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The first private city in Russia. Part 2

Introduction: Design of Russian cities, where is it?
The first part of the article: The first private city in Russia, to be or not to be?

In the last article, we discussed what a private city is, why Russia needs it, and touched upon the concept of a city. This article will talk about the city's economy, technology and legal framework.

Law and order

In the last topic there were many questions about security and law and order. To immediately close this question, I answer: by the law of the Russian Federation, private security companies are very limited in their rights. That is, the private prosecutor's office and the court are unacceptable in a private city, so the police, the courts, the bailiff service, the traffic police, etc., will be state-owned. This is a given.


The most important part of the project is the economy. This is what investors will be interested in the first place. Here below I will give my calculations and ideas.

I divided the education of the city’s economy into 3 stages:

1. Development of the tourism sector

Let's look at the map of tourist flows in Russia:

Sources: flow to the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimea .

It shows mixed flows (air + rail / rail + cars) to major tourist centers. Placing the city at the intersection of these flows, we get a solid income in the city budget.

Entrance to a private city will be paid (except residents). With the cost of entry of 1000 rubles (in Moscow in imax is more expensive to go) and with a million tourists (5% of the total flow), we receive an income of 1 billion / year. Entry will be paid when the city has minimal infrastructure, initially you just need to attract the first visitors.

I consider only existing flows, with skillful marketing, the city will be able to create its own flows. They can come here from neighboring regions to relax with family.

Imagine that a private city is built. The first tourists are coming. What's next? That's right: small and medium businesses come to the city: cafes, restaurants, bars, banks. Business tightens staff. The first inhabitants appear.

Tourism is needed to "start the engine of the city." He will help him come to life and exist for the first time. Here it is necessary to proceed from simple logic: will you go to live in an empty city, where there is no familiar infrastructure? Unlikely. That is why I propose to start with tourism, and then you can create other sectors of the economy.

Oh yes, it is important that tourists are potential residents of the city who do not need advertising. They will see everything with their own eyes.

As time passes, population growth will inevitably begin to grow. Then there will be a new source of income - taxes.

2. Tax fees

To replenish the budget, you must collect additional taxes from residents and businesses other than federal. For example, 2% of residents and 5% of c business.

Legally, it may look like a subscription fee for living in a private area. In some private cottage settlements in the territory of the Russian Federation, the tax is hidden in the fee for utilities.

Interesting fact. In Innopolis there is a special economic zone with lower tax rates. In a private city aimed at the development of tourism, you can also implement something similar. Thus, higher taxes will be compensated.

3. High-tech sector

When the economy gets on its feet, you can already attract investment for production. Why not do it from the beginning? Investments in a high-tech complex may equal or even exceed the cost of building the city itself.

Work in the city

We should start with the question: why do we all live in various cities? Why are we moving?

In the first place - the size of the salary and the availability of the work itself, in the second - the comfort of living in the city. As proof, you can bring the northern regions in which wages are higher than the national average, but there are not many residents there. No one wants to live in eternal winter.

Leaders in resettlement have long been Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is because of the high wages and moderately comfortable climate. But then the question arises: would Peter be in demand among the population if he looked like Omsk or Samara? Does architecture and infrastructure play an important role in the growth of the city’s population? In my opinion, plays.

Therefore, the simplified formula of a competitive city in Russia looks like this: 50% availability of high wages and work, 20% - a comfortable climate and 30% - architecture and infrastructure of the city.

What work will be in a private city in the early stages:

1) Large construction industry;
2) Real estate business;

If we form a tourist city, then work will appear in the following industries :

3) Hotel business;
4) Trading business;
5) Restaurant business;
6) Sphere of entertainment;
7) Part of the service sector;

If 15 years ago this could have ended everything, then today we live in the world of IT technologies that allow us to work anywhere in the world. Therefore, we boldly include here a part of the IT sector:

8) IT sector with remote employees (programmers, designers, managers, analysts, etc.);

If the city grows further, there will be work in other sectors :

9) Large retail;
10) Sports (coach, instructor);
11) Education;
12) Financial services;
13) Home based business;
14) Small production;
15) The service sector grows in its entire volume (hairdressing, beauty salons, personal services, etc.).

Is this work for a small city, for example, per 100 thousand inhabitants?


1. Electricity

Option 1. Existing network.

With the availability of administrative resources, we can connect to the existing network of the region in which the city will be located.

If this option will be at the mercy of the bureaucracy and will be expensive, then you can look in the direction of alternative energy.

Option 2. Alternative energy.

