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Pseudoscience and speculators. Perpetual motion machine

Perpetuum mobile (lat. Perpetuum Mobile) - an imaginary device that allows you to get useful work more than the amount of energy communicated to him.

The self-moving wheel of the German inventor Orfireus rotated for two months in a sealed room, the doors of which were guarded by the grenadiers. During demonstrations, it not only rotated at a speed of 50 revolutions per minute, but also lifted loads to 16 kg. In 1725, Peter I was going to Germany to personally inspect the perpetual motion machine, which the inventor Orfireus agreed to sell to Russia for 100,000 efimki (1 efimok — about a ruble).

In 1775, the Paris Academy of Sciences made its famous decision not to consider perpetual motion projects because of the obvious impossibility of their creation. But still at scientific conferences in Russia and other countries, ideas about extracting energy from vacuum , pulsating fields (which exclude some of the negative work in a closed loop), energy transformations with changes in the internal structure of space-time, the so-called " free energy. "
Some scientists manage to get patents for especially abstruse inventions where the patent bureau is unable to immediately recognize the perpetual motion machine. Moreover, the great scientists of the past, including Robert Boyle and Johann Bernoulli, offered their own perpetual motion designs. Many years devoted to the invention of the perpetual motion machine of Leonardo da Vinci.

Perpetual Motion of Bhaskara, 1150 g

The first mention in the historical literature of a particular perpetual motion device refers to the year 1150. The Indian poet, mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara in his poem describes a kind of wheel with long, narrow vessels half-filled with mercury attached along the rim. The principle of operation of this first mechanical “perpetuum mobile” is based on the difference in the moments of gravity forces created by the fluid moving in the vessels placed on the circumference of the wheel. As the author himself describes, “a wheel filled with liquid in this way, being mounted on an axis lying on two fixed supports, continuously rotates by itself.”

Rotating wheel was often used in ancient perpetual motion machines. In a sense, the “perpetual motion of the wheel” even had a religious meaning. Even in the Vedic religion, the wheel symbolized the divine principle. At the very beginning of its development, science began to borrow some religious attributes for its own purposes, putting them into practice in the form of constructive elements of various machines.

Different modifications of the wheel of Bhaskara are found in the literature of the Arab countries in the following centuries. In Europe, the first drawings of perpetual motion machines appear simultaneously with the introduction of Arabic numerals , that is, at the beginning of the 13th century.

Drawing of one of the oldest projects "perpetuum mobile" in Europe (circa 1235) from the album of Villare d'Onnecourt

For some reason, there is no evidence that European engineers worked on perpetual motion machines in ancient times, that is, in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, although they had enough qualifications and knowledge for such experiments. Probably, at that time there was simply no demand (public order) for an eternal source of energy. The energy problem was successfully solved by an unlimited number of slaves available for use at any time, practically free of charge.

Thus, in Europe, the projects of perpetual motion appeared only after the 12th century. In the Renaissance, European scientists and inventors began to study this topic with a new force. For example, Leonardo da Vinci devoted a significant part of his life to this. He began with the schemes of the "perpetual wheel", known from past centuries, then tried to use the buoyancy of water, the water wheel, the Archimedes screw, with which the ancient Greeks lifted the water to irrigate the fields. Naturally, every time Leonardo failed, but he did not give up for a long time. At one of the stages, the inventor made an exact calculation of the moments of forces for the “perpetual wheel” project and came to the conclusion: “The total moment of forces rotating the wheel in one direction is exactly equal to the total moment of forces rotating the wheel in the other direction”. For its time, it was a serious scientific discovery. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci approached the discovery of the law of conservation of energy. By the way, this law was formulated in 1842 by the German naturalist Julius Robert von Meier, who, even at the age of 10, tried to design a perpetual motion machine. At the age of 28 years, the scientist published a paper "Notes on the forces of inanimate nature" in the journal "Annals of Chemistry and Pharmacy." In it, he pointed out the equivalence of the work expended and the heat produced, and thus substantiated the first law of thermodynamics.

