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Pochta Rossii will wrap all non-tracking packages through Yakutia - and this is not all strange news

The day before yesterday, news appeared on the website of the Post of Russia with an optimistic headline “ Delivery of items from foreign online stores will be faster and more convenient .” What exactly this means, I had to explain to Kommersant , who found out that from January 1, 2017 all parcels from abroad without tracking numbers would go through the sorting center in the city of Mirny, Yakutia.

Innovations "Mail of Russia" raise questions even among market professionals

Either that, or such parcels will need to be sent by registered small packages, tariffs for which are higher on average by $ 0.5. About this "Russian Post" notified all national postal services of countries belonging to the Universal Postal Union. The national postal administrations of 35 countries have already supported the “Post of Russia” initiative at the Universal Postal Congress in Istanbul.

Those who order parcels privately from China will suffer most of all from this measure: it is there that most often there are no tracking numbers, but not only: standard shipping from the UK, for example, also comes without tracking numbers. However, the location of the place of international postal exchange (MMPO) quite transparently hints, in my opinion, at whose traffic “Mail” was aimed in the first place.
It is hard to disagree with Kommersant experts who call innovation prohibitive - to drive all trackless parcels through a bearish corner instead of, for example, Samara, which is the largest railway hub and hub, is not too similar to “optimization of the logistics system”.

However, all this is done in the name of the highest good: the transition to fully registered items should increase the reliability of the service and speed of delivery. And the cost , of course:

Today the cost is 100 grams. registered package is 87 rubles., unregistered - 36. Thus, the "Mail of Russia" achieves that unregistered traffic cost as much as registered.

At least, if after January 1, your package without a tracking code is lost again, you will know exactly where to look for it: in the town of Mirny, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

None other than someone told Santa Claus that fans of ordering parcels from abroad behaved badly this year. How else to explain that the bad news is pouring on the new year like from a leaky bag of very bad Santa?

Russian Post looks at you with all your parcels as a client

Honestly, I have not seen official statements for a long time, each statement of which would be so contrary to their meaning. And after all, “faster and more convenient departures” through Yakutia is not all.

"Mail of Russia" wants a strange

Kommersant didn’t write about this already, so we’ll discuss it first: one more brilliant idea from Almost Russia is to demand that from January 1, 2017 all packages be sorted by delivery regions to the Russian Federation in the country of departure.

This will allow to fully automate, speed up the process of acceptance, sorting, passing shipments through the territory of the Russian Federation and issuing them to recipients in post offices.

And how should this work?

Just imagine the airport of New York, in which customs sits and sorts Russian parcels on different pallets, spreading them out into dozens of areas. This is purely technically unrealistic for now: on what grounds will they determine the region. By index? Drive in and watch each package individually for this? No one will do it. Yes, it is theoretically possible to somehow automate the process, so that the scanner issues a digit assigned to a region, a sticker with this digit is glued, etc. - but in any case, these are additional expenses, time and staff for foreign postal services. I doubt that it will be taken silently. Those. if this sorting will be, it is not very soon.
- Elena Panova, VP Pochoty.com

Those. The cunning plan of the Post of Russia is to shift its work - sorting parcels by cities - to foreign postal services. Why, if the packages still fly / go / float to several key cities, and from there to the country? No one would send a letter from Texas immediately to Yoshkar-Ola, and a package from Guangzhou directly to Elista. So far this looks like a conscious provocation of a conflict with the postal services of other states, in order to make them extreme - they do not fulfill the requirements.

In a strange way, it fits into the logic of the latest initiatives related to parcels: for example, the recently published scheme by our colleagues for collecting VAT on foreign online stores does not just explain how this procedure should take place, but finally confuses everything.


However, since the initiators of the cunning plan and the authors of the scheme are the infamous "Association of Internet Trading Companies" (ACIT), it would be appropriate to assume that it should not work. This is not nonsense - but deliberately wrecking, sticks in the wheels of cross-border e-commerce in the hope that it will finally break its legs.

So how exactly did the “Mail of Russia” get together to train the postal services of all countries of the world to understand 85 regions of Russia? And what will she do if they do not go for it?

One can only assume that nothing - and nothing. Do not send them back with the note "please indicate the region of destination, otherwise we ourselves do not know where we have Voronezh."

But why even then announce obviously unrealizable initiatives?

And why call shipping a huge flow of parcels through the city of Mirny as a logistical optimization?

I'd love to hear the answers to these questions.

PS All parcels of Pochtoy.com from the USA have tracking numbers, so your purchase will not exactly go to you through Yakutia.

And according to tradition, with the first order - $ 5 discount on the supergeek promo code.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399939/

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