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Ten months with innos D6000: operating experience

I made friends with the innos D6000 smartphone back in February 2016, when, attracted by rumors of innos entering the market, I contacted their European office. By “friendship” in this case it is necessary to understand only the fact of ownership, and not blind joy from all its nuances and peculiarities. Among the latter, as usual, there are both good and not so good. In this post I will talk about the operating experience of innos D6000, which has accumulated over 7 and a half months. In total, I highlighted 7 important points regarding this device.

1. The case of the innos D6000 is not killed . In general, I do not really like metal and glass smartphones. Because if you drop the device from aluminum, then on it almost guaranteed to remain dents. If you bang on the asphalt smartphone made of glass, then with a 99 percent chance you will have to go in for repair. Because even if the screen survives, the back panel will crack. As a result, I personally prefer plastic models. They have a much higher survival rate. Here and innos D6000 just plastic. The back panel is made of polycarbonate, reminiscent to the touch "soft-touch." However, plus polycarbonate is that it a) does not wipe and b) does not get dirty. Therefore, even today, from the back side, the innos D6000 looks like new. And this is after 7 and a half months of jeans pockets, not always clean hands (sometimes you have to work with clay - do not ask why) and so on.

The situation is worse in front, but the innos D6000 is not guilty here. The apparatus simply fell out of the jacket pocket when I was photographing the flower on camera, squatting. The smartphone fell on the concrete with a corner of the case (see photo below). Most likely, I would get a broken screen, but saved a small side around the front panel. He hesitated a little, but the display remained in perfect condition. It's nice that the developers have provided such a useful "trifle". I note that such bumpers, with all their usefulness, are far from being everywhere. And nowadays, when smartphone developers are carried away with 2.5D glass (that is, curved), the sides disappear altogether as a class. And very sorry. Personally, on my account - the broken screen of the iPhone 6, which has no such plastic protection. He fell on the asphalt from a height of about 70 cm and thus provided me with about 10 thousand rubles of additional expenses. To replace the display.

Attention to the angle - there are visible results of the fall

2. The screen coverage of the innos D6000 is poorly resistant to abrasion . I once wrote that I regularly play the racing arcade Asphalt 8: Takeoff. At the weekend I can and 7 hours a day is chopped - well, I rest, so what can you do. So, the screens of smartphones normally experience constant (and dense) contacts with their thumbs by no means always. Comrades, to whom I sold my old smartphones, often noticed spots on displays near the points of contact with fingers and asked - they say, what is it? Say, the Motorola Droid Turbo screen coverage (and this, by the way, the flagship of its time) turned out to be not very reliable: after three months of play, the spots became not only visible at a certain angle, but even affected the image quality. Just a picture in these two places seemed a bit ... well, distorted in colors, or something. innos D6000 resisted stains 6 and a half months. And only by the end of the seventh, I found a slight abrasion - and only on one side. Moreover, to my great joy, it does not affect the image quality. Well, respect the developers - put a good glass. The innos say that this is the original Gorilla Glass 3, and I am inclined to believe such statements.

Small and inconspicuous wear. I'm not sure readers will see it.

3. Software updates are released regularly . In total for the specified period 4 new firmware came out, in which useful trifles were added. For example, the ability to remove the bottom panel with buttons.

At the same time, I did not notice the appearance of new glitches, which are often found in fresh firmware for smartphones from other manufacturers. However, the developers also have something to blame. For example, for fundamentally naked Android - even without the Google Start shell. Therefore, Android 5.1.1 Lollipop on innos D6000 looks like any Android 4.4 KitKat. Yes, Google Now Launcher can be downloaded and delivered from Google Play, but sometimes it works crookedly. In particular, the process of browsing desktops sometimes freezes in half. And sometimes (I must admit, where more often) does not hang. It seems that if Google Start was integrated into the firmware, this bug would be noticed and corrected. However, this is my personal claim. After all, there are other launchers, and for many, and naked Android will do.

