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2016: how it was


We are a bit late in summing up the past year. Honestly, it just did not have time. Right before the holiday, two offices of the company moved at once - the head office in Yekaterinburg and the office of the Novosibirsk branch. Therefore, the pre-Christmas fuss is mixed with the chaos of the move. But the holidays are over and the whole country smoothly enters the working mode. Start a new working year is worth remembering milestones of the past year.


Each year in “NAG” does not take place without a significant event - the Conference of Russian Telecommunications Operators (CROS).

The event, named by one of its participants as the “best telecom party” in the country, annually gathers representatives of telecom operators and people associated with telecommunications in Russia and the near abroad. The previous ten years, CROS has consistently been held in the small homeland of “Naga” - in the Sverdlovsk region, but this could not last forever. The number of participants grew steadily, as the status of people attending the conference changed over the years - many of those who were at CROS at the very beginning managed to grow from a “pioneer of networks” into a leader in their own business over the decade. Therefore, we decided to radically change the place of deployment, choosing a more prestigious and roomy site.


The venue for KROS-2016 was the Poliana 1389 Hotel near Sochi. Excellent panoramic views of the mountains, clean air and the southern sun. What else can contribute to work and rest? Having successfully solved all the logistical and organizational issues, the “NAGa” team held the most successful conference over the years. The number of participants at once exceeded five hundred and broke records of the past years. CROS-2016 has become unique in all respects.

Great was the venue for CROS



The reports, as always, touched upon the topics of concern to the telecom industry, provoking heated discussion.





No less entertaining and ambitious was the entertainment part.



With the change of the site, KROS and NAG have undoubtedly entered a new era of their own development.


Over the past twelve months, we participated in several industry events, and also presented our own products at INNOPROM for the first time in the history of the event. The decision on participation was made spontaneously, but we managed to prepare for the exhibition as efficiently and quickly as possible. The “NAGa” stand attracted a lot of attention from visitors, and following its results several large contracts were concluded.


In October, we became the best at the International Forum “BIT: Business and IT”, where our expert Anton Beygul made a report “Video Surveillance as an Integral Part of Business”.



In 2016, we threw our eyes on the near abroad. To do this, the company's specialists visited the exhibition Bakutel-2016 , where they got acquainted with the telecommunications industry of Azerbaijan, learned its features and needs, held talks with the leaders of several enterprises.


The exhibition “Security. Crimea 2016 ” radically different from Baku. The main conclusions drawn from the trip to Yalta - fire alarms and video surveillance systems in the Crimea are in great demand. But we were ready for this: the smart camera greeted visitors with the words “I am the Omny test camera,” and displayed the image on a large monitor. Among the potential customers who have studied our booth, there are quite a few representatives of the Crimean hotels.


Work in “NAG” is in full swing every day. Every day, hundreds of shipments of equipment in many directions are made from our warehouse. Therefore, the number of projects that the company implements is huge. But still I would like to highlight some of them.

For example, “NAG” contributed to the past elections to the State Duma. Uninterruptible power supplies of the SNR brand ensured the reliability of video surveillance at polling stations in Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and the Chelyabinsk region. In total, about 1,800 UPSs were delivered as part of the contract.


In the summer, under the contract, we installed SNR switches to Finland. There they SNR-S4550-24QX and SNR-S2990-24FX were included in the composition of prefabricated cabinets and then went to the service of “Rosatom”.


In the outgoing year, a number of large projects were implemented by colleagues from our Novosibirsk branch. Together with the company CTiAi, the Data Processing Center of a large retailer Maria-Ra (more than 800 stores in Siberia) was fully equipped and put into operation. According to this project, we supplied a server cabinet system, PDU-controlled, modular UPS 200kVA, and MetalBox isolated corridor system .






The team of the Novosibirsk branch also implemented a project to organize the data center of Levoberezhny Bank, one of the largest regional banks in Russia. To implement the project, we supplied MetalBox cabinets, three-phase monitored PDUs , modular UPS SNR HPM for powering computing equipment, UPS SNR HIP for powering the air-conditioning system.












Our OMNY surveillance cameras are now installed in the Sheregesh ski resort in a small village in the south of the Kemerovo region. Today, Sheregesh with trails up to 2,500 meters is considered one of the best ski resorts in Russia. See with our equipment what is happening in Sheregesh with our cameras right now here .


It is always difficult and a little indiscreet to talk about yourself in enthusiastic tones. Therefore, to assess our achievements over the past year, we turn to independent experts. According to CNews Analytics, “NAG” in 2016 strengthened its position among the largest Russian suppliers of equipment for telecom operators. We climbed another four lines up taking the thirteenth position.


The best in the business was our information project - Nag.ru. Our journalist Alla Baranova became the winner of the media contest “ Tech in media ”.

Often, in our life throwing speed, for some time, we are trying to first maintain a new pace. Then we get used to it gradually increasing the step. Such a movement with a regular growth, but without sharp jumps in growth, may even seem static, but sooner or later one has to take a big step forward in order to once again sharply add to the move. For “Naga”, this step was already gone 2016, during which we had our own records and solved an inordinate number of various tasks.

The last of them was moving to a new office, with an area 2.5 times larger than the previous one.

That's what's left of the past office

image a photo

Now we live here


with such a view from the window


All with the coming !!!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400607/

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