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GSM photo alarm: what and how, and what is wrong

There are many devices for photo and video monitoring of apartments, villas and some other premises. It is clear that you can order some expensive video surveillance system, where everything will be already "turnkey", but often the users have the task to do with small means. The easiest and cheapest way to organize remote photosignalization is with the help of an old unnecessary smartphone (most likely many have it at home) and the Telephoto application, which can send photos from this old phone via telegram-bot on demand, schedule or motion detection. The idea is simple and witty, it works quite well, well, except that they still need to work on detecting movement - it doesn’t react very well, but the developers themselves admit it. Everything started and tested - yes, it works, you can use it.

If you do not want to mess around with a smartphone-telegram - you can buy a separate low-cost surveillance camera with a normal motion sensor and SIM card support, which will do roughly the same, but noticeably more qualitatively.

One of these options - Photo Alarm with GSM. It is equipped with a motion sensor and a GSM module, designed to work in sub-zero temperatures, for example, at an empty cottage, it can be equipped with a light and sound siren, does not require a network connection (unlike a smartphone), since it operates 3-6 months from batteries. It costs 8490 rubles (with the remote control key), separately you can buy an autonomous siren for 2350 rubles and an additional key chain for 950 rubles.


Included: photo alarm with motion sensor, remote control, antenna, manual.


In short, something like this

On one set of batteries can send up to 60 photos when motion is detected.
The camera will be mounted not with a 3M double-sided tape, but with a self-tapping screw, since the hole for the dowel is provided in the case. So safer. Inside there are two batteries, above them there is a slot where a mini-SIM card is installed.

It all works simply and quite primitively. A SIM card is installed, the camera is hung on the wall or installed on the surface. From your phone to the camera's SIM card, send a specially prepared SMS message, which also contains an e-mail to which photos will be sent when motion is detected.

Next, a keychain is registered on the camera by pressing a button, then pressing another button exits the programming mode and the camera sends an SMS with settings to your smartphone.

After that, it remains only to arm the camera with the key fob. The camera will inform about the alarm system via SMS.

That's it, now if the camera detects movement in a protected area, then it takes a photo of the perimeter (takes 1 or 2 photos, how to set it up), sends an SMS, makes a call to the phone and sends a photo to the specified e-mail.

If a siren is connected to the camera, it will produce sound and light marks when triggered. To expand the possibilities, you can use an additional key.

To remotely turn off the alarm, you need to make a call to the camera's SIM card number. If the alarm is not turned off, after 60 seconds the camera automatically switches back to armed mode.
Remotely camera settings can be changed through an online service or through a special application.

I tested it with a biline sim card - yes, it works. Motion detects, signals, photo sends.

Motion sensor triggers motion from a sufficiently long distance.

And sends similar images with a resolution of 640x480. If put near the door, you can identify the thief.

Have installed

What is not quite comfortable? Yes, somehow it is painfully unusual: SMS, e-mail. The above method with an old worn smartphone allows you to request a photo through the application, receive a photo on a schedule. Well, yes, there the motion detection sensor works much worse and needs power from the outlet, but it all costs almost nothing.

And here everything is somehow very analog, despite what is being done via the Internet. I would like to have an application to request a snapshot, to get pictures on a schedule, well, that is, I would like more services.

However, on the other hand, there are people to whom such a simple option is noticeably more convenient than any applications in these your “interns”.

What's inside

We will not dwell on the gland. It is described in sufficient detail in the two previous reviews: review 1 and review 2.

About choosing a sim card

As mentioned above, until a certain time the manufacturer has inserted a biline SIM card, but in subsequent shipments it will not be at all. How to be?

We give some existing tariffs of the main operators.


There is a choice, and judging by previous reviews, Megaphone enjoys attention


Tariffs are even more affordable. There may be problems with MTS-ovsky SIM-card: some tariff plans may be closed the transfer of photos. To activate the service you need to contact the operator, they will open it on request, but not everyone knows about it.


In Beeline with the tariffs, too, everything is in order.

Tele 2
The operator uses 3G +, which Photo alarm modem does not support.

Span Be careful!

A couple of commercials that may be helpful.


If we use Photoalarming in conjunction with a siren in a country house (private house), we expect a tangible result: we’ll get a photo of a burglar and scare his values ​​with very loud sounds. In short, a piece of work, though not without flaws. Who does not want to bother with the iron and wants to buy the option "turnkey", but with self-installation, saving on an uncle-master from an incomprehensible office, Photo alarm is what you need.

On the page of the Dadget you can purchase both the Photoalarm itself for 8490 rubles, and the siren for 2350 rubles and an additional key ring for 950 rubles. Readers of the article have the opportunity to get a 10% discount on the GEEKT-AF promotional code. A trifle, but nice! I want to say that the so-called extended warranty operates in the stores of Dadzhet: exchange and return within a year. I have never met such a service. Are you back on Aliexpress for new adventures? Is it worth it? If it is, I wish good luck!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400575/

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