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The new principle of coding information to obtain subjective reality in artificial neural networks


The article gives an overview of the analysis of two types of information - simple and subjective, the difference between the concepts of intelligence and perceiving consciousness is considered. Some logical functional features of consciousness are described. An approach is proposed for the technical acquisition of subjective information by changing the temporal degree of freedom of the signal to spatial. In order to obtain the function of the “observer” in the system, and the information signals shown relative to it, which serve as subjective sensations. Solving this problem can give a new approach to the design of strong artificial intelligence and shed light on the difficult problem of consciousness.

Two kinds of information

Information for the convenience of understanding the described topic can be divided into two types - simple and subjective.

Simple information does not require the presence of an observer in relation to which it appears. All information technologies associated with the creation, transmission, storage of information use just such a view. Also, with the help of such information, it is possible to realize the functions of weak artificial intelligence - signal processing, search for solutions, training, planning, etc. This information can be processed discretely in time, in parallel, in parts on different devices. Due to the absence of an observer in artificial intelligence, the paradox of the “Chinese Room” is obtained.
When processing such information, you can use punch cards or simpler mechanisms. For example, a wooden sieve with holes of various shapes and sizes, performing the function of a program, and figures suitable for holes and performing the function of signals. By making the pieces move according to a sieve, where they will be sorted by the size and shape of the hole, you can perform the simplest functions of logic and computational functions attributed to artificial intelligence. But talking about the presence of consciousness in the punch card or wooden figures and the sieve is illegal. The book stores information, but information does not exist for the book itself.

Subjective information includes our sensations - thoughts, emotions, feelings, images. They create the subjective reality of our consciousness. Our brain operates with a mixed type. First, we sense thoughts that are made up of letters and give images and meanings. We feel emotions and conceptual attitudes like “right,” “understandable,” and so on. It is the sensation that serves as a signal processed by our consciousness and ensures the perception of the process, which serves as the basis for a strong artificial intelligence. Perception here is primary. No perception - no consciousness, and we do not exist . Despite the possible complexity of the computational processes occurring subconsciously in order to maintain the functioning of the body.

The difference between the concepts of intelligence and consciousness

For weak artificial intelligence there is no need for consciousness, and the simplest consciousness has no direct need for intelligence. Many algorithms of artificial intelligence in different measure are already used in technology without the presence of consciousness. In turn, the simplest animals, possessing the sensation on which the reflexes are based, do not have a logical apparatus or the ability to calculate. The basis is the possibility of perception by the charge of another charge, and the interaction of fields, which can be complicated. Acting as a relay on the "signal-reflex" principle.

The difference between the concepts of the living and the animated

Most of the representatives of wildlife (by the number of individuals and biomass - over 99%) - plants, the simplest - there is no higher nervous activity and consciousness, as we understand it. At the same time, the brain of developed creatures carries the legacy of biological structure, when the brain and body during evolution had to develop, be born and grow, multiply, feed, regenerate. All this may be the cause of a more complex construction than is necessary to obtain the function of consciousness. Based on this assumption, we will try to repeat the algorithms of animation, self-perception on non-biological structures, or instrumental.

Let's look at a technical approach for obtaining subjective information. To do this, we will analyze the work of our consciousness on two main points.

Perception is based on distinction.

If we do not perceive the differences between the illumination of the contours of objects, their saturation, color characteristics, between darkness and light - we have no eyesight. If we do not perceive the difference between the presence or absence of taste, the difference between the tastes themselves and their combinations - we have no sense of taste. If we do not feel the difference between the presence of thought and its absence, between thought-out thoughts, the beginning and end of semantic segments, the letters and words from which they are composed, the images and concepts that they cause - we have no thinking. If we do not perceive the difference between being and non-being, time spans and so on - we simply do not exist.

Registering a difference is a subjective informational signal, and the fact of registering a difference gives rise to the function of an observer. Regarding which the subjective sensation is born. These are two mutually-defining parameters that do not exist without each other.

Perception and observer exist only in the present tense.

The fact of registering differences can exist, as well as any objective or subjective reality, only at the present time. Even for the registration of a lengthy process, the observer cannot be between the past and the present. Everything happens only now, in the shortest moment of the present time. What was a moment ago, consciousness is losing now in the form of memory signals and associative structures. In addition, we simultaneously perceive all points of space from the analyzer of sight, color, taste, smell, body position in space, moments of time, and so on. Even taking into account the fact that the information from the vision comes with a delay due to the time of passage of the signal from the receptors to the analyzer of vision, and the time for processing, even if we process words and thoughts in time, the full picture does not disappear. We do not forget what happened a moment ago. There is no gap in consciousness due to the work of short-term memory. But we perceive absolutely everything just now.

