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Home theaters: Why we decided to build two cinema halls in Audiomenia's showroom

In the 39th issue of the “ Sound ” podcast, Kerim Tatevian agreed to tell us about the construction of new cinema halls, which is on the showroom in Audiomania.

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Alina: Audiomania not only sells Hi-Fi and High End audio equipment, but also produces it. We have already talked a lot about this. But our listeners do not yet know that Audiomania is now doing not only Hi-Fi and High End, but also home theater equipment. And this is the news, which we have not yet told in the podcasts. Why did this happen? How did you come up with this idea? How did you understand that this is what will shoot?
Kerim: I think this is a natural development of the concept of a manufacturer who has the resources to make almost any speaker system. Own production allows you to set tasks and solve them in almost any direction. Naturally, we are talking about acoustic systems, because we are not engaged in the production of electronics. We are talking only about the columns.

Speakers for personal cinema - this product is in demand. The market for personal cinema is growing worldwide. In Russia, it may not be growing, but it is not falling as much as anything else. Therefore, a few months ago, it was decided to form a model line and launch a line of speaker systems for home theaters or, as we say more precisely, for personal cinema halls, into production.

This is not about the home cinema in the living room, when people put conventional or designer speakers, it is about creating the most authentic movie environment to which they are accustomed, visiting the movie. At home, you can get a very close, and sometimes superior quality effect with the help of speakers for personal cinema halls. That such a line will be released.

Now it is too early to say that it will be. Naturally, there will be several universal speakers that will be used as a screen group, satellites, there will be a pair of subwoofers for different purposes, different power and configuration.

Now it's better to talk about how we are going to demonstrate this. Naturally, such unusual speakers - for personal cinema halls - should be shown accordingly. A person cannot get an idea of ​​how they will sound without listening to them in an environment as close as possible to the combat conditions. Therefore, we decided to build a personal cinema in one of our premises here on Drum Lane .

Alina: At the metro station Elektrozavodskaya.

Kerim: Yes, on Elektrozavodskaya, where we have a showroom. Now one of the rooms where there used to be offices is being reequipped for two cinema halls. The big cinema hall will be about 40 square meters. This is a basement room with small window openings. They are closed up, they will not be visible at all.

In the hall there will be two rows of seats. It will be a cinema for 7 seats. Naturally, if you need to hold some presentations, we will bring chairs there. But for moviegoers there will be 7 seats.

Alina: I ’ll clarify that the room is close to the conditions in which the potential buyer, the film enthusiast, will equip the viewing area at home - due to the fact that it is semi-basement and there are quite a few seats in it.

Kerim: Exactly. Usually in the cottages, in the mansions for the equipment of personal cinema halls emit basements. This is convenient because they are naturally soundproofed, surrounded by powerful capital walls on all sides. In the classic case, it is necessary to apply a minimum of sound insulation efforts.

We have a slightly different story. We need to apply sound insulation, because it is office space. In addition to the cinema there are still people working on the second floor, above us is a showroom and an Audiomania shop. Therefore, when creating this cinema, a whole range of tasks is being solved.

Audiomania has a contractor Acoustic Solutions, which is a specialist in creating personal cinema halls. They developed a project for us, using the initial and preliminary sketches of our acoustic systems, in order to have, first of all, an idea of ​​their power and dimensions. They make this room completely turnkey, from the project to the installation of equipment already in the finished room. As a result, we get the already completed cinema.

Alina: What are Acoustic Solutions doing? Do they adapt a room that was not originally intended for such use to the cinema mode?

Kerim: Yes. It was an ordinary office space, which is not intended for cinema and movie playback if used without any processing. You should always understand that movies are watched at high volume levels, so the low-frequency component of the sound is great. If you do not work on sound insulation, it will interfere with everyone else who is within reach.

Alina: Rather, not those people who watch movies [but those who work in the neighborhood].

Kerim: Yes, if we are talking about soundproofing. But in the cinema, we still have to solve the second problem, just for those people who are inside the hall. This is an acoustic treatment of the room, creating an acoustically comfortable environment.

Everyone was in ordinary cinema halls, everyone saw that there were always soft walls there. What is behind these walls, one can only guess. It is clear that there are some absorbing and scattering materials.

Designing large cinema halls is a whole science, a big business. Naturally, all this is transferred to the home environment, only scaled, because [home] rooms are much smaller in area.

Our cinema in Audiomania will be equipped with a special design, which was developed by Acoustic Solutions. This is the so-called acoustic shell. In fact, a room will be built inside the room. Acoustic shell just two tasks solves: and sound insulation, and acoustic treatment of the room inside.

