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Difficulties encountered in creating circles of robotics

The article began to write at the end of November, it may have to be adjusted a little, as there are changes in the legislation on ped.activities.

To make it clear about what and because of what I am writing: I am not a patriot in the understanding, as it is now accepted, I fell ill with patriotism a couple of years ago. And the state is no longer a pity to me. But I worry about the country and its people in earnest.

I gathered at the district center of children's creativity a free circle for learning the basics of electronics and robotics. We live at the expense of my stock of parts (I have been interested in electronics for more than 25 years) and help from caring people I found on technical forums.

But the further - the worse!

I used to throw away this thought from myself, but now it makes itself felt more and more painfully: this state does not think about its future. Or thinks about the one where there is no place for the Creator Man. No need for smart children, you need children of the rich, able to pay anything and everything. Harsh sounds? Yes, I myself still do not fully admit it!

The killing of medicine is already underway, the formation of oxygen is blocked by constant experiments! And so they did not have time to deal with the exam, as a new attack: five-day education in schools. But the hours themselves set aside for educational activities, indicated by the ministry, are not reduced! i.e., the number of lessons per day will increase to eight !!! In fact, the child goes to the 8-hour working day in the morning !!! Already, my youngest child's bag weighs more than 5.5 kg! after the 4th lesson he squeezed like a lemon. And what will happen after the eighth lesson?

5 days

Workload of children, 7-8 lessons every day. Circles are canceled. Since it is simply not realistic and illegal to do them with such an overload of children.

It remains only a Saturday, but under the law on additional ped. Activities are allowed only 2 lessons. You can cheat: divide the group into two and each - 2 hours. But only 4 hours a week, and now at least 6 hours.

The teacher's salary depends on these “hours”. For example, my RFP as a teacher of additional education for 6 hours a week is 1510 rubles. Roughly, 100r per hour of work ... Although the same tutor of my profile - from 500r to 2000r per hour. Consequently, many will simply give up work in the circle. A specialist practitioner for funny 900-1500r a month will not organize all this and organize a group. Such fans of the unit.

Current issues

A question to the director of Silicon, Dantsev Oleg Nikolayevich: I know, you turned to the governor because “there are no specialists, there is no one to supply a machine worth several million rubles”. But for some reason, our ped. Manual, instead of organizing practical classes in the same technical circles, went along the beaten path of “cheating” the indicators of its work: we decided to organize training centers at schools with additional classes in physics and mathematics. With the help of the school teachers themselves! And the indicator of good work will be the same hapless ESP, which has become obscene, that it will improve the points in physics and mathematics - the children will go to the technical universities of the country in droves.

Question to Anatoly Petrovich Bugaev: Tell me, how will this indicator affect the student’s practical experience ?! After all, young people are not interested in institutions, but in circles! And not in the institutions (unfortunately) they get real knowledge, but in practice! In a certain institute they already have a certain interest for their own professional development. Well, for the sake of compulsory diploma- "crust": as without him! And there is nothing that the majority of the population does not receive knowledge and experience actually required in practice at the university. As a familiar programmer said: “Who couldn’t install Windows before the university, he cannot do it even after graduation!”

And one of the leaders of the Bryansk pedagogical was right: our university cannot “give out” a good teacher, as they themselves suffer because of the lack of teachers of the appropriate level in many disciplines! A vicious circle: there are no teachers to train teachers! And can still break this vicious circle? This is really done. But only at the state level. It is necessary that it was like after the Great Patriotic War: those who had a real practice taught. Suppose they did not have high schools with loud names that were proclaimed to the calluses in their ears, but these teachers knew how to work in real production, they knew its problems and peculiarities.

But no! We go from one extreme to another: from January 1, in the plans of the officials from education, the introduction of new ped. Standards. And there it is written that it is impossible to work with children without ped. Lord officials! And you do not know that up to 90% of the circles will be closed? But what to say: up to a third of teachers in Russian technical institutes of higher education are people who do not have specialized ped. Education.

So what do we want to get at the exit, Anatoly Petrovich? A beautiful report on the Unified State Exam or a real 6-4 class student who in the evenings independently and with the help of a teacher masters electronics and programming, solves and writes a program for a REAL task, and not “Olympiad programming”, where - it's a shame program code is more important than its performance!

Why are the lessons of technology half forgotten? Why in the 8-10 class children can not even work with scissors, pliers, can not hold tweezers? I have to give up to 2 months to train children to work with the installation tool! Unfortunately.

Also, by the way, I will speak about the so-called “school psychologists”: I may have had no luck, but not one of you has yet identified problematic children among students! I had to lend myself the literature on child and adolescent psychology, to call myself with friends of the appropriate profile. Score "two" you. And that, only for the fact that some of you just go to school as to work.

