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Review of the QardioArm smart tonometer: we measure pressure and pulse quickly and without problems

For most readers of Geektimes, when mentioning the term “measuring blood pressure”, it is likely that a doctor in a white coat and a tonometer familiar to many people with a rubber bulb, with which the air is forced into the system, immediately appears before the eyes. There are, of course, more modern devices that themselves carry out all the necessary measurements, displaying the result on the screen.

But there is a more elegant way to measure blood pressure, which allows you to use the tools familiar to the modern user - a mobile phone and an application. This is a QardioArm smart tonometer, which our guys in Madrobots have tested the functionality for durability .

How it works?

In order to start working with a smart tonometer, you need to download the Qardio application for iPhone or Android, register an account and turn on the device. After completion of the synchronization procedure, you can begin work. At first, we fix the device itself according to the instructions (there are no buttons or a small screen on it, since everything is “sharpened” for working with a mobile phone). He should hold tight on the shoulder, closer to the elbow. After that we start, the device forces air and the measurement begins. The result appears in about a minute, and the device measures not only pressure, but also pulse.

QardioArm: what does a smart tonometer measure?

This device can measure both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate (pulse). The measurement results are transmitted to the corporate application, where the data is analyzed and visualized using graphs and charts.

Several users can work with the tonometer at once - to do this, you need to create your own profile and transfer data to it. The advantage is that the device is compatible with the entire family of gadgets from Qardio, so that the information from the tonometer can be combined with data from smart scales QardioBase, the combined data will be displayed in a special section of the application.

The device is portable, so you can take it with you to any place - at least on a business trip, at least to the gym, in order to measure all the indicators before and after classes. In order not to be confused in the testimony, you should use the function "Places", which will help to carry out measurements of pulse and pressure in various locations. In this case, the application will request data from the GPS module of the phone and bind the user's coordinates to the measurement results.

There is the possibility of setting goals and reminders, the device will warn if it detects manifestations of arrhythmia. Of course, if there is a similar problem, you should go to the doctor, they do not joke with arrhythmia.

Here you can highlight another useful feature - “Friends and Family”. With its help, measurement results can be shown to friends and family members. Moreover, you can connect to the statistics of friends to see their results, and they, respectively, are yours.

The application has a reminder function of the need for the next measurement. This can be very useful for people who, as directed by a doctor, need to regularly measure blood pressure. Thanks to the geolocation function, which was mentioned above, a person receives information not only about where the measurements have already been taken, but also sees where they were made (work, gym, home, etc.).

The positive thing is that the device provides a "guest" mode - that is, the pressure can measure, for example, a colleague at work, but this data will not be sent to the user profile.

QardioArm: how accurate is it?

The developers claim that the device was tested in medical institutions, and the measurement results are very accurate. By the way, all measurements can be sent to your doctor if there is such an opportunity. If you need greater measurement accuracy, in the settings you can increase the number of measurements per unit of time (for example, 2-3 at a time). True, the results will have to wait a little longer. But even with the standard settings, the device shows itself from the positive side.

Users who have already tested QardioArm, say that they verified the result of the testimony with the results of measurements carried out with the help of clinical tonometers. As a result, the doctor can send all the information by mail, without spending time on a trip to the hospital, searching for parking and everything else. By sending information to a specialist, you can add your own comments.

QardioArm: characteristics


QardioArm is a modern digital tonometer. His readings are accurate, and measurement results are stored in the application, from where they can be imported, for example, into Apple Health. The data visualization system allows you to better understand the dynamics of pressure and pulse, so that even a user who is not too familiar with medicine can assess the state of their cardiovascular system.

The gadget has almost no drawbacks, well, or we just could not identify them.

QardioArm: where to buy?

You can buy QardioArm smart tonometer in our store - it is in stock , so there is no problem.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400689/

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