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Domain PRO: Hurry up or late?

It's no secret that lately a large number of “specialized” public domain zones have appeared on the Internet. Most of them are not very popular. However, no one knows exactly what will happen to them in the future. But today people have the opportunity to acquire good, simple second-level domains. So, for example, literally the other day, the PRO domain administrator, RegistryPro, announced the change in the rules for registration.

PRO domain is a special “professional” domain, which is intended for hosting sites of various specialists. Initially, it was allowed to register names in it for representatives of only four specialties: engineers, doctors, lawyers and accountants. Well, now other specialists can get a second level domain in the PRO zone. To date, the list of "allowed" professions exceeds 1,100 entries. That is, in fact, almost anyone can get their domain in this zone. Well, since the number of names in it is very small, people have the opportunity to choose a good option.

True, there are two conditions. First, a person can register only that domain, which either coincides with his name, or with a trademark belonging to him. Secondly, he must have a document confirming his specialization, for example, a diploma that corresponds to the declared profession. This item must be taken seriously enough. Representatives of the administrator of the domain name PRO promise that they will conduct regular checks in order to identify possible fraud.
Only one question remains unresolved, an unambiguous answer to which is not available today. Do you really need a domain in the PRO zone? However, this is up to you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40049/

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