Someone can now spit in the monitor and say that I am carrying complete nonsense and that hydrocarbons for another 30 years will be relevant. But let's look at and look at the facts and world experience.

1.1 Wind generation

I will give some quotes ( Source ):
Current industry-specific economic and statistical studies declare the market competitiveness of renewable energy sources. Published in September 2014 "Analysis of the present value of energy" of the investment bank Lazard shows that the mainland wind power industry has the cheapest way to produce electricity. According to the bank’s calculations, the present cost of electricity production is $ 37–81 / MWh, while for gas generation — 61–87, and coal — $ 66–151 / MWh.

In February 2015, a study of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) “The cost of generation in renewable energy in 2014” was published, according to which the cost of electricity production in a number of renewable energy sectors is equal to or lower than the cost of generation by coal, gas and diesel power plants , even without financial support and with falling oil prices . ” At a tender for the construction of a 200 MW solar power plant in the United Arab Emirates in December 2014, a consortium won with a price proposal of $ 0.0584 / kWh. Such a cost of solar electricity is competitive with hydrocarbons even with an oil price of $ 10 / bbl and gas - $ 5 / MBTE.

To kill all doubts until the end, look at a series of surprising facts:

  1. Wind turbines will be able to provide Spain with 100% energy
  2. Wind turbines provided 106% of Scotland energy
  3. For 4 years, China will spend $ 102 billion on wind energy

Let's look at the wind map of Russia:

In the south we see the red zone, which tells us that wind generation in this region will be effective. And this is exactly the place where I propose to build a new city.

1.2 Solar energy

The market of solar energy is also not standing still. Its value has fallen dramatically in recent years.

When building a city, the question will arise - how to cover the roofs. The answer was given this fall by Ilon Musk when he introduced a new design: shingles with solar cells .

Mask in the presentation mentioned that the price of Solar Roof will be commensurate with the usual tile. Therefore, the question of what to cover the roofs of houses in the city should not be.

Tiles with solar cells in a five-story building will not cover all needs, but if 2-3 apartments are provided with electricity, then the benefits for the city and its residents are obvious.
The power of the panels has not yet been announced, so we will find out the full picture later, in 2017.

Solar insolation map of Russia:

Again, we see that the south once again wins in terms of the location of the city there.

The rest of the communications in the spoiler, since they are traditional and will depend on the specific location of the city.

Other communications

Water and sewage

If next to the river, the filtration station, if there is no river, then the well as done in Innopolis .

Sewerage is a classic sewage treatment plant. Modern cleaning systems can clean sewage water to drinking water.

Heating and gasification

I combined these points, since they are interdependent. The location of the city can be selected based on the ability to connect to existing networks.

» Map of gas supply regions

Are there any other options for autonomous heating?

Optical fiber

Connect to existing networks.

Means of communication

The infrastructure of the selected region will also affect where the city is located. It will be comfortable if the airport is no further than 100-150 km, and the railway line is within 10-20 km. Road is the smallest problem. In the city can lead a branch of the federal highway.

Domestic laws

So, what is a fundamentally private city will differ from the traditional, except for architecture and well-designed urban environment? That's right - good rules. Without them, it will again turn into what we already have now.

1) Urban Environment and Road Safety Standards

Most recently, I met Alexander Mostov , who, with his team, translates Swiss standards TEDnorm and SNnorm. What are these standards?

They regulate storm sewers, road construction, lighting, underground work and much more. Why precisely Swiss? The fact is that Switzerland has achieved not only very high levels of safety on the roads , but also the quality of the urban environment as a whole.

I took a detailed comment from Alexander about the need to introduce Swiss standards in Russia:
The main task that we face today on the way to the reconstruction of old and the creation of new cities includes two strategic components:

1) the absolute need for fundamentally different standards for roads and road traffic, architectural and construction standards, as well as for related engineering

2) a fundamentally different approach to the transformation of the concept of the city itself, the creation of strategies for spatial planning and development of the transport system, taking into account the idea of ​​compact cities, created or transformed super-efficient spaces for people’s lives

By standards, we are today at a stage of very great opportunities . It implies a realizable prospect of a radical change in this area.

The situation in world science and the possibilities of open information make it possible to evaluate the experience of standardization development in various countries and that the result of their implementation is very important. It so happens that today our standards are far beyond the modern logic of developed countries. Due to this, we are not able even with good intentions to make a breakthrough in quality, to intensify the infrastructure, transport and construction and architectural sectors. And, therefore, the ideas of effective urban planning and the positions of the intensification of the entire national economy.

