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The day that anonymous with 4chan zatrollil intelligence agencies and world media

The name of the thread is: “The day when 4chan started up neoconservatives, intelligence agencies and major media outlets.” This thread has already been removed from the site 4chan

Recently, social networks are increasingly used to manipulate public opinion. The echo of the scandal with the fake news in support of Trump , which during the election campaign was actively promoted in social networks with the participation of web teams and bots, has not yet subsided. And here again.

This time against Trump they used his own weapon: memes, fakes and post-truths with viral spread through social networks. Apparently, someone began to adopt the methods of the enemy.
However, first things first.

On January 11, the American edition of Buzzfeed published a report that the former British intelligence officer had allegedly commissioned by Trump's opponents. This report can be called a compromising dossier on Trump. Since October 2016, this compromising has been circulating among reputable politicians and journalists. Everyone knew that it contains unverified information that may or may not be true. But no one dared to publish such unverified information in the public domain. Up to this day.

“The publication of this document was not an easy decision, and people of goodwill may not agree with our choice,” wrote the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed Ben Smith. “But the publication of this dossier reflects the way we see the work of reporters in 2017.”

Well said. Now you can publish anything with a warning online: this is unverified information.

So, today, on January 11, a 35-page document is finally uploaded to the public: here it is . Among other things, it speaks of hacking by the Russian special services of the Telegram messenger .

The dossier contains a selection of records with information about Trump's connection with Russian intelligence services, as well as other confidential and compromising information about the president. Basically, this is unverified (and potentially unverifiable) information. Moreover, some of the information is clearly erroneous, for example, the description of the cottage settlement Barvikha near Moscow. The report says that the village is “reserved for major leaders and their relatives,” although in fact this village is open to other rich people.

Spreading unverified information, Buzzfeed and Trump's opponents apparently used the same post-truth and fake tactics used by supporters of the newly elected president. No matter how verified the facts are. The main thing is that they help you complete the task. A confirmation can be published later. Or a refutation, it does not matter, because all the same, a smaller audience will read the same refutation ten times. The task has already been completed. As an example, we can recall the famous fake tweet of 35-year-old American Eric Tucker with buses, which allegedly carried rally participants against Trump. The link was posted on Reddit , the tweet received 15,000 retweets in 36 hours, it was replicated in many major media outlets, including Russian television. A total of Tucker's tweet was published over 300,000 links.

Denial of Eric Tucker, who admitted he was wrong, received only 7 retweets . This is a very telling story of how fake news spreads effectively.

Likewise, the story of trump's compromising instantly gained viral popularity on social networks, and now many of the largest media outlets disseminate compromising dossier. In particular, they repeat many facts from the file, although it is impossible to verify them in principle. For example, on the participation of Trump in a sex party in St. Petersburg, although by now all the witnesses of the party have been eliminated. Based on the information in the report, evidence of the compromising actions of Donald Trump was collected by the FSB (it was probably not difficult to collect compromising evidence on such a person). But it is clear that now no one will publish this evidence.

“The statements that the Kremlin has compromising the elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, are absolute fabrications,” said Russian Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “This is an obvious attempt to harm our bilateral relations.”

Dmitry Peskov also said that the Kremlin does not collect dirt on anyone.

In the meantime, an anonymous user, 4chan, said that he had invented one of the facts in the "file of the former British intelligence officer". For the lulz. Thus, he managed to troll and the CIA, and the world's largest media. Let this be a minor detail of Trump's sexual perversions, but the fact remains: one little fake lulz penetrated an authoritative report that was widely disseminated in the world media.

Apparently, the preparation for the impeachment of the newly elected President Donald Trump is in full swing. In the course went test lulz. The coming years or months (no matter how long Trump lasts at his post) promise to be very fun for the entire Internet community.

UPD. Donald Trump just said on his twitter that Russia has never tried to blackmail him. “I AM NOT CONNECTED WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO CREDITS, ANYTHING!” The president added in capital letters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400663/

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