Problem of computer approach

The usual computer approach based on bit modulation of a signal is not suitable for obtaining the observer function. Since the beginning of the signal is already in the past, and the end is still in the future. The past no longer exists, the future does not yet exist . A part of the physically existing signal in the form of a voltage drop does not represent a complete sense and cannot give rise to a complex subjective picture in the observer. This option is suitable for processing simple information, but it is unsuitable for the subjective . The observer, as a function of registering differences, cannot be discrete in time or scattered in different parts of the RAM or processor. Between them there must be something that provides a comparison. And this something must exist in the present tense. For a complex subjective picture, one-timeness in time and the continuity of pieces of information in the device relative to the observer are necessary. The entirety of the perceived picture must be present in the present tense.

Approaches to the technical solution

We take the possibility of perception in nature of one charge of another and try to create complex patterns of perception on this basis. Including, inherent in human consciousness. The observer here is the state of energy equilibrium of the electromagnetic field, enclosed in a complex predetermined design of conductors, information signals — the effect on this field as distortions of its equilibrium, a complex picture of sensations — a configuration of simultaneous influences. Changing over time. Informational signals may appear relative to the general observer from external (receptors) and internal (memory, thinking, associative mechanisms) stimulations.

The presence of an observer who registers all his states in real time can be achieved by replacing the temporal degree of freedom of the signal with the spatial one. When the value of the signal is set not by what modulation it came to the system, but where it came from and what deviations it caused. This will allow to create the completeness of the picture in the present tense and to make it a subjective reality for the system itself. Unlike virtual models of simple information , distributed in time. Such information will actually exist for the system itself.

The simplest function of the observer inside the field, as the deviation of its own equilibrium, appears already with three acting elements. With two, the equilibrium point will always be in the middle and cannot register the difference. This scheme can be complicated to the required parameters.




Given the ability to connect not only neighboring, but also remote nodes and their ensembles, it is possible to create complex information mosaics. The signal coming to the system (A) may also be not linear (B), but of a complex shape (C).


Having laid the constructive possibilities of automatic switching of nodes depending on electrical characteristics and changes in field configurations in given zones of the system, one can make the process infinite. The role of the program here will be performed by the configuration of the connection of the nodes, and by the processing of information, the desire to equalize the energy balance. The nodes themselves perform the role of neurons. This will provide systems that do not require a discrete miscalculation of the relationship between all nodes. Everything will happen naturally and almost instantly.

The technical approach can be based on “operational amplifiers” and the principles of analog computers with a modified architecture and information processing method for obtaining subjectivity.

For a flexible mechanism for obtaining complex subjective relationships, you can create a stand where there are three components.


1. Physical condition (networks from a conductor, field carriers, an artificial neural network) - a design that defines the logic of interaction and values, replacing a computer program. With it, complex relationships are formed within the field. By closing and disconnecting the network connections, it is possible to control the field characteristics and values ​​for the energy equilibrium, which serves as an “observer”. For which "everything happens."

2. An electric field, or other substance that perceives its energy balance (based on pressure, magnetism, gravity, etc.) ... A field or substance is in a physical condition-structure that defines the logic of relations. By applying to the nodes external or internal signals, it is possible to create a complex picture of the signals inside the substance. Which perceives its deviations and seeks to align them.

3. Effect - resulting from the interaction of parts of a field or substance with each other and taking different values ​​with respect to equilibrium. It is the subjective information and sensation for the observer.

It should be noted that if we want to create a model similar to the human consciousness, then we should use conductors that conduct the signal with a small speed of nerve fibers. What causes the duration of sensations in time. When using metal conductors alignment will occur almost instantly.


In the image, you can see a variant of computer simulation of the formation of balance between different areas where the balance region is blue and an MRI scan of a real brain. Also, the model of exposure to all parts of the brain that does not cause a difference at once, and the “dead brain” model, in which there is no difference. If there is no difference, there is no observer and consciousness.

Some reasons for the proposed solution

- the design resembles a neural network that exists in the animal world. Such systems could evolve evolutionarily, from simple to complex, immediately possessing perception and primitive consciousness. For a computer approach, an analog of a processor, a program, and so on is immediately necessary. What could not have evolved by evolution;

- Unlike the computer approach, this is not about processing, transmitting or storing information, but about creating the function of an observer who records deviations and the complexity of the combinations he perceives. Accordingly, the logic of technology may differ from computer methods;

- The equilibrium region, located in the corresponding analyzer or brain area, may be an analogue of attention. At the same time, there cannot be two or more centers of equilibrium in one consciousness, and there is always one “ray of attention”. Otherwise there would be numerous consciousnesses inside one brain. Theoretically, this is possible, but the body would be unviable.

