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ITER in 2016


If 2015 was full of drama and struggle to save the project for a project of an international thermonuclear reactor ITER, then there is nothing special to say about 2016 against it. The construction of 39 ITER buildings and structures, in fact, started precisely in 2015 and continued at a good pace in 2016. The production of components for the future reactor is expanding. The battles in the parliaments of Europe and the United States over the approval of funding for 2017 died down - it was precisely the noticeable progress in project management in 2015 that helped. Everything is going according to plan.

However, even at a review level, in 2016 there were several important events that are worth mentioning.

First, in 2016, a detailed plan for the construction of ITER was approved, securing sad news on the landmark project dates. The reactor assembly should be completed in December 2024, the first plasma - in December 2025. Then a ten-year set of reactor capabilities will follow - plasma heating systems, scientific equipment, fuel system, and most importantly - the tritium handling system will be added and the facility will be licensed . And only in 2035 (!) We will see deuterium-tritium burning with a capacity of approximately 100 megawatts, and in 2037 full-launch launches (500 megawatts, up to 400 seconds). In terms of energy, potential ITER competitors clearly have a good temporary odds.

The second important event in the life of ITER managers was the signing of the contract for managing the ITER assembly in the summer of 2016. Gradually, the project shifts from the already annoying construction to installation of equipment - first supporting systems (power supply, cryosupply, water cooling, industrial gases, plasma heating systems, etc.), and from the 3rd quarter of 2019 and the reactor itself (interestingly, installation of the reactor in the mine will take place in the conditions of "clean room").


No less important consequence of the “restart” of ITER was the accession to the project of Australia and Iran. While the conditions of their participation are not clear - but most likely it will be a contribution “cash” in exchange for admission to internal information about the project. This option will somewhat relieve the again increased cost (now the official cost of the project is 22 billion euros).

However, let us go down from the global viewing level to the details: here one can note a lot of interesting and local victories.


The design image of the ITER heat rejection system with a peak power of 1,150 MW.

The first floor of the ITER building. At this point through the rectangular windows in front there will be cryofeders of the ITER magnetic system.



Installation process of cranes in the pre-assembly building in December 2016. The far wall is temporary, when the tokamak building is completed, it will be disassembled and provide a path for the assembled components to the reactor shaft.

The building is pre-assembled (in the center, in the background), the first above-ground floor of the diagnostic building (to the left) against the background of the foundation of one of the two buildings of magnetic converters.

The coming year 2017 should be the pinnacle of the construction activity of the project - further the scale of construction will gradually fall, but the installation and commissioning efforts should come out on top. In particular, we are waiting for the delivery of buildings of radiofrequency heating systems, a cryogenic plant, laying down plasma diagnostics, building two buildings of magnetic converters.

Component manufacture
In anticipation of the transition to the assembly of the project, the production of ITER components continues to pick up pace. If the unique components of a fusion reactor, such as its vacuum chamber or gyrotrons, are still mostly located in factories, then more standard industrial products like transformers or pipelines are mass arriving at the site, where 16,000 square meters of industrial component warehouses are already running out. Of all these products, we note:

Helium compressors of the ITER cryogenic plant at the factory.


The 30-meter frame for the cryostat base, the 19-meter bottom and the welder (yes, it is in this photo).

And this is 1/4 of the sector, which Korea should pass next year. In addition to the puzzling geometry, the thick walls of the vacuum chamber are technologically unpleasant by the presence of thousands of fasteners that need to be welded from the inside onto its surface.


One of the supporting columns of the assembly stand.

Heat shield in the process of welding coolant pipes.

Steel neutron protection blocks at an Indian plant. Below to the right is an example of the assembled element, how they will look inside the double wall of the vacuum chamber

The test bench includes power supplies, 3 cascade tube amplifiers with an output power of 1.8 megawatts, a monitoring and cooling system, a load with adjustable SWR, and much more.

The vacuum vessel of the SPIDER stand, where, from 2017, a 40 amp source of negative hydrogen ions will be tested

Part of the ITER toroidal coil body. 19 hulls should be manufactured in Japan until 2021.

Mechanical processing of an experienced tension bar of a central solenoid. 24 of these strips surround a magnet with a diameter of 4 and a height of 15 meters.

The winding package of the toroidal coil is 134 turns of cable with a current of 68 kA. It must then be installed inside the Japanese case shown above.

Winding line poloidal coils PF5 and PF2. After manufacturing the coil components, it will be converted to a larger diameter for the manufacture of PF3 and PF4.

One of the 6 lower ITER correction coils is 32 turns of a cable with a current of up to 10 kA.

Winding stand double galeta magnet PF1 in the territory of the Middle Nevsky plant. White - this is a superconducting cable measuring approximately 45x45 mm in fiberglass electrical insulation.

On this, I think, it is worth completing the review of ITER's production successes, although there are still a lot of interesting news, for example, the beginning of the assembly of the first full-scale cryoabsorption vacuum pump. The main conclusion from the review is that, thanks to the new director Bernard Bigo, ITER has overcome the crisis of previous years, and is still making good progress, and the tasks that the construction of an international thermonuclear reactor poses to industry today are a significant source of technical progress in many industries.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting that the real terms that were determined by the Bigo team are very gloomy, and make you think of simpler and smaller alternatives to the classical tokamaks (which will immediately appear in the last years 1 , 2 , 3 ). Nevertheless, in my opinion, ITER continues to be the most interesting engineering and scientific project in the world, offering an incredible interweaving of problems and solutions from various engineering fields. In the coming years, more and more of these “unthinkable solutions” will turn into iron and stand in its place in the most complex machine in the world, and I will continue to follow this as much as I can and talk about it in my blog.

PS For comparison, the results of 2014 and 2015 for ITER.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400389/

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