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Dragons in Earth orbit

image Over the past half century, no new technology has been introduced in the space program that would change the way cargo is delivered to near-Earth orbit. The same rockets of the fifties of the last century, with minor changes, are used to bring cargo, satellites and manned spacecraft into space, while in other areas of technology, technology changes in accordance with the laws of the development of technical systems (more details can be found in TRIZ - theory of solving inventive problems).

Let's try to apply a few laws that develop technical systems to the platform for launching cargo into near-earth orbit.

In the field-specific analysis of TRIZ there is an abbreviation MaTEM - interaction of the system components using the fields (Mechanical, Acoustic, Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, Magnetic) - while the order of letters in the word MATHEM is not accidental, the fields are arranged in increasing order of their effectiveness. For example, we see such a change in fields in the development of rail transport - from a horse-drawn carriage (mechanical field) to a locomotive (thermal field), from a diesel locomotive (chemical field) to an electric locomotive (electromagnetic field).

Thus, modern missiles are on the same level with diesel locomotives. What's next?
The conclusion suggests itself that the most effective method of delivering goods to orbit is the electromagnetic tram, which goes up to orbit along the “rails”. Such projects are known, and, possibly, realizable - for example, StarTram (magnetically levitating train), a space elevator or multi-kilometer inflatable towers like ThothX.

What do all these systems have in common? They are static. Therefore, the next step in the theory of solving inventive problems is the transition from "statics" to "dynamics" and the fragmentation of the system into smaller parts.

What happens? There are several parts of the system that delivers cargo into orbit, each part uses electromagnetic interaction with the spacecraft to bring it into near-earth orbit.


Consider the ground part of the system. Most likely, this is a pipe or rails (or rails in a pipe) through which the initial velocity is reported to the output load. Simple calculations show that with an acceleration acceptable for a person of 3-4 g and a final speed of less than 2 km / s, the construction will have dimensions of the order of 10-20 km. Dividing this ground system into multiple modules, we will have, for example, the following design: several dozen airships / cylinders with hot air or light gas interconnected, inside which a pipe is laid for the initial acceleration of the output load or spacecraft. Before launching, the airships rise into the air and join each other, forming a “pipe” for acceleration with the help of electromagnetic interaction forces. Perhaps some of the energy can be taken from the atmosphere due to the potential difference between the surface of the Earth and the lower layers of the atmosphere?


When exiting the pipe, our apparatus will have a speed of about 2 km / s, sufficient to take off along a ballistic trajectory to altitudes above 100–200 km. What's next? And then our apparatus enters another pipe / chute / or rail-like structure, which moves in low earth orbit. It is also a long construction, several kilometers (tens of kilometers?), Having the first cosmic velocity, and our apparatus begins to slow down on this construction, again with the help of electromagnetic interaction. There is a process similar to the movement of a magnetic train, only in our case, the rails (path) have a speed of about 8 km / s, and the apparatus relative to the Earth moves at a speed close to zero - is at the highest point of the trajectory.

This orbital structure (let's call it the Dragon) is a structure constantly moving in low-Earth orbit — periodically uses ion / electric motors to compensate for the loss of speed that occurs as a result of the acceleration of vehicles and goods being put into orbit. It may be necessary to build several Dragons - they will, one after another, work one by one to accelerate the spacecraft to orbital speed. They can be zigzag-shaped to give the device not only the horizontal, but also the vertical component of speed. Dragons, in addition to their main job, can be used as a location for repeaters, fulfilling the mission of communications / observation satellites.

In addition, the Dragons must constantly resist the deceleration of the atmosphere - and it is, even at such high altitudes. For this, as already mentioned, are the electric propulsion engines in front of the Dragons. Where to take energy and working substance for these engines? Of course, energy needs to be accumulated with the help of batteries and solar panels that cover the surface (and, possibly, “wings”) of Dragons. A working substance extracted from the environment by "diving" into the atmosphere of the planet. It will probably be very interesting - to watch the fire-breathing Dragons in the night starry sky.

Thus, the concept of a platform for launching payloads and vehicles into near-earth orbit has been built, distinguished by multiple use (even one can say, consistency) of use and coordinated with the theory of the development of technical systems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400543/

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