It is curious that today the leaders in these areas are not the countries that we are accustomed to be considered the most developed and popular.

There are two types of development:

1) intense (giving the greatest performance)
2) extensive (aimed in the direction of only a quantitative increase, and not in the direction of improving quality)

When we talk about the intensive type, it is worth understanding that by and large the United States does not belong to a country of intensive type of development . Rather, applies only to selected examples. The EU countries represent the best example of an intensive type of development, but only among the leaders of the whole union. By and large, the rest of the countries could not be rebuilt on the rails of the intensification of urban planning, infrastructure and related engineering systems. The growth of intensification in the EU leaders' countries is constrained by the load of weaker member countries, as well as other prerequisites, including external burdens and highly complex internal processes.

Against this background, among all countries of the world, Swiss specialists were able to establish the most effective work , which is confirmed not only by a huge library of regularly updated standards, but also by the end result in the country's position in world rankings. Thanks to the correct strategy for the development of the national economy, combined with neutrality, independence and the lack of diversion of human resources and material resources, an impeccable conveyor was established in this area. And most importantly, the unified and open work of specialists from various institutions, including state and private, various departments, ministries, municipalities and regions. This work today has no analogues in the world, it is characterized by high productivity throughout the country, regardless of the local culture, mentality and language spoken in a particular region. Schools, design bureaus and research institutes are involved.

This work and the network of created cooperation is not momentary, but constant. Its result is the creation of two main libraries of the Confederation SIAnorm and SNnorm .

1) The SIAnorm architectural and construction standards are developed by the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
2) SNnorm road and traffic standards are developed by the Swiss Road Engineers Association (VSS)

This includes work aimed at updating and updating these libraries, taking into account the need to constantly support the country at the very peak of progress.

Standards have a limited life cycle, at the end of which a new superstandard is necessarily produced (the terminology found in the materials of Swiss specialists). That is, there is not an abrupt development with intervals of lagging and degradation for years and even decades, but a smooth and positive development without the shock consequences of the introduction of a large set of matured and fundamentally different measures and reforms.

All this allows, among all countries of the world, to be a leader in many of the most important ratings for residents, the economy and the whole country, or at least to hold strong positions in the highest category.

The accumulated experience in the field of ultra-modern standardization and its total efficiency at the stage of implementation in urban development, transport infrastructure, road safety, architecture and construction, the attractiveness of land development and modernization of cities currently has a significant lead over similar European and especially American.

An important difference from the intensive path that we have observed over the centuries in other European countries is that the Swiss is being introduced as uniformly as possible throughout the country.

In this regard, a compact country is an ideal testing ground. As the standards are effectively implemented in regions with different climatic, landscape conditions, languages ​​and differences in mentality, relative heterogeneity of the level of economic development.

There is no doubt that today the EU is carrying out major reforms, including spatial planning and environmental protection, which will have a maximum and inevitable impact on the economy not only of the region, but of the whole world, including EIT and third world countries. However, in the situation with the development of cities is not yet possible to achieve the desired homogeneity. In turn, it has been achieved in Switzerland, which proves the maximum viability and vitality of the standards and ideas implemented by the experts of the Confederation. It is thanks to this that conditions are created under which, regardless of global crises, it is possible to attract investors, white-collar workers, solvent and very wealthy tourists to the country. Including attractiveness and superefficiency is provided by an impressive stream from Russia, including businessmen, managers and their families. It is the result of the creation and / or transformation of Swiss cities, infrastructure and architecture for life. Even among the well-to-do categories, there are so many wishing that the country is forced to impose restrictions. This causes a tough reaction and sanctions from the EU.

In order to take an appropriate position, it is necessary to introduce exactly the Swiss experience, including the standards of roads and road traffic SNnorm, as well as the architectural and construction standards of SIAnorm. Otherwise, any American or European can discard us even further and create some kind of comical and unviable imitation of very ineffective solutions, which are convenient for a certain and very economically influential part of the population, but deprive us of development for decades to come.

2) Parking regulations in the courtyards.

Many Russian courtyards are in poor condition. Historically, the yard has become a parking lot. We no longer perceive it as a place where you can walk and spend time with friends. The courtyard now is a passage that you want to go quickly, squeezing between parked cars, or this is the place to get in the car at the front door to the entrance and drive away.

Solution: do parking under the houses. This will take into account the needs of motorists and pedestrians, allowing the use of the yard as intended.

The entrance to the yard is possible for special equipment and light trucks for moving.

3) Rules of advertising

In order for the city not to have a visual mess, it is necessary to regulate the rules for placing advertising materials and attributes of commercial objects.

