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Why "lyricists" robot?

The war of physicists and lyricists begins almost earlier than any other conflicts - even in early school. A part of the class rejects mathematics and physics with its whole being, the other part - sleeps in history lessons and the MHC. And the point is not that each child has a more developed “humanitarian” or “technical” part of the brain - the fact is that there is no student interest, and the school principles of “harmonious personality education” have lagged behind life almost forever. Letting everything go by itself and go in the wake of the desires of the child is democratic and fashionable, but may come around again.
Even today, the humanities are actively using computer science and mathematics, and the merging of disciplines will continue. Maintaining clean lyrics from the school and parents is extremely detrimental to the future profession. The way out is to interest and engage.

No boredom

We all somehow come across a school and know that things are not very good there - and, the farther into the regions, the sadder. The last enthusiasm of beautiful and creative teachers rests on the lack of material and technical base. However, this situation does not mean that you need to go with the flow. Parents should pay attention to the inclinations of the child and engage in their own, or, for example, send the student to a robotic circle. Why is it important?

Working with technology (for example, with LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 or LEGO Education MINDSTORMS EV3 sets) forms an understanding of the algorithm, analytical thinking, design skills. Thus, a child learns to perceive the world not as a set of separate events and phenomena, but as a system consisting of subsystems. An understanding of the relationship and influence of elements appears. Such perception will help to master any subjects easier.

A simple example from life. The boy with great difficulty understood botany and diligently memorized each species as if for the first time. It seemed to be hard labor for everyone — the teacher, the parents, and the student himself. Until one angry father-engineer threw in his heart: “What is there to learn, all these plants are one and the same: root, trunk, leaves, flower, fruit! The difference in form. Suppose that from the point of view of deep science, dad was not completely right, but the school course of botany gave up without a fight - the son understood what a system is and its features.

The robot solves sudoku. To create such a mechanism, a young researcher must do serious mental work, penetrate into physics and mathematics. This allows you to perceive tasks in a complex. Implemented on LEGO Education MINDSTORMS EV3

As a rule, the creation of robots takes place in a team - with parents, a teacher, other students. Teamwork is a skill that regains value and will be in demand in the profession: in the conditions of informatization, any activity turns into a project that is difficult to do alone.

Inside the circle or laboratory work in the classroom, the child first encounters the concept of the division of labor - for example, in the case of LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 or LEGO, someone programs, someone makes a design (frame), someone fixes observations, someone watches order and group the details. Alas, until now even the once successful companies fall apart, not fitting into the division of labor or not realizing that you don’t have to do everything yourself. People do not avoid this fate, so it is important for the child to understand that in the team all are equal partners who make a common cause.

As part of the creation of a work as a joint project, differences in the level of knowledge and skills are leveled - there will be a case for both the student and the student. The outcome will be shared, and children will learn how the task is distributed within the team and how the contribution is assessed.

The child is in contact with practice . Creating a robot is actually an everyday work task from the adult world: planning -> design -> creation -> observation and testing -> presentation of a completed task / project. He will understand how this or that knowledge will be useful and that there is no unnecessary information. This will help to cope with unloved items. In addition, the skill of crushing the problem into its component parts appears and develops.

An example of how to divide the task: first, the robot recognizes colors on the faces, and then collects the cube based on the data obtained. Implemented on LEGO Education MINDSTORMS EV3

There is an acquaintance with the "adult" robots. This phrase only at first glance looks futuristic and falls out of line. Even today, robots are used in the retail, service, medicine and many other sectors with which a person constantly interacts. Further there will be only more, and it is important to be able to understand the interface, “be friends” with it. If you take tracing paper from English, then a de-mystification of a complex technology occurs and the child (a little later, a student and a young specialist) understands that you can trust the robot, and that it cannot.

A very unusual application of the LEGO Education MINDSTORMS EV3. Designed knitting machine. And this is an excellent illustration of how robots penetrate other industries, facilitate labor and free up human time for creativity, creation and design.

