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Pain in the hands when working at the computer. Part 5. Carpal tunnel syndrome

In the previous articles of the cycle, you met with the diagnosis of the main tunnel syndromes of the upper limb, learned to relieve tension from the shoulder girdle , relieve tension from the scalene muscles and the circular pronator .

Now it's time to do carpal tunnel syndrome and, at the same time, remove the manifestation of the ulnar canal syndrome.

You can continue reading only if you are prepared to spend 15-20 minutes, performing movements from the situations of the lesson. It makes no sense to read the instructions, unsubscribe in the comments: “the approach is cool, but there is still no opportunity to try it - maybe tomorrow or at the weekend ...” Or: “I didn’t do it — there’s no effect, I have ... what is your opinion on this issue. What is the effect of the lesson in the article? - there was no effect - I haven’t done the lesson yet. ”

People who effectively use knowledge are exactly the same as you, just they, while learning, saw something inside themselves. Under the cut is just such a lesson.

So, you still found a little time for yourself to finally do at least one of the lessons of this series of articles. If you have not tested yourself before for a predisposition to tunnel syndromes of the upper limb, then it's time to do it in order to evaluate the result. Read and conduct tests from the first article of the cycle.
Sit at the table, put your hands on it and feel how they lie. Perform a light, scraping movement with your fingertips on the table, feel how the muscles in the palms, forearms, what is going on with the elbow joint, are working.
Make a move several times and stop. Remember your feelings during the scraper and proceed to the study of situations.

Situation number 1

Try to slightly raise the straight brush on the tips of the outstretched fingers so that the shoulder and elbow joints remain in place. You just lift the wrist joint slightly above the table and gently lower it to its original position.

Feel the movement: as it is transmitted to the surface of the table. Try to do it as gently as possible so that the table does not suffer much from your pressure. Do it several times and stop.

Remember how you scrubbed the table with your fingertips at the beginning of a lesson, and repeat this movement now. Feel if a new quality has appeared in this movement.

Situation number 2

Leave your fingertips on the table, only this time lift the brush vertically upwards, the shoulder and elbow joints help to make a movement. Raise the brush smoothly and return to the starting position in the same way.


Feel the movement in the hand respond with movement in the elbow and shoulder joints. Try to sit upright. If you lean forward, change your position so as to minimize the displacement of the body, leaving only the arms in motion. Do it several times and stop, put your hands on the table and rest.

A minute later, repeat the scraping movement with your fingertips on the table. Has the quality of performance changed?

Situation number 3

Now very gently and smoothly twist the fingers between each other, sever and re-weave.

Achieve this quality of performance, so that your fingers barely touch each other. Look for this quality, twist your fingers and leave them in that position.
Then sit closer to the table and place your arms so that your shoulders are ninety degrees to the table.

Find a comfortable position and very slowly and smoothly roll your forearms on the table forward and away from you. Move the movement short so that the forearms and hands remain on the table. Feel how the connection of the fingers works. Make a move several times and stop.

Situation number 4

Roll one arm, the other remains motionless. Try to feel how the movement of the rotation of one hand to the other is transmitted, how gently the fingers in the plexus roll.

Try to remove the surplus resistance of a hand that does not move, so that the movement is made as easy as possible.

Change hands and repeat rolling with another hand. Reduce the amplitude, do not chase for speed. The main thing is to grasp the understanding of how the shoulder and elbow joints are involved in this situation. Stop and let yourself rest.

Situation number 5

Sit exactly and put your hands on the weight at the level of the face, forearm in one line, parallel to the floor.

Try to twist them in different directions: one hand in one direction, the other - in another.
The fingers are intertwined gently, as during previous movements. Feel what shoulder joints, shoulder, shoulder blades do to allow yourself to perform this movement as comfortably as possible.

Raise your hands to the level of the forehead and synchronously twist to one and the other side. Is there a movement in the shoulder girdle, what are the shoulder blades doing, is the head moving?
Now place your arms above your head and repeat the twist. Trace the relationship between the movements of the hands and the movement in the shoulder joints, shoulder blades, spine, head. You still sit upright.

Do a few repetitions and lay the entwined hands behind your head, twist them synchronously, then in different directions.

Try to keep your wrists soft so that they follow the movement of your hands. Feel what happens in the spine and shoulder blades, as well as in the very interlacing of the fingers. Make a move several times and stop.

Put your hands back on the table and rub it again with your fingertips on the table. What's happening? Has the quality of performance changed?

Situation number 6

Now try to imagine that you are writing or typing, maybe playing a musical instrument or chopping into a shooter.

Take the position in which you most often are during everyday work, and try to do the hand movements associated with this position.

Who writes, who prints, who plays. Is there a difference now? Has something new appeared in their performance? Stop, rest and scan your body.

When a person pays attention only to what his fingers are doing, then higher - in the forearms, shoulders and shoulder girdle - muscle clamps are created. No matter how you try to move better, focusing your eyes and feelings only on your finger tips, the smoothness and lightness of the movement performed — print, writing, playing the instrument, moving the mouse — is reduced.

The lesson aims to teach you to remove excess stress from your hands and shoulder glands, to free up space for neurovascular bundles on your arm. Over time, in your work, you will choose exactly the way of movement that will allow you to perform it more efficiently, easily and painlessly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399889/

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