/ Some more photos of the process

Alina: We looked acoustic shell in the clear. There is no final wall decoration in the room yet and the whole “filling” is visible. It looks like a giant irregular-shaped honeycomb, some of which have already absorbed sound-absorbing material. The rest is intended for audio equipment.

Kerim: Exactly. The design is very convenient. It consists of standard modules, which are filled as needed with various materials. There can be placed sound-absorbing or sound-scattering modules, the speakers themselves, there can be integrated decorative elements.

In our case, there are no decorative elements, because this is a showroom of a trading company. But if we talk about a private project, naturally, some design delights can be integrated into this structure.

Alina: Visually, even without the exterior, the room itself resembles a large cinema, a cinema hall in miniature. It is also of irregular shape: “complex” walls and ceiling. I understand that the work is colossal. Indeed, serious technology and development, even just in the design of the premises laid.

How relevant is this to what a movie buff should do at home? Do I have to make the same effort to comfortably listen and watch movies in a country house?

Kerim: In principle, all this must be done. We are now doing what should be ideally. Therefore, if a movie lover has enough money, he can simply hire a professional team to make such a cinema. The architect will design the aesthetic component, specialists in acoustic processing and design of cinema halls will do as it should be in terms of cinema, image and sound. The man will simply come, sit down and watch a movie.

If a home cinema enthusiast has insufficient funds, he can do it himself. Here the question is how much he was able, diligent, how much time he can devote to it, because there is a lot of work to be done. Maybe outwardly it will look the same [as in the showroom], because we do it without frills. When everything is ready, it will be just a rectangular room, draped with acoustic cloth, the structures that you saw will not be visible.

Naturally, a person who does this at home can get the same result. He, too, will have smooth draped walls, but what is behind these walls is already a matter of content. It is necessary to comply with some requirements, it is necessary to damp where there are some sonorous moments in the room, you need to dissipate the sound, you need to use modules.

There are companies that sell ready-made equipment for cinema equipment. These are various kinds of panels that can be simply bought and hung on the wall without some powerful construction work. You can somehow simplify the scheme itself acoustic shell. You can use more simple building structures. There is always some kind of compromise. But the room must be acoustically processed.

The second question is sound insulation. If a person needs no one to hear in the house [what is happening in the cinema], you need to attend to this. If a person doesn’t care, or he lives alone, you can never make any sound insulation. Another question is that it is necessary to make sound insulation from external noise, so that they do not penetrate the room. This is a complex task that everyone solves, based on their means.

Alina: What will be in the showroom of Audiomania is ideal from the acoustic point of view. A film lover who does not have such opportunities can do something approximate with improvised means or compromise solutions.

Kerim: This theme is very popular and is gaining momentum. There are many materials on how to do this. A person can just see how it should look on the Internet.

You can go to the website Acoustic Solutions or on our Facebook page, see what the acoustic shell looks like. Simplifying, you can implement something like this yourself at home, if you do not have the means to hire a professional company.

In the film industry, even home viewing of cinema is rather strictly regulated by various associations that produce the content itself. The film industry is very influential and very regulated. Therefore, the columns that are used for personal cinema halls must have certain technical properties, which we obtain in our workplace, in the laboratory.

We are trying to implement it in such a way that it was convenient for installers, it sounded good, so that you could hide it, decorate it in a design. This is the main technical difference. And we are talking about this, because the movies are watched loudly, using large powerful subwoofers.

We will have a calibrated cinema. At the listening point, the required sound pressure will be achieved, which can be measured and verified that it is as it should be. A person will receive from the cinema, which he sees in our cinema hall, all those impressions that the film director and sound engineer conceived in their studio when they made the sound track together.

Alina: As far as I understand, looking at an experimental sample that none of our listeners will see until now, these columns are intended, first of all, to be hidden.

Kerim: Yes.

Alina: They are not veneered, they have a different design.

Kerim: They are covered in black paint. Then we will tell in more detail how they will look. But there are no expensive veneers. This is not accepted in the [film] industry.

You enter the cinema hall, you do not see any speakers: the frontal group is hidden behind a sound-proof screen, the effect columns hang somewhere at a height, they are black, so as not to distract.

In home cinema halls they are often (as will be in our hall) hidden behind an acoustically transparent fabric, they will be tucked away into the walls, just in the design of the acoustic envelope. Therefore, there are few requirements for their appearance.

Alina: When we used to talk about theater technologies, we talked about Dolby Atmos . How much will Audiomian’s new audio system support this technology?

