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Consciousness is not copied. So it is not from here.


Consciousness, personality - it is impossible to clone or transfer to another carrier. Take it for granted. Why - for precisely logical reasons - is well described in this recent post .

True, there is an important caveat. This is impossible to copy your consciousness - someone else easily. If you make a super-accurate copy of your loved one, while he is fast asleep - and waking her up while he is destroying a sleeping original - you will not notice the difference. And the copy, most likely, will consider itself as the original. But what will happen to the original, in fact, from its own “real” point of view, you will not know until you find yourself in its place. There is no other way to find out.

So, your consciousness is not copied and is not tolerated even theoretically. And this is the only thing in the observable universe, which has such properties. What follows from this?

That your mind is not here. Not in the observable physical universe. It does not apply to it. Because otherwise it would be copied - like everything else. Like any material objects and any information.

Imagine that you are playing a multiplayer computer game. Other players you do not see - only their characters on the screen. Perhaps some of the characters are playing a computer. Perhaps there are such characters, each of which is controlled by several players - in turn, or almost simultaneously, in vain. Perhaps some players control several characters - one player plays two, three, five at once (suppose the game is simple and slow, and the players are attentive and nimble).

And here comes the question of cloning one of the characters in this game. Instead of one alien character, two identical ones appear - not to distinguish in the game space. Which of them is “real” and is there such a thing at all?

If the character is before cloning, that after you are not controlled - you will be without much difference. It is possible that the other player left altogether, transferring control of one or several of his characters to a computer or a substitute. If the copy looks and behaves exactly the same way as the original led, who exactly controls it, does not matter. The alien consciousness is copied - because all its signs, characteristics and parameters in this reality are copied. But we have no access to anything else in this reality.

The situation changes if a copy of your character appears in the game. And here it is of fundamental importance who exactly will manage the copy. And it is important for the character too - if this term is applicable to him at all. In any case, his fate will significantly depend on it.

But what or who defines it? It is hardly physical characteristics: if a clone of a goblin or knight “pumped” by you suddenly appears in the game, it is not at all necessary that you will manage it. Even identical twins do not have the same consciousness for two and can not share their consciousnesses.

If your character is so dear to you - that is, all of your local personality, memory, psyche, etc. - and absolutely do not want to lose all this, the most logical way would be to somehow provide a gradual takeover of control. That is, one way or another, learn how to control another's body while his own brain (read: the interface to a higher reality) is disabled and cannot be “captured” by anyone else. Having learned how to move with other people's hands, look with someone else's eyes, well, etc., you can “flow” into another body for some time - or even manage to manage both of them at once, if you are miserable to throw your former one. Although, most likely, it will cause mental problems - which, I remind, is also part of the character. And "stretching" it into two bodies can end badly, like trying to steer one wheel at once with two cars driving on the highway.

An alternative option is offered by Buddhism and some other doctrines: to realize yourself as someone more than the pitiful avatar of the true “I” in this world. Then death here is not terrible - only a character can die here, but not a player. Of course, with the death of the character, all his “pumping”, all the accumulated “points” and “skills” will disappear - except for the experience that the player will have (karma). But perhaps this game is not so interesting if it compares with what? ..

In principle, it is not too difficult to imagine the skills you need to have in order to consciously quit the game or "pause it." And even how to develop them: controlled dreams, abrupt “pulling out” from an exciting movie or computer game “at the most interesting place”, various yogic practices and other “exits from the body”. Maximum self-awareness in situations in which it is the least desirable and convenient to do. Conscious separation — identification of oneself first with one’s body, then with one’s desires, then with one’s memory, etc. - in the hope that instead of all this, something more will gradually appear, something much more important and significant.

Anyway, we are all mortal and, sooner or later, we will lose power over our characters due to the destruction of those. And if the process cannot be stopped, it is necessary, at least, to learn how to control it, turn it in the right direction. Otherwise, the result may not like.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400549/

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