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Conspiracy theories. What did NASA hide in 2016?

One of the ufologists noticed the Borg cube, which seemed to restore the energy supply from the Sun’s energy

A review of the achievements of astronautics in 2016 will be incomplete without the conspiracy theories that always accompany the NASA space programs. People in foil hats are still enthusiastically arguing over which particular desert NASA was making a film about landing on the moon and on which particular secret base the remains of aliens are stored. Some believe that the reptilians have already penetrated the government, and Ilon Musk himself was born in a Martian colony - and now he is eager to return to his homeland.

In 2016, ufologists managed to expose several new secrets and insidious secrets of NASA. This is easy to do, because NASA has long been putting on the Internet all scientific data and photographs taken by spacecraft.

The Ars Technica edition is entertained every year by launching a search on the Internet for the phrase [“NASA hiding”]. Now the search returns 57,100 documents .
Ufologists have long known about the existence of life in space. These rumors were confirmed in 2014, when Russian scientists found traces of marine plankton on the windows outside the International Space Station. This unique discovery was reported by the flight leader of the Russian segment of the ISS, Vladimir Solovyov.

The primordial microorganisms are, of course, not the only creatures in near-Earth space. In one of the videotapes from the ISS last year, many noticed a mysterious pink object hanging next to the station.

Scientists have tried to give this object for some flare - a reflection of something inside the station.

But this is not the only picture with the ISS with mysterious objects in the frame. For example, a long cigar-shaped object hit the frame while filming South India from the ISS in November 2015. It can be clearly seen in the upper right corner of the photo.

Information instantly spread over social networks, received thousands of retweets and likes. The UFO video has scored nearly a million views. Scientists again found a strange explanation of the phenomenon. They said that there is supposedly part of the design of the ISS.

This year, the NASA administration also had to work hard to explain the mysterious objects that are periodically noticed in the photographs.

Conspiracy therapists are absolutely confident that NASA is editing the video stream from the ISS. These rumors were particularly intensified in July 2016, when NASA suddenly cut off live video from the station just at the moment when an unidentified flying object came into view of the camera.

The object began to slowly descend to Earth, when the broadcast was suddenly interrupted due to technical problems. The representative of NASA in the official comments stated that the broadcast was not interrupted specifically, and the cameras onboard the ISS are working automatically. Simply, the station periodically leaves the satellite reception area of ​​the object tracking and data transmission system ( TDRSS ), which receive the video stream from the cameras.

One of the vigilant users under the nickname Streetcap1 recorded a video stream just before the disruption of the broadcast - and posted it on YouTube . Over the past months, the video was viewed about 4 million times. Most users probably believe in conspiracy theories, because the number of likes is seven times the number of dislikes.

It is not known how the landing of a strange object on Earth is connected with a massive hole right at the North Pole of our planet, which allegedly opened a couple of months before. In May 2016, a secureteam10 concerned user informed humanity about the portal.

To date, the 13-minute video gained 2.3 million views. The author professionally pumps the atmosphere by compiling many old satellite photographs that prove that NASA is "caught red-handed in an attempt to hide the truth."

In the film, there is a fragment of a videotape of NASA during a flight over Antarctica, when right during the approach to the portal an astronaut suddenly closes the camera lens. Very mysterious.

It is strange that the creators of the film show old photos, while there are a large number of actual photographs of the poles in much better quality. For some reason, no hole can be seen in the photos of the North Pole.

And the scientific station at the South Pole has not yet sucked in.

By the way, the said author secureteam10 has long specialized in exposing NASA conspiracies. In another video, he proves that NASA is hiding a certain object in the photographs of the Sun taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft.

This cubic object , which “sucks energy from the Sun”, is rendered by NASA as “pixel glitches”.

According to ufologists, the government’s explanation does not stand up to criticism, because the cubic object was photographed by two different cameras at different times, and the cube remained in the same place, “continuing to drain energy from our star”.

If you also noticed strange objects in photos of Mars, the Sun and from near-Earth orbit, report in comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400485/

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