In the end, Leonardo also acknowledged that a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. In his notes there is a phrase: “I came to the conclusion that the existence of the“ eternal wheel ”is impossible. The search for the source of perpetual motion is one of the most profound delusions of man. ”

Fortunately, in the following centuries, scientists did not heed the conclusion of Leonardo da Vinci. They continued their attempts to invent a perpetual motion machine, sometimes making remarkable scientific discoveries as they searched.

The perpetual motion machine of Johann Bernoulli is, to the point of genius, a simple construction (see figure on the left). In the vessel in which there is a mixture of heavy and light liquids, the tube is lowered. The upper end of the tube is open, and the lower end is closed by a membrane that allows only the lighter fluid from the mixture to pass through the tube. Then, under the influence of the pressure of the heavier mixture, the light liquid in the tube will rise. If you choose the right height of the tube, as well as the ratio of the densities of liquids, then the light liquid rises so that it will pour out of the tube. This will lead to an eternal circulation, and "thus, the movement of fluid will be eternal."

Robert Boyle, like his colleague Johann Bernoulli, referred to the water cycle in nature - supposedly a real example of a perpetual motion machine. Bernoulli believed that the water cycle in nature is due to the difference in the densities of salt and fresh water, but Boyle explained it by the action of capillary forces. According to the inventor, the liquid rising through the capillary should be poured back into the vessel if the length of the capillary is not too long.

As history shows, such attempts of “crazy” inventions really move science forward. This is the "perpetual motion" for science and technological progress. Unsuccessful experiments help to look at the problem differently, better understand the forces of nature and discover new, previously unknown laws of nature.

For example, at the end of the 16th century, the Dutch mathematician and engineer Simon Stevin showed a drawing that could make an impression of a perpetual motion machine on uneducated citizens. In this figure, the two balls to the right do not seem to balance the four balls to the left of the vertex of the triangle. Thus, the chain of balls supposedly must always rotate counterclockwise.

In fact, Simon Stevin found the condition for the balance of bodies on an inclined plane - another scientific discovery.

In other words, scientists began to search for previously unknown laws of nature, including the conditions for the equilibrium of bodies, based on the postulate that the perpetual motion is impossible. Now, looking at the scheme of the next “perpetuum mobile”, the scientist first of all asks the question: what forces did the inventor not take into account in his perpetual motion scheme?

Vacuum power plant N.A. Shesterenko (VESH) on Laval nozzles . For details, see the author's books “ VESH. Generator of vacuum energy "and" VESH and "KNOW-HOW". Getting energy from the physical vacuum. Christ creating

Inventors are working on new designs perpetual motion so far. Physics and chemistry have advanced significantly over the past centuries, so the authors of such inventions have much richer “tools” for use. In their constructions they use not only mechanical constructions, but also the laws of hydraulics, carry out experiments with magnetism, use chemical reactions, try to apply the laws of quantum mechanics, etc.

Clem Super-Single Engine

For some obsessed inventors, their work becomes a matter of life, a fix idea. These people are convinced that the perpetuum mobile exists and has already been invented several times before, but powerful corporations and governments of countries do not give such inventions a course. The authors of such inventions allegedly often die under mysterious circumstances. In the inflamed logic of inventors, this is easy to explain: after all, the creation of a perpetual motion engine will forever change the course of human history, completely reverse the existing ideas about science, change the order of things in economics and technology, deprive the sources of money and the power of the powerful.

Magnetic engine

Until now, dozens of applications for perpetual motion designs are submitted to the US Patent Office each year. The authors of modern inventions are sometimes intelligent and talented people who are distinguished by a rich technical imagination and extensive practical experience, but they often lack basic theoretical knowledge in physics.

However, in many modern "inventions", technical ideas proposed in the Middle Ages, and even in the 12-13 centuries, are resurrected in one form or another. For example, perpetual motion motors with a rotating rotor are still very popular. Often used pneumatic mechanisms, perpetual spring motors, hydraulics, chemical reactions, electromagnetic fields.

At first glance, it is even difficult to classify some constructions - whether it is a perpetual motion machine, or indeed a working machine that uses some poorly studied physical processes. Perhaps we can mention the construction of the "impossible" engine EmDrive , which creates a thrust in a closed loop. He was tested in the laboratory of the Space Center. Lyndon Johnson NASA. Scientific work describing this engine, seemingly violating the law of conservation of momentum, has undergone an independent examination and was published in an authoritative scientific journal, and experiments on Earth have shown the real presence of thrust.

