutes per day in an application. Chinese messenger showed an annual growth of 35%. 7 million users - people of retirement age. More than 100 million audio and video calls are made daily in WeChat.

Many people know that WeChat is a whole platform with its ecosystem of applications. For example, there are electronic payments, ordering a taxi, buying tickets for trains and airplanes, and much more. The latest news was the announcement of the emergence of mini-programs that do not need to download, as they work in the cloud.
And now I’ll share some piquant details about the social significance of WeChat from the reader of my channel Groks Taras Rogachenko, who lived in China for a year. By the way, he created an unusual resume resume .

The most surprising knowledge is that WeChat is a wallet with the Chinese, literally. When registering with WeChat Wallet, a bank card is attached, but when accepting payments, funds are not credited to a bank account. They need to withdraw. By the way, up to 2,000 yuan (~ $ 300) is free, and more than just 0.01%. But no one uses cash or bank cards, these are isolated cases.

Most offline payments are done using the QuickPay feature. If the product is purchased on the market, the seller shows a QR code from the screen of his smartphone to identify the wallet, after which the amount agreed to the payment is sent to the WeChat Wallet. Moreover, most of the counters have a plaque with this QR. Even more interesting is how payment is made in shops or restaurants. QuickPay also displays a well-known barcode, and the cash register deducts the required amount. That is, in fact, you open your wallet wide open and allow you to take as much as you need. Naturally, you immediately receive a notification and you see all the changes in the balance sheet. An interesting marketing element in this process is that after such a payment you automatically subscribe to the news channel of the seller’s company.

Continuing the theme of payments, it is important to say about red envelopes or red envelopes that have already been mentioned somewhere in the domestic media. This is a gift system that is very popular with the Chinese, especially during the new year. The envelope contains the specified amount of money, but the recipient does not know the exact amount of donated funds before the opening of the envelope. This has its own emotional component. The tradition of giving money is formed long before WeChat and lies in the culture of the people of China. Also, lucky money can be sent to group chats and there is already a gamification system here. Who will be the first to open the envelope will take the entire amount or the money will be randomly distributed to the participants depending on the sender’s conditions.

According to the above statistics of WeChat Data Report, on average, Chinese spend 580 yuan a month on such gifts. According to official statistics of China for 2016, the average salary in China is $ 620, which is 4,277 yuan. But you shouldn’t think that a simple Chinese man spends the seventh part of his salary on toy money to give it to friends in the messenger. It is also not circular guarantee. The fact is that in contracts it is customary to distribute bonuses, advance payments and friendly loans.

That's all. I hope the details about the WeChat e-commerce system were interesting not only for me. Thank you very much for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400725/

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