And yes, in December 2016, the same firmware came out with Android 6.0 Marshmallow for innos D6000. The release of the firmware with this version of the OS a few, um, was delayed, but - as it is. Nevertheless, the innos D6000 due to its two batteries is a non-standard device, and it took time to finish the software for this whole circuit with batteries. The update turned out to be stable - I have been using it for a couple of days, the flight is normal.

4. The camera is good during the day and not very good at night . Today, all manufacturers of smartphones are worn with shooting in poor lighting conditions as with a written egg. Without a mention of this, not a single presentation of the flagship is complete. At the same time, the quality of shooting in the twilight, provided by these same flagships, is still inferior to the dead mirror. In general, as I understand it, in innos all this did not bother. Although they didn’t choose the first camera module they came across - usually all manufacturers for smartphones of this class take 13 megapixel modules, while innos D6000 produces 16 megapixels. To demonstrate the thesis that I made in the subtitle, I will give just two frames. The most successful day and the most successful evening. During the day you can achieve high quality. In the dark, everything is worse.

5. innos D6000 "liberal" in terms of cards . It means the following: there are two slots for SIM-cards and one separate (separate !!!) slot for MicroSD. It is very convenient. All these idiotic tricks in the style of "or the second sim card, or flash drive" look wild. But for Meizu, Xiaomi, Huawei, and even Samsung, this is often the case. I regularly test smartphones and have been tortured to lose either the second number, or the memory card, where the pictures and some apk-shki applications lie. Moreover, the design of slots for innos D6000 is such that both MicroSIM and NanoSIM can be inserted there. That is, there is almost complete versatility. The only pity is that the memory card with a capacity of more than 32 GB does not “eat” the smartphone. I know that there are popular methods that can make the device recognize a 64 GB card, but ... I don’t trust them. My friend ditched a flash drive with these methods.

6. USB Type-C port is still more a minus than a plus . In the summer rested abroad. In the plane sat down with batteries, discharged by three quarters. I didn’t see anything terrible about this, because I knew that in one of the suitcases there was a familiar orange cable. Plus, a spare battery, which I once bought on innos.com/ru with a smartphone. Well, in the end it turned out that the cable and battery are not in a suitcase, but very much at home. On the table. In short, I went to local resort stores and did, yes, I found a USB Type-C cable. Over 40, damn it, dollars. For comparison: a microUSB-lace was offered for 2. Moreover, the cordial consultant offered to charge my smartphone for free - provided that it was in my MicroUSB device. Because it does not have unpacked USB Type-C cables. In short, USB Type-C is very convenient, but not very practical yet. In six months or a year, I think this minus will go away.

7. Autonomous work - my respect . I have an innos D6000 for an average of 5 days. Video can be twisted up to 20 hours (in HD quality with a screen brightness of 50%). And, importantly, for 7 and a half months autonomous work has not decreased. This means that high-quality batteries are used and they have lost capacity during this period, so much so that it is not noticeable. In general, this whole scheme with two batteries and the ability to buy cheaply (990 rubles) I really like the extra battery. This is more convenient than carrying a power bank with you and connecting a smartphone to it with a cable. Given that you can change the battery without turning off the smartphone (as well as, by the way, remove / install SIM-cards and USB flash drive), we get a really thought-out and almost perfectly working system. An alternative that no other manufacturer has yet offered.

As a conclusion, I will say this. innos D6000 today costs 13,990 rubles. I can afford a more expensive device, but I use this model as the main tube. Yes, I would like a better camera, plus, perhaps, I would not have refused a brighter coloring of the case (however, this issue can be partially resolved with the help of the official orange case). But the rest of the device pleases: a good Full HD-screen, fast iron (Snapdragon 615 + 3 GB RAM), practical case materials, and, of course, a brutal battery. More precisely, even two. For my money, the model is successful, and I still do not see any reasons to change it. Is that the next innos, if he keeps the chip with two batteries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400083/

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