EmDrive test facility in the laboratory of the Space Center. Lyndon johnson nasa

Working on an incomprehensible principle, the engine produces thrust even in a vacuum, where any thermal convection is excluded. Physicists put forward different explanations for EmDrive. Some say that pairs of photons may appear in the EmDrive resonator that are out of phase with each other. Such couples carry momentum in the opposite direction of the engine. And the interaction of such photons contributes to the emergence of a zero-polarized electromagnetic wave. The impulse transfers such a wave. There is a theory that the EmDrive thrust is a consequence of the appearance of the “quantum vacuum of a virtual plasma” of particles appearing and disappearing in a closed contour of space-time.

Hope to find a perpetual motion engine gives inventors tremendous strength and energy to work. The most important thing is to direct this energy in the right direction. Then, the real scientific and technical discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Boyle, Johann Bernoulli, Simon Stevin, Julius Robert von Meier and other "crazy" inventors can become a side effect of their work.

Like the Paris Academy of Sciences, the US Patent Office does not formally grant patents for the "perpetuum mobile". This rule is valid for more than a hundred years. However, the International Patent Classification retains sections for hydrodynamic ( section F03B 17/00 ) and electrodynamic ( section H02K 53/00 ) perpetual motion machines, since the patent offices of many countries consider applications for inventions only in terms of their novelty, and not physical feasibility.

Patents for perpetual motion. Free energy technology organizations and centers
US patents
• 3913004 dated October 14, 1975, Method and apparatus for increasing electrical power, Robert Alexander.
• 4975608 dated December 4, 1990, Switching magnetic resistance motor, Harold Aspden.
• 5288336 Heat to electricity converter, Harold Aspden. See also patents number 5,065,085 and 5,101,632
• 4622510 from November 11, 1986, Parametric Electromachine, Ferdinand Cap.
• 2912244 from 1959, Gravitational system, Otis Carr.
• 4006401 dated February 1, 1977, Electromagnetic Generator, In Rivas.
• 3811058, 3879622 permanent magnet motors.
• 2982261 Mac Klintok air motor.
• 4595843 of June 17, 1986, Low-Core Rotating Magnetic Flux Transformer, Robert Del Vecio.
• 4567407 from January 28, 1986, Motor - alternator, John Acklin.
• 3368141 of January 6, 1968, Transformer in combination with permanent magnets, Carlos Garon.
• 3890548 dated June 17, 1975, Motor with a pulsating capacitor discharge, Edwin Gray.
• 4595852 of June 17, 1986, Electrostatic Generator, Robert Gandlach.
• 4831299 dated May 16, 1989, Unipolar Alternator, Enakishi Haysak.
• 4249096 of February 3, 1981, Electric Dynamo, Barbara Nikoks.
• 3610971 dated October 5, 1971, Electromotive electric field generator, Williams Cooper.
• 4897592 of January 30, 1990, A system that creates power from the energy of an electrostatic field, Williams Hyde.
• 4151431 dated April 24, 1979, permanent magnet motor, Howard Johnson.