Yes, certain requirements for teachers are definitely needed. Otherwise, it may end in tears! Fashionable theme: robotics, nanotechnology ... and these words are spinning in the language. Often they are used just for beauty. Unfortunately, many parents are “being led” to this: they write children into circles with such new-fangled names. And what is behind this - still have to figure it out! Often these clubs - paid, private owner. This is especially evident in Moscow and other major cities. Cost of employment: from 500 to 2000 rubles. I would not mind if they really taught something there. In fact, now they just need to make money on a fashionable topic ...

I talk with the head of this group:

He: and here we are collecting robots from Lego.
Me: and what kind of electronics is there inside, which microcontroller?
He: who knows, we are ready to assemble ...
I: so open it up.
He: why? And it works like this ... all the more so, I don’t understand this much. No, I taught it once, of course, but no more!
I: so how do you teach without understanding?
He: yes the main thing is to have fun, the parents pay well then.
I: how many children do you have now? He: a man 5-8 comes. We have enough. We are still doing branches in major cities. Not bad pay ... Parents pay well, fin.direktor happy!
Stop! Do we entertain and milk parents or teach and train future specialists for the country?

The second problem of the circles of "robotics": children learn to assemble a ready-made designer from ready-made blocks, according to the finished instructions. Stop! What about independence? “Yes, what independence,” the teacher of the fashion circle says, “children don’t even want to look at the drawing! They look on the Internet like others do, and simply copy: the main thing is to make it look like! ”But what kind of training is this ?! And I am not the only one who raises this problem. In the network, you can find an article by Yuri Denisov: “Instead of teaching engineering, children create designers for children” (Ulyanovsk, Soviet Engineer circle).

The fact of our technological emptiness in the field of electronics showed recent sanctions. It is good that there is China: "the Chinese will solder, the Indians will write a program." And if tomorrow and the Chinese comrade will be "not a friend"? Moreover, we have already passed! And everything? Will the planes fly on the lamps again? Will we again solder the gas torch ?!

Further, on the circles in the DCT. The requirements of the control bodies are sometimes just the opposite! For example, security guards require one-piece grilles on the windows, and, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they must be separated and locked. The height of the sockets 220 volts - not less than 180! But how to work with soldering irons and burners? Work standing? Forced to use extension cords! Rave!

Next: you must use equipment with a supply voltage not higher than 42 volts. Fine. But our industry does not produce modern-type soldering irons for this voltage, and it is very difficult to solder with old soldering irons with a thick tip 5–7 mm in diameter with leads 0.8–1.5 mm thick, and it is impossible, because the parts overheat!

So you need special soldering stations: they are powered by a soldering iron - 24 volts. The price of each is from 3-4tr (considering that all of them are foreign and for dollars / euro, the price increases!). I need at least 6 jobs. Six multiplies by four and get 24 tr. And there is no money ... we live at the expense of sponsorship money I collected on technical forums. I had only 11 of them. And I already bought different equipment, tools and parts! And the state has not yet allocated a penny for its future. Do not we need specialists? All managers and lawyers will send. Oh how :(

Yes, you can buy the necessary parts for the mug and small wholesale tools in China. But our customs legislation is very tricky: customs clearance! After all, this is a commercial party! Even parts whose price for 1000 pieces is 300-400 rubles, I, in fact, are obliged to customs clearance. I have already visited customs in B. Beregi twice. Given that I do not have a car, I had to either hire and pay someone, or go with a bunch of transplants. Taking into account that the customs itself is in the darkness of the cockroach, then it is very, very difficult to do! Documents confirming the purchase of parts for the circle had to be collected in order ... At the same time, I want to thank the officers of this customs for understanding: the details passed through customs for free. But the day is on the road ...

That is, a fact: the country does not produce the parts we need in large quantities, but it is very difficult to buy parts in another country in a circle, a constant risk. And now there are a few parcels from China: I ordered materials and parts for New Year crafts for children. I am sitting and nervous: to spend money on the car again and go to the customs or will you be lucky and the parcels will “rush through” the customs? ...

About sponsorship. Yes, list. Always private individuals. Amounts from 500r to 10.000. Organizations are silent. Although there were several leaders who said bluntly: “What about us? Your circle, no one forced you to open it. Prepare practitioners for the country - and let them pay for their future. Ah, she does not need? Why am I obligated to sponsor? ”They are right. But there are those who say: "But there would be a law on patronage for technical circles - I would give you a certain amount, and a tax for this amount would reduce tax payments for me." But we do not have such a law. For culture there. Art galleries and ballet, probably more important than Russia ... And for techies - no. And the details we do not buy. But there are customs rules.

And can still turn to the children, to the circles? Allow free import of devices and materials for circles? But this is the level of Vladimir Vladimirovich.

And lastly, a couple of interesting author's publications on the same topic, about the difficulties of the development of robotics by experts in this field:

* As I tried to promote regional robotics through the Internet
* About educational robotics and circles
* How to organize a circle of robotics
* How specifically can children's education in Russia be made better (and the first practical step)?

Article published with permission of the author: Alexander Danila-Master

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400509/

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