The visual culture in Russia is low, as in all of Asia, for example. This is especially evident in the regions. And it is impossible to change it overnight. It is difficult to expect aesthetics from the conditional Vasily Ivanovich, who makes the design of outdoor advertising his auto repair shop in the Word.

That is why the city should help small businesses that do not have funds for expensive designers, providing them with ready-made branding for certain types of businesses.
Take for example a car wash. On average in the country, it looks like this:

To avoid this, entrepreneurs will be given free urban corporate identity for car washes. The logo, the type of outdoor advertising, corporate identity and more will help Vasily Ivanovich to do business without destroying urban aesthetics.


When the car wash starts to bring a stable profit to the owner, he can hire good designers and make himself a unique style, if he wants.

The city receives a European-level environment, and business does not suffer. This is the key to development.

4) Support for environmentally friendly modes of transport

For the use of cars with ICE citizens will be charged a tax that will go to subsidize drivers with electric cars. This will encourage the purchase of environmentally friendly transport. This item should be introduced gradually, giving residents the opportunity to a smooth transition.

5) Unified architectural style

Want to build a new building in the city? Not a problem, just observe the height of the building and the surrounding architectural style. There is also a team of city architects and an engineering bureau. It will help to design the building with the needs of the customer.

6) Electronic document management . Less paper, more document mobility.

7) Write your suggestions in the comments.

City Management

Why business will achieve efficiency in management?

It is business that has experience in managing and building efficient large companies. Business creates billions of companies with thousands of people subordinate.

I believe that the average manager of a large company is more experienced than the average mayor of a city. I am now considering cases where such a manager achieved high results himself, and was not hired, because he is “a friend of his cousin”.

The sphere of IT, by the way, is the most progressive and fast-growing. Here, modern management technologies are applied, rather than outdated “through the transfer of memos”.

Why is this business?

Large Western IT companies understand that their competencies and ambitions can change not only the Internet, but also into the offline industry. Google is no longer just a search and online services, it’s a company that builds a floating data center and even its own airport or here it’s: Y Combinator builds its own city , and Facebook has a laboratory .

This trend tells us that for integrated development, IT companies need to go beyond the Internet. The Internet is only a guide among the infrastructure in which we live and in order to take a step further, sometimes it is necessary to create the infrastructure itself.

Sooner or later, Russian IT companies are aware of this and will also follow the example of their Western colleagues. And most importantly, it was not "late". That is why I am writing this article here at a large IT site in Russia. With these articles, I want to show the problem and possible solutions.

A private smart city is a base for implementing various IT solutions that can bring in a steady income to companies. And if in an ordinary city, companies have few competencies, then in a private one, it can turn around.

Perhaps Yandex or Luxoft, or any other IT company, will look at the concept of a smart private city. I fully realize that the capital of such companies may not overpower the implementation of such a project, and this is not important. Large companies have great competencies and connections. And most importantly, they have weight in the market. If the head of the company has enough ambitions, he will be able to implement this idea at the proper level. Even large developers do not build residential complexes and cottage villages with their own money, mostly, this happens for investors' money. Therefore, it is not necessary to invest big capital in the project, it is necessary to find those who believe in this idea.


Why the state will allow to build a private city?

For the state, a private city is a huge tax object. Why should he forbid that which will bring him income? He does not violate the constitutional principles. This is the same as saying that private cottage villages violate the integrity of Russia.

Utopia, utopia, utopia. This is impossible, unrealizable, unacceptable.

I think in the English-speaking Internet they also sat and discussed Mask (I cite him as an example, because he is heard): electric cars are unprofitable, who needs it, no one will buy it.
And now the traditional automakers reorient polls.

And absolutely everyone also talked about MS-21 : we have no facilities, the aircraft manufacturing industry is in decline, it was destroyed during the restructuring, we have no sensible designers and engineers, they are all retired, there is no infrastructure. Where are these guys now?

If you read the comments, you get the feeling that nothing at all in Russia will work out, that you should not even start, that it is better to press the legs and hide in a corner.
Friends, I do not propose to build a city on the moon. Nothing supernatural in the article is not voiced, everything is within the limits of reasonable. Now in some private cottage villages have their own schools and kindergartens, shops and small first-aid stations.

To be continued.

I remind you that everything that I propose in the draft is not final and irrevocable. I am flexible and listen to any suggestions. Many parts of the project I have already changed with the filing of various members of the community. Criticize, but offer something new in return.

Write comments here and join the group in VK or FB to chat there.

Next part

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/400037/

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