• 4806834 from February 21, 1989, Electrical circuit of inductive conductors, transformers and motors, Earl Koenig.
• 3374376 of March 19, 1968, Electric Generator, Raymond Kromry.
• 3977191 dated August 31, 1976, Power Source ... Robert Britt.
• 3670494, Method of converting atomic energy into useful kinetic energy.
• 4428193, System for extracting useful work from fuel. The fuel used is a mixture of inert gases circulating in a closed system.
• 4709323 dated November 24, 1987, Parallel Resonance Converter, Charles Lien.
• 5146395 dated September 8, 1992, Power source using two storage chains, Richard McKee.
• 4210859 dated June 1, 1980, Inductive device with two orthogonal windings, Paul Merest.
• 4500827 of February 19, 1985, Linear electric generator, Thomas Merit.
• 4904926 dated February 27, 1990, Electric Magnetic Motion Generator, Mario Patsishinsky.
• 4945273 dated July 31, 1990, High-performance electric car, Joseph Pinkerton.
• 4883977 from November 28, 1989, Magnetic Power Converter, Dennis Regan.
• 4077001 Electromagnetic transducer with stationary elements having variable magnetic resistance, Frank Richardson.
• 5018180 dated May 21, 1991, Energy conversion using a high-density charge, Kenneth Sholders.
• 4652771 dated March 24, 1987, Transformer with fluctuations in magnetic flux, Theodore Speech.
• 4772816 of September 20, 1988, Energy Conversion System, Jeffrey Spence.
• 4748311 dated May 31, 1988, Inverter with a power source for a parallel resonator circuit breaker tuned to twice the breaker frequency, Friedrich-Werner Thomas.
• International Patent H02K 31/00, 39/00 of June 24, 1982, The closed part of a unipolar machine, Adam Trombley.
• 4835433 1987, Apparatus for the direct conversion of radioactive decay energy into electrical energy, Brown P.M.
• US patents on electrogravity: 1363037 Goddard December 21, 1920; 2004352 Simon June 11, 1935; 2210918 Karlovitz August 13, 1940; 2588427 Stringfield March 11, 1952; 2,231,877 Bennet, February 18, 1941; 2279586 Bennet, April 14, 1942; 2305500 Slayter December 15, 1942.
• English patent number 300,311 of August 15, 1927, Device for the production of force or motion by means of electrodes, Townsend Brown.
• French patent number 1003484 dated 11/1951.
• 3187206 dated June 1, 1965, Electrokinetic apparatus, Townsend Brown.
• 3022430 dated February 20, 1962, Electrokinetic Generator, Townsend Brown.
• 3018394 dated January 23, 1962, Electrokinetic converter, Townsend Brown.
• 2949550 dated August 16, 1960, Electrokinetic apparatus, Townsend Brown.
• 1974483 of September 25, 1934, Electrostatic motor, Townsend Brown.
• 4687947 from August 18, 1987, Electric power saving circuit, Melvin Cobb.
• 4772775 dated September 20, 1988, Generation of plasma flow in an electric arc, Sam Lich.
• 4432098 and 4429280, Information transfer using magnetic vector potential, Reynolds Gelinas.
• United Kingdom, No. 547668, January 30 (September 7), 1942, Permanent magnet motor, author Stanley Hitchcock.
• UK, Application No. 2282708A, Permanent Magnet Motor, Robert Adams, Harold Aspden.