Kerim: Since we are doing speakers, we will fully [this technology] support. Our cinema was created according to the requirements that apply to Dolby Atmos cinema. We will have a configuration of 7.4.6. This means 7 surrounding channels, 4 subwoofers and 6 high-altitude channels.

Since we will use the processor Trinnov, this is the electronics of the French manufacturer, we will be able to reproduce any immersive format with the help of these speakers.

Alina: That is, any immersive format is in principle attainable?

Kerim: Yes, it will be reproduced. We have 6 speakers and 7 surround speakers in the ceiling: 3 front and 4 surround speakers. We can reproduce any space-height effect.

Alina: When we talked about immersing formats, we separately stopped at the ceiling speakers, as a new part of the whole large speaker system. As far as I understand, in the development of Audiomania, these ceiling speakers are a matter of course?

Kerim: Both in production and in this industry there is a certain universality - not special ceiling speakers are mounted in the ceiling, but small satellites that can be used in principle for any purpose.

In a small room they can be used as main speakers, in a larger room they can be used as surrounding and ceiling speakers. At the first stage, we will use only universal satellites; we will not have special ceiling speakers yet. This is justified more in terms of production, but in principle it is more convenient.

Alina: Probably, from the point of view of economy for the end user, this is also justified, because he can afford to increase the set.

Kerim: We have an idea for the production of special ceiling speakers. Let's see how it will be implemented. For now, we will use universal columns.

In the new showroom of Audiomania there will be a second hall, smaller. It will be the exact opposite of a large cinema. This will be a cinema hall decorated on “invisible” acoustic panels produced by the German company Ceratec. She recently launched the Cerasonar line .

/ Built-in acoustics Ceratec Cerasonar 1520 X1

These are panels that are mounted in drywall, drywall is mounted on the wall, plastered and painted. In fact, they are generally invisible, however, they sound full. I will not say that this is an “audiophile” sound level, but, nevertheless, this is a Hi-Fi level.

In this room, the presentation will be somewhat different. It will be smaller, say, like a living room in an apartment. There will be nothing in it except the TV and one electronic component. However, the sound will be “around”, all surround effects will play.

I do not know if there are more such showrooms in Russia. Similar panels exist from other manufacturers, but they are usually shown in boxes, assembled "boxes", somehow not the way it should be. We will have such a showroom. As soon as it is ready, we will inform on our website and will invite visitors to listen to Audiomania.

Alina: In essence, these are “invisible columns” in their natural habitat.

Kerim: Yes. This completely removes all conflicts with the interior designer. But you do not need to hang anything on these columns, you can’t fasten a shelf on them.

Alina: And there is no need to hammer in nails.

Kerim: Yes. These will be pure white or monochrome gray, blue walls, these columns will be in them, they will not be visible at all.

Alina: As I understand it, the trend for the complete absence of wires, the absence of visible parts of the speaker system is a tribute to minimalism. And in general, it is quite realizable not only in the basement in a country house, but also in the apartment.

Kerim: Cerasonar line is designed specifically for life, by the way, not necessarily for residential premises. They are bought by companies that equip galleries, boutiques, premises in which there should not be any columns.

For example, a conceptual or designer clothing boutique, in which any design of the “wrong” person, whose name wears the boutique, is not welcome. In this case, invisible columns remove all questions at once.

Alina: The only moment, their presence should be laid at the repair stage, at the design stage.

Kerim: It is better to lay the presence of any speakers at the repair stage. It is always better to remember this. I, like, already said: when I worked in an installation company, we were invited to an object in a restaurant and said that they wanted music, but nothing could be done, because everything was already completely finished, the dishes were already on the tables. And they remembered that they have no music. There is a solution for this, but, of course, it is better to plan ahead.

Alina: Can you watch a movie on such columns [as Cerasonar]?

Kerim: Yes, you can watch a movie. In the Cerasonar lineup, there are also embedded subwoofers that provide the necessary sound range for broadcasting movies. We, in fact, will have a movie there.

There will hang a TV with a large diagonal. You can get the effects of Dolby Atmos, because there are small speakers that can be mounted in the ceiling, they are also not visible.

Alina: It turns out that these are two opposites.

Kerim: The first cinema hall is a cinema hall for a kinofil, the second one - for those who want to watch a movie, likes a good sound, but does not like to see the equipment.

Alina: Either for a person who is watching a movie or listening to music in his apartment, not necessarily in a country room.

Kerim: In principle, the solution of flat panels is universal for music lovers, because the focus of the panels is very broad. , , . .

, . , . , . , .

PS «» iTunes , . .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400671/

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