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Blockchain in banking: analysis of technology value for investment banks

In the context of a constant race for increased profitability, innovations like Blockchain can be a lifeline for investment banks.

Like many other new technologies, Blockchain was greeted by the general public with enthusiasm. Some analysts already give a positive assessment of the increase in efficiency, saving billions of dollars and a significant reduction in the risks in the field of Internet technologies resulting from the use of technology. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to note the excessive hype that has arisen around such projects.

This raises the question: "What are the real advantages, savings and business applications does Blockchain offer?"

To answer this question, we have combined our efforts with one of the leading analytical companies in the benchmarking market McLagan, which is part of Aon plc (a major international provider of risk management, insurance, and investment banking), to conduct in-depth analysis and actual assessment of the reduction potential. costs and other benefits that can be achieved as a result of technology implementation.

Causes of hype around Blockchain

Blockchain, as it is often collectively called all technologies of distributed registries, is a new type of database organization systems, allowing a wide group of participants to receive almost simultaneous sharing of common data, with an unprecedented level of confidentiality.

Today reconciliation and reconciliation of data (reconciliation) is at the core of most business models. However, due to the fact that each company independently maintains the relevance of data in its systems, many processes are slow and inefficient due to the need for continuous two-way data exchange between various parties to solve various tasks. The blockchain can replace multiple and consistent data consistency models by proposing a more efficient and holistic approach, in which reconciliation becomes an integral part of the overall transaction processing process.


Banks are facing a new perspective on transferring major operating and financial systems, as well as risk assessment systems to a new data processing platform based on Blockchain.

This will allow them to seriously simplify the processes, abandoning a large number of existing processes and elements of the information infrastructure. However, even though such outcomes will take time and will require careful study, the prospects for a significant reduction in costs and efficiency will continue to fuel interest in technology and its financing.

Despite the fact that today some predictions about the potential of Blockchain are already available to the general public, we believe that the leaders of the capital market need a more detailed analysis of the prospects for adopting technology to make decisions on their own blockchain cases. Such assessments are especially important for top managers of companies who need to timely assess the potential of new technologies emerging on the market and decide on the need to implement them. As a rule, such decisions should take into account both the features of the systems of the previous generation and the requirements of the regulatory bodies. In addition, management should be able to convince all interested parties of the correctness of their choice. How to determine that a bet on Blockchain will provide a competitive advantage, and the end result will not disappoint shareholders?

Our research

In order to get a complete picture of how Blockchain can affect the operations of banks, our company, together with McLagan, conducted a study. World-class capital markets analyst provider McLagan annually conducts a comprehensive financial assessment of the largest banks. The company uses detailed expenditure data obtained directly from the general books of the participating banks.

In our study, McLagan used the aggregate data on operating expenses of the 8 largest (by income level) investment banks in the world. The information provided was analyzed using the Accenture High Performance Investment Bank proprietary model. This allowed us to gain an understanding of which indicators and operational metrics of investment banks can experience the greatest impact of technology.

Diagram 1. Assessment of the impact of the Blockchain on the activities of investment banks (based on analysis using the Accenture High Performance Investment Bank proprietary model):



Analysis of more than 50 operating cost metrics provided by McLagan using our High Performance Investment Bank model allowed us to highlight clear indicators. As a brief description of our model, below we give 4 examples of indicators of the Blockchain effect on operational efficiency.

How 8 banks could save more than 8 billion dollars

The results show that in the current cost structure, the study participants could save $ 8 billion, while the current total spending figure of $ 30 billion. This estimate does not include potential costs and investments to implement Blockchain. In other words, the total savings for all 8 banks could be 27 percent.


As reference points for our research, we used a set of conservative criteria, including the following assumptions:

At this stage, these assumptions are quite conservative. According to the initial estimates, a whole group of items of expenditure experienced the "solid" influence of technology, that is, the savings on them amounted to about 50%, and this fact is reflected in the infographic. In fact, our early cases, experimental concepts and tests indicate that there are prerequisites for a further increase in savings in these articles to more than 70%, as a result of which they could go over the category of "transformation". In light of this, the annual cost savings could potentially amount to 38% of the total, or about $ 12 billion. Taking the average of this value and the previously found $ 8 billion, we get the annual savings of $ 10 billion.

It is important to note that in case of serious problems or obstacles on the part of the regulator that impede the widespread use of Blockchain, these savings may not be achieved.

Not surprisingly, given the projected substantial savings, the practice of financing Blockchain projects in the financial services sector is gaining momentum. This is especially true now, when raising capital is becoming increasingly difficult, and traditional methods of increasing profitability are becoming less and less effective. According to forecasts made in September 2015 by the independent research organization Aite Group, which specializes in analytics in the field of financial services, it was assumed that capital market players would spend about $ 125 million on Blockchain in 2016. Only nine months later, an independent industry research firm Greenwich Associates doubled this amount more than 2 times in its study, predicting a total investment of approximately $ 280 million. This indicates not only the growth of investment in Blockchain from industry representatives, but also that it becomes impossible to estimate this growth even approximately due to the constant increase in its rates.