Patents for splitting water and using it as fuel, including “cold fusion”
• 4394230 US patent dated July 19, 1983, Method and apparatus for the splitting of water molecules, Henry K. Puharich.
• 2,251,775 UK patent dated April 20, 1994, Thermoelectric Conversion, Harold Aspden.
• 5,288,336 US Patent Thermoelectric Conversion, Harold Aspden.

Free energy technology organizations and centers
• Russian Physical Society, 141002, Moscow Region, Mytishchi, B. Sharapovskaya 3. Fax 095-2926511. Publishes magazines.
• Institute of Free Energy, St. Petersburg, 193024, POB 37. Public organization, database on research in the field of gravity and alternative energy.
• Academy for Future Sciences, POBox FE, Los Gatos, CA 95031, USA.
• AERI, Advanced Energy Research Institute, 14 Devonshire Mews West, London W1N 1Fp, Great Britain.
• ADAS, Association of Distinguished American Scientists, POBox 1472, Huntsville, AL 35807, USA. Fax 205-536-0411.
• Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, POBox 429, Garberville, CA 95440-0429, USA.
• Centre for Action, POBox 472, HCR 31, Sandy Valley, NT 89019, USA. , .
• COSRAY, The Research Institute, Inc., 2505 South Forth Street East, POBox 651045, Salt Lake City, UT 84165-1045, USA.
• Delta Spectrum Research, Inc., 5608 South 107th East Av., Tusla, Oklahoma 74146 USA. Fax 918-459-3789. , — 11 . NASA :
Electrostatic levitator with feedback control; Hybrid contactless heating and levitator; Precision fabrication of electromagnetic-levitation coils .
• Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc., 35 W.Tallmadge Ave., Akron, Ohio 44310, USA.
• Fusion Information Center, POBox 58639, Salt Lake City, Utah 84158-0369, « » Fusion Facts, fax 801-583-6245.
• Gravity Power Research Association, 36 Mountain Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.
• GRI, Group Research Institute, POBox 438, Nelson, New Zealand. Dr. Ashley Gray.
• High Energy Enterprises, POBox 5636, Security, CO 80931, USA. Fax 719-4750582. . International Tesla Society Books.
• Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 Braker Lane W., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, USA.
• INE, Institute for New Energy, 1304 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA. New Energy News, POBox 58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639, USA. EMAIL: INE@padrak.com.
Denver Report'94.
• Intergrity Institute, 1377 K Street, NW, Suite 16, Washington DC, USA. Fax 202-543-3069. , , , .
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• JPI, Japan Psychrotronic Institute, Dr. Shiuji Inomata, Electrotechnical Laboratory, 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305, Japan.
• Cosmic Energy Association, 37-2 Nisigoshonouti, Kinugasa, Kitaku, Kyoto, 603, Japan. Dr. Masayoshi Ihara.
• Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc.,POBox 1395, E1 Cerrito, CA 94530, USA. Fax 510-526-5978.
• Quantum Biology Research Laboratory, Cotati Research Institute, POBox 60653, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA.
• PACE, Planetary Association for Clean Energy, : 100 Bronson Av., Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada T1R 6G8. Fax 613-235-5876. :
Planetartsche Vereinigung fur Saubere Energie, Inc. Feyermuhler Strasse 12, D-53894 Mechernich, FRG. Fax 49-24438221, EMAIL 100276.261@compuserv.com. :
FUNDAPAC Allayme 1719, San Jose, Guaymallen, Argentina.
• SEA, Space Energy Association, POBox 11422, Clearwater, FL 34616, USA.
• Tesla Book Company, POBox 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, USA.
• Tesla Incorporated, 760 Prairie Av., Craig, CO 81625, USA. Fax 303-824-7864. 300/1200/2400 Tesla BBS 719-486-2775.
• ExtraOrdinary Science, Resource Guide, fax 719-475-0582. , , .
• Explore, The New Dimension in Scientific Approach,POBox 1508, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273, USA.
• Electric Spacecraft Journal, POBox 18387, Asheville, NC 28814, USA. Fax 704-683-3511.
• Nexus New Times Magazine, POBox 30, Maplepton Qld 4560, Australia. Fax 074-429381.
• Cold Fusion Times, POBox 81135, Wellesley Hills MA 02181, USA.
• Infinite Energy, POBox 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816, USA. Cold Fusion Technology, fax 603-224-5975, email: 76570.2270@compuserve.com.
• 21th Century Science & Technology, POBox 16285, Washington, DC, 20041, USA.
• Cold Fusion, 70 b Route 202N, Petersborough, NH 03458, USA.
• Brown's Gas International, 5063 Densmore Av., ENCINO, California 91436, USA. « », Yull Brown. 818-990-4873 .
• ENECO, Inc., 391-B Chipeta Way, Salt LAke City, Utah 84108, USA. Fax 801-5836245. , .
• «Robert Adams and Company» 46 Landing Road, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. , - .
• Methernitha, 3517 Linden, Switzerland. Francis Bosshard.
• Swiss Association for Free Energy, POBox 10, 5704 Egliswilli, Switzerland.
• Space Research Institute, Box 33, Uwajima, Ehime 79, Japan. Dr. Shinichi Seike. Fax 895-24-7325. , .
• Nuclear Power Corporation, 581 400 Karnataka, India. Project Director, Kaiga Project, Dr. Paramahamsa Tewari.
• Cosmic Energy Foundation, Neptunuslaan 11, 3318 E1 Dordrecht Netherlands. Dr. Martin Holwerda, Director.
• World Harmony, POBox 361 Applecross 6153, Western Australia.
: USWorld Harmony, POBox 317, Rainier, WA 98576, USA.
• Sabberton Research, POBox 35, Southampton SO9 7BU, England, Dr. Harold Aspden.


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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399823/

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