- the difference is based on the contrast, examples of which we have in our mind. With a strong impact on all sensations, including emotional ones, a person does not feel strong stimuli or even damage, and in a calm state a slight irritation takes an essential place in perception. This also applies to pre-threshold and above-threshold effects on receptors. If the brightness of the light is not enough, the vision analyzer cannot distinguish between contours and color, perceiving information as darkness. Also, under strong light, the distinction disappears and a blinding effect is obtained. Impact on all receptors at once (all variations of sound, taste or smell) also does not allow to distinguish specific information, creating a “white noise”. The same applies to memory and associative mechanisms. When thinking all the thoughts at once, it is also impossible to single out the meaning. That is, an equivalent impact on all network nodes will not cause deviations in the system, and the sensation will not manifest. Therefore, it can be said that any sensation is a deviation of the system from the equilibrium state of all the parts.

- self-leveling skew leads to the disappearance of the feeling that can be compared with addiction. With constant exposure to sound, color, smell, tactile irritation, we cease to notice it. A strong feeling or desire may arise as a difference in field values ​​in areas and the desire to align it.

Notes on "Turing Test"

As for the Turing test, which is considered one of the main proofs of the presence of mind and self-awareness of a strong artificial intelligence, even beings with developed consciousness and intelligence may not pass it. Trained dogs or monkeys that are conscious and able to relate an action to a possible result have some kind of intelligence. If the conceptual schemes do not coincide with those in the test, the questioner will not be able to distinguish such animals from non-living machines. Also, the interviewee may be quite reasonable person who speaks another language or does not have knowledge in the field of interviews. That also does not give the result of the Turing test. However, knowing the questions and preparing the answers, you can easily deceive the questioner (especially if he is not very clever) with the help of the simplest devices that do not have a mind. Including punched cards or wooden sieves.

Criticism and protection of the proposed approach

The described approach may act in the biological brain, but it has some contradictions.

Hodzhin and Huxley's all-or-nothing potential transfer

Researchers Hodgin and Huxley in 1963 described the ionic mechanism of transmission of the action potential in a neuron. For which they received the Nobel Prize. The basis is a discrete transfer of excitation, which caused studies of the brain, based on discrete bit logic.

However, this approach does not contradict the logic described in this article. It has the right to exist if we consider not a separate neuron, but their ensembles, and take into account the fact that the potential is triggered by a change in electrical characteristics that are different in different areas of the brain. It is necessary to take into account the time of action and the mass character of the work of ion channels in one neuron, the difference in the work of neurotransmitters and electrical neurons, the entry of a signal from many neurons into one and so on. In this case, discrete signals can be added into a single continuous stream of electrons in a single field, which gives simultaneity. Also, this approach, based on replacing the program with design features, explains the work of “grandmother's neurons”, when the closure of one section of the network generates complex effects in the remaining parts. In addition, the effects of neural interfaces, acting by electrical stimulation on brain areas and sensations in it, have been widely experimentally confirmed. These stimuli do not carry information and have a non-bit nature, changing only the characteristics of the electric field in neural networks. Also, there are medications in the brain. They do not carry a bit code, contributing only to the closure of certain sections of the neural circuits using neurotransmitters.

Problems of electromagnetic theories of consciousness

One of the problem areas of electromagnetic theories of consciousness, regardless of their logic, is the problem of susceptibility of consciousness to external electromagnetic radiation. Based on the logic of electromagnetic theories of consciousness, it can be assumed that a mobile phone or the presence of devices with a strong electromagnetic field can significantly affect the characteristics of the field inside the brain. However, this does not happen. We do not experience hallucinations or changes in the characteristics of sensations - thinking, memory, vision, taste, smell, touch, and so on. The mechanism of transmission of the action potential inside the neuron has incomparably greater potential than possible external excitations, thanks to which neurobiologists described the transmission of a signal in the brain as a set of bits.

A confirmation of the proposed approach is the assumption that external electromagnetic radiation affects all areas of the brain at once, leveling the overall field value inside the brain, but without changing the proportions of the interaction between their parts, which carry informational characteristics regarding the observer function.


Subjective reality, like our consciousness, can represent a complex superposition of the many-to-many relationship between neuron nodes, where the observer’s function is the energy balance of the field, tending to equilibrium, and the subjective information presents various effects causing distortions in equilibrium. Such information exists solely for the system itself. Different configurations of field equilibrium will be different states of consciousness. On which, including, the functions of intelligence will be performed - logic, calculations and others. Measurements of two potentials (plus and minus) with respect to various parts of the system or grounding do not carry the entire picture for an external observer. Using the existing possibility in nature of perception of one charge by another, it is possible to create complex informational patterns for the observer, including repeating the basic algorithms of our sensations - emotions, thinking, feelings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399881/

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