The child comes into contact with science - and this is perhaps the most important moment. Professions of the future - high-tech, associated with various disciplines. They will exist at the junction of several types of knowledge, work with frontier industries (as, for example, today computer linguistics or archeology using ultra-precise devices does this). And it is important for the child to make it clear, explain, and, importantly, demonstrate how the various sciences and disciplines are connected. Let us return to the same philology - the sphere, it seems, the most distant from technology. However, a lot of research is carried out from the point of view of text analysis, and the most advanced achievements in algorithms are used in the work.

The imagination develops (and this development must continue throughout life), spatial thinking, attention is concentrated; fine motor skills also contribute to the development of cognitive functions. Abroad, there is an experience of using such robotic solutions for working with autists - they are very good at coping with an accurate sequence of actions.

Think about how much is taken into account in this elephant: the movement of the joints and synchronization, the grip of the object, the direction of movement, stability, etc. Implemented on LEGO Education MINDSTORMS EV3

Both parents and teachers should translate the understanding that learning verses, reading a lot and knowing by heart the 700 dates of world history does not mean having a foundation for a future career. And the primary vocational guidance should be carried out from the standpoint of universality and adjacent disciplines.

The opinion of the teacher, who cares

In order not to be unfounded in discussing the impact of robotics classes on any child, we talked about the experience of working with ordinary schoolchildren with a brilliant teacher, the author of textbooks Lidia Georgievna Beliovskaya.

LEGO Education projects have been presented in Russian schools for many years. However, not all educational institutions offer such classes to students. There are many reasons, among them the lack of professional staff, material base and interest among teachers. Lidia Beliovskaya is one of those who have been familiar with LEGO Education for a long time, experimenting with it and engaging children in their activities, regardless of their inclinations.

- Tell, please, about yourself - the general teaching experience, work experience is an informatics teacher.

- I graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. Behind my shoulders, 20 years of experience as an engineer, and then a leading engineer. I managed to become a participant in several national projects of the USSR: processing of satellite images, computed tomography of plasma current layer (research of Tokamak problems) IOFAN, computed angiography on a synchrotron (3D model of the heart) of the Research Institute Physical Problem. I defended my thesis on "Computed tomography of translucent plasma."
And now, for 16 years I have been working at a school as an informatics teacher of the highest qualification category, I am an expert on the Unified State Exam in computer science. The experience of a leading engineer in leading research institutes of the USSR allowed us to conduct a successful and bright project activity with schoolchildren. Lack of topics and ideas has never been and now is not.

- In what year did you start using LEGO Education solutions at the school where you worked?

- When I entered my first classroom, the equipment was already in school, but no one was actively using it. It was 1998. Then I started working at school with gifted children, at the same time I was learning the novelties of education. Training in INT at Bulin-Sokolova E.I. opened new horizons. Much was clear to me, it was not difficult, but interesting, and I immediately took up the difficult, began to create programmable systems on LEGO. Later, as a teacher, I defended several design works on LEGO pedagogy. She mastered much and thought out herself, even without using the Internet.

- How was it generally perceived by the students?

- Of course, with great interest! Just imagine: the students had ideas and they were able to implement them in reality. Tried and worked. And such designers are bright, comfortable - the guys just gush forth the joy.

- How much time did it take for them to get used to innovations and use LEGO Education in the educational process?

- Started work literally instantly. We were looking forward to the end of the theoretical part of the lesson, then to realize everything ourselves. They almost always designed themselves, not according to the instructions, because the book was just not interesting. But, as a rule, then they would return to the instructions. So how should it be made so that it is durable, stable and working? “Yes, my knowledge is not enough,” they thought and turned to the book.

- How long did the other teachers get involved?

- And the rest just did not catch. It is necessary to spend a lot of time on the organization of the educational process, but there was also no conditions: premises, furniture, excess equipment ...

- Tell us about the main difficulties that arose during this modernization of the educational process. Both from pupils, and, probably, from teachers.

- The students had no difficulties, only a huge interest. For the first time in school students had experiments in physics with computer processing. They make the installations themselves, they write the programs themselves, and the material has just been passed in a physics class.