Conclusions and assessments

Individual Blockchain elements, such as cryptographic hashes, distributed databases, and consensus building, are not new in themselves. However, their combination creates a very effective new form of data transfer and assets that can eliminate the need for intermediaries, third-party central bodies and expensive reconciliation processes.

After the global financial crisis of 2008, the capital markets industry faced an unprecedented avalanche of income-eating problems, largely due to stricter regulatory requirements, rising liquidity costs and the need for capital allocation, as well as declining revenues.

According to our calculations, investment banks spend about two thirds of their IT budgets to support old infrastructure, investing additional billions of dollars in cost-cutting projects each year.

In other words, banks invest too much time, effort, liquidity and capital in support of processes that do not offer a significant increase in the profitability of the organization. As a result, banks, central banks, stock exchanges and clearing organizations are making every effort to study as soon as possible the possibilities of Blockchain as an instrument of influencing the fundamental indicators of spending, allowing them to return to profit indicators sufficient to increase the level of capital profitability.

However, it should be clarified and emphasized that we do not consider Blockchain to be a panacea that can cure all investment banking illnesses. In many cases, structures based on traditional databases or processes can show similar results without the need to finance the development of blockchain solutions and overcome the difficulties associated with it. Examples include such areas as internal automation, downsizing, outsourcing and offshoring.

Nevertheless, there is clear evidence that the Blockchain is able to radically reduce, if not completely eliminate, many existing clearing and reciprocal processes.

Saving billions of dollars a year

The technology can seriously affect the procedures for confirming transactions, reconciliation, cash management, optimization of assets and other business processes costing companies billions of dollars a year.

Time frame reduction

The technology creates the prerequisites for optimizing the settlement procedures, allowing to significantly reduce or completely eliminate the time intervals adopted in the industry, while fully supporting the activities of market makers.

Impact on spending dynamics

Ultimately, the Blockchain can make it possible to abandon a large number of elements of a modern operating infrastructure, qualitatively improving key processes and having a serious impact on the dynamics of expenses.

Blockchain gin has already flown out of the bottle

The enthusiasm expressed by the financial services companies, especially among the capital market players, about Blockchain is undoubtedly well-founded. Of course, we do not think that technology will be able to completely eliminate intermediaries or replace the current ecosystem. And at the same time, we are convinced that its influence truly transforms the entire market.

Blockchain is often compared to the Internet. The perception of new Internet technologies allowed companies to create completely new products and business models, and the fruits of these works did not disappoint all participants in the development of a new market. Of course, many models were ultimately insolvent and caused considerable losses. In a similar way, the Blockchain challenges the players in the financial sector, inviting them to seriously reconsider their data processing processes. It is no longer possible to reverse this process: the new technology encourages investment banks to rethink business models, operational processes and assess profit margins in both the short and long term. Nevertheless, managers should remain vigilant and strive to minimize risks by carefully monitoring the process of implementing Blockchain solutions. This approach will avoid costly mistakes and at the same time provide a good position to get all the advantages offered by the technology.

However, in order for expectations to become a reality, investment banks should take a fresh look at strategies, approaches to optimizing workforce, requirements for data centers, data storage, networking and security. As in the case of the Internet, the pioneers will not only have the greatest advantage in terms of cost optimization, but also access to completely new revenue channels and, in general, the benefits of Blockchain will be stronger than others. After studying past experience, investment banks have already developed certain strategies for new technologies. As a rule, they include the opening of internal laboratories, participation in industry consortia and financing of firms that have invested all their resources in working with Blockchain, as well as the creation of joint ventures with them.

Companies have an attractive prospect, attracting a lot of attention, innovation and investment. Are they ready to "catch the moment"?

Next steps: action plan

The use of Blockchain technology with maximum benefit begins with the development of an action plan to answer the following questions:

Strategy adjustment

What is your strategy for phasing out your business to the next level? What combination of innovations will be the main tool for change? Where do you find more value for yourself?

Adjustment of investment plans

How are your multi-year investment plans combined with available technologies, opportunities and market offers and take into account the continuous development of the situation? Is your investment thinking limited to current opportunities, or is your gaze focused on the future in search of new solutions?


Do you choose industry, regulatory and intersectoral innovation forums as sources of information that allow your company to remain an active player, notice the emergence of new technologies in time and use them for your own purposes?

Study of

Did you study what human and technological resources are required to support systems based on distributed registry technology?

Are you ready to experience all the benefits of Blockchain?

The results of our research suggest that Blockchain technology can help significantly improve the performance of your organization.

Investment banks wishing to maximize the benefits of using Blockchain first need to convert many elements of the current system. However, some industry leaders have already managed to demonstrate certain technology capabilities.

A methodical and consistent approach, combined with a clear vision, will allow you to get an efficient, safe and economical operating model, which in the long run allows you to significantly increase profitability, save money and gain a competitive advantage.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400565/

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