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Current FAQ on Sound and Audio Equipment # 1: Answers to Common Questions from Readers

Readers of our blog, customers and visitors to our showrooms ask questions, some of which are repeated many times. In order to answer the most common, we decided to write a small post with answers. Due to the fact that some of the information reflected in this FAQ, we have already published in our materials, the answers to a number of questions will be reduced. Some questions will be summarized.

I understand that the “warm-up” and “cable” holivars are fed up with many things, but due to the large number of questions asked on this topic, it was not possible to bypass these topics. I will note at once that questions about the morality of pricing for hi-end equipment are beyond my competence and beyond the competence of our experts, since pricing is more dependent on manufacturers. For this reason, comments on the topic "and you have an amplifier in the store for $ 100,500, ah-ah-ah" or "why such a cable in general can cost so much!?" We will not give.

It is widely believed that vinyl sound outperforms other formats in a number of parameters, is this true, what do you think is associated with a return to this format?

I cannot say anything good about the superiority of the vinyl sound. "Vinyl sound" is inferior to almost all digital formats due to archaic technology of sound production and recording. Vinyl sound problems are partially solved by phono-correctors, which compensate for the shortcomings of frequency problems, but artifacts remain: crunch, detonation, crackle, background, etc.

If we talk about the phenomenon of “immortal vinyl” risen from the ashes, then the tendency is more aesthetic and nostalgic than due to the acoustic virtues of records and players. The very use of vinyl players, the purchase of records, the “sacred” “mysticism” of ritual actions with the “turntable” for some users is an extremely important component. I believe many, like myself, are close to aesthetics of this kind. Next, a fairly simple scheme: a PR concept, a marketing strategy, media, advertising leaflets, the Internet, a couple of episodes in a Hollywood movie - and this is the resurrected vinyl trend conquers continents.

There are authors who sincerely believe that vinyl has a "live" sound, and "liveliness" is the most important quality criterion. It makes no sense to refute such judgments, as they relate to the problems of the truth of faith, and the constitution of the Russian Federation declared freedom of religion.

Not infrequently in articles you describe such parameters as CED, Cg, associating your conclusions about quality with these characteristics. Why do you think nonlinear distortion is significant, because it is known that the frequency response of human hearing is nonlinear, and the hearing aid is capable of generating harmonic distortion?

The characteristics you describe are recognized quality criteria that are included in the standards for assessing the quality of audio equipment. It has long been proven that these characteristics, like a number of others, for example, IMD, significantly affect the sound quality.

As for the non-linearity of hearing, modern research in the field of psychoacoustics, psychology of perception, neurophysiology, demonstrates that the human brain distinguishes between hardware and physiological distortions. In particular, such an opinion is shared by such scientists as Aldoshina, Bose, and Morozov.

Why do you deny the “warming up” of headphones and speakers, because these are electromechanical systems created from materials that change their properties during long-term work?

In our article, it was not stated anywhere that properties could not change. At the same time, such changes in the well-known hardware studies do not go beyond the values ​​that can be neglected, and with probability tending to infinity, such changes cannot affect the sound so that it can be heard by the human ear.
At the same time, it has been proved that human hearing adapts to new sound parameters, for this reason the notorious illusion of the effect of warming arises.

The above describes primarily dynamic headphones. A number of manufacturers of planar (isodynamic) headphones recommend the so-called "warming up". In these companies believe that stretching the membrane with many hours of playing noise or music can positively affect the acoustic properties. Specialists from companies such as SHURE and Sennheiser refute such conclusions.

For reference: we sell discs with pink noise for heating equipment, as they are in demand among people who are convinced of the effectiveness of heating. I am in no way condemning the faith of these people. At the same time, I am convinced that any process of setting up and debugging equipment must not only be justified, but proven from a scientific point of view.

In the comments you have repeatedly stated that “warming up” speaker cables is a useless exercise. In this regard, the question is: do you question the concept of an acoustic phonon, according to which a number of researchers base their conclusions on the effect of heating cables? Do you think that the opinion of a reputable engineer Sukhov, the author of a high fidelity amplifier, about the effect of heating cables is wrong

I question the "warming up" of cables, as well as the "warming up" of headphones and amplifiers, since this process was neither theoretically nor practically justified. Judging by the data I received, the concept of a quasiparticle of a phonon and the conclusions based on this concept are in no way connected with the effects of heating cables. The quasiparticle you quoted is used to simplify mathematical calculations in the physics of superconductors, heat conduction processes, and scattering processes in solids.

As far as I know (I have consulted with competent specialists), in physics of solid body, not a single theory and / or scientific work is known that would describe the effects of changes in the sound of audio equipment as a result of “warming up” (running) cables, including those based on phonon concept. I have heard about marketing speculations, partly based on this concept, but having nothing to do with physics except borrowing a terminological apparatus.

Regarding Sukhov, I was not able to read the evidence-based findings and research of this author about the use of warming up. Some authors merely refer to the fact that Sukhov considers “warming up” as effective, but this doesn’t justify anything.

Is the presence of phase distortion in loudspeakers with a delay of less than 0.5 micron perceived by hearing, will such loudspeaker be spoiled by loudspeaker sound?

Substantial phase distortions have a perceptible negative effect on sound, however, most modern manufacturers of acoustic systems tend to take this effect into account, as a result of which phase distortions of many modern speakers are beyond the threshold of hearing. The delay time you specify cannot affect the sound, since the delay value exceeds the perception threshold.

Why does audio equipment with identical values ​​(SOI, IMD, frequency response, phase response, etc.) sound different?

It is proved that the parameters about which you wrote, affect the sound quality. At the same time, not all parameters that are used by the human brain to process information about sound are known and studied today. Every year, experts in this field make discoveries, and intensive work is under way to identify the necessary parameters.

We sincerely hope that the publication has proved useful. Ask questions, we are always happy to answer, posts in this cycle will be published 2 times a month.
All good sound and mood!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400205/

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