The administration had difficulties: to include the course in the school curriculum, to allocate a room, to equip it with the necessary furniture, to find a teacher, so that it would learn and want to work with students in the mode of constant attention and high tempo. The difficulties of the teacher are quite everyday: prepare the equipment for the next group. The children wanted to assemble the installation themselves, but they didn’t have enough time for it — you cannot disassemble all the installations for the change. Well, maybe there was just not enough equipment.

There were difficulties of the educational process. Due to the great interest of the guys it is very difficult to control silence. Only at the end of the course, children got used to work in silence, before that they passionately wanted to work in a team (2-3 people), loudly discussed the details, argued ...

- As a teacher who has the opportunity to compare before and after - how would you rate changes in the level of student involvement in the educational process?

- First of all, this is a sensory development of the intellect, because you can do something with your own hands, and most importantly - it turns out. And to understand and understand, you do not need a lot of time. The guys just rushed to my lessons. Of great interest was the process of constructing, “arising” graphs of physical quantities in real time. Many graphs were puzzling, they discussed why it was such dependencies that turned out? They compared the graphics: how about the neighbors? It is very important. He himself did the experience, how it happened - it happened. You can not write off, swing from the Internet, and I do it myself. Cool!

- In your opinion, for which of the disciplines the LEGO Education solutions are the most useful?

- Physics, computer science, of course, robotics. I have experience in teaching robotics in school in the 5th and 6th grades, there is material for the manual. This year, the administration canceled the lessons on robotics in the educational process at our Lyceum 1557. And we planned to publish a manual, created a program as prescribed by the GEF, used the rich, very interesting LEGO material on design topics. Such interesting, useful developments for teachers were so glad that they were collected and carefully kept these 20 years. And, surprisingly, the materials are not outdated! I myself teach computer science at school for many years and know how difficult it is to work without good textbooks. Only you yourself will master something new, develop a CMD - and now it’s obsolete, removed from the program. All efforts are in vain. And LEGO-pedagogy lives. Children understand, interesting, everything is absolutely modern.

- What age pupils master the new program best of all?

- Worked mainly with students in grades 5-7. I am very sorry that elementary school students who later come to my classes do not have the skills to design and program LEGO. My lessons have always and everyone aroused great interest. Here, regardless of inclinations and abilities, there is a deal for everyone. Multi-level pedagogy: someone constructs as a team according to the instructions, someone assembles the models himself, goes ahead through the lesson, someone even has time to write a program for installation, and someone with great interest and attention sorts the parts, asks him allowed to do exactly this job. And it is not clear how to evaluate the work of the student in the classroom. Evaluate the effort and desire to make more of the new - is it wrong? Estimates are generally good. But the most important thing is a great, great pleasure from the lessons.

- If you were asked to advise using LEGO Education in all schools, what are the main advantages of such a solution you could cite as an example?
- Children in class work not only with the head, but also with their hands - this is important. The designer is very colorful and positive in terms of design. And so much you can use it to check, find out. The main aspect for the training of IT specialists is to check the programs of the algorithms visually with the help of robots. These are technologies of the future.

The implementation of the author's Program at the Lyceum 1557 has been conducted for several years according to the approach developed by L.G. The Beli technique “Quick Start in School Robotics: Using the LabVIEW and LEGO Graphic Engineering Programming Environment”, which was awarded the Laureate Diploma at the City Competition of Teachers of the City of Moscow “Future Technologies 2016”. The competition was held by the Moscow Department of Education and the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the City of Moscow. The content of the competitive work can be viewed at the link . And we congratulate Lydia Georgievna, admire the projects of her students and hope that everything will be even better.

Formation of knowledge and vocational guidance of the child is the task of parents and teachers, and coaches of circles. The main thing is to remember that it is all about motivation and interest, but the motive must be chosen correctly. Best of all, if the driving force will be the desire for success, for knowledge and skills. And it does not matter in what area the child wants to develop: space exploration or painting. It is necessary for him to understand that the technological world around should not be a servant, but an effective tool in the hands of a professional. Only then will the professions of the future become a reality that qualitatively transforms life.

And you figured out what will take the child on the Christmas holidays?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400259/

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