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Wake up naturally. What can replace the light of the sun?

On December 30, in the office, I heard a most amusing dialogue: “I set 10 alarm clocks on two phones. Nothing helps, I still sleep further. On workday at 11 I wake up. Generally horror. ”Instead of the word“ horror ”, of course, there was something more obscene, but the problem was obvious. It’s hard for all of us to wake up in the morning. Or almost everything. As I solved this problem, I will tell below. And from the title of the post it is clear that we will focus on the effect of light on the morning awakening.

How easy to wake up in the morning

In fact, the formula for a light morning awakening is very simple.

Mode + light meals for dinner + motivation to start a new day + indicator that it's time to get up.

The first three points really work, there are a lot of articles on this topic, I will not go deep into them. If you have them different or somehow modified, it would be cool if you wrote about them in the comments. The indicator that it is time to get up is the most tangible from the list and what we are used to, because everyone uses the alarm clock - the most understandable indicator that the time has come to awakening.

However, at some point in time, I decided that I didn’t want to get up by the alarm clock and it became quite easy for me. The alarm clock was set only in case of urgency: a train, an important meeting, etc. I started the experiment in the spring and then a good indicator that you can wake up was the sunlight outside the window. Awoke? Light? Got up! That was my motto.
But it could not always be this way, because we live in Russia, and from October to March, the light day is very short. For example, now in December in the sun I would get up at 9:30. Late, however. Therefore, by the autumn I ordered a photobud for myself. No sound in the morning, just a soft light. And you know, it worked! How everything is arranged, see further, and most importantly, I have already told. This thing really helps!

Yes, this is another review, but the opinion and focus are different!


The appearance of the photodiode is quite futuristic. A bit like an egg, the controls are completely different and look very harmonious. It comes with a rather long cable, it was enough for us to connect to the outlet below and set the alarm clock on the top shelf.


I needed a photobud for just one function - imitation of sunlight in the morning. But if I write only about her, it would be wrong not to highlight other interesting options. Therefore, in this review I decided to go through all the functions indicated in the instructions . Usually I don’t do that and I’m talking about devices just from myself, but today I decided to tell about the system, more precisely, according to the instructions. Therefore, for each title, I put the item from the instructions.

Alarm Clock (8-9)

I'll start not in order, but with the main thing. How does the main function - the alarm clock. You can set two different alarms in the photobench. For each of them, besides the time settings are available:

Brightness increases accordingly to the bell. I do not need a call and I found a hack that if you twist the sound to a minimum in the radio mode, then nothing will ring.

Photos bullet before the rise of brightness and after
This is the alarm just started to shine

And it already went increase brightness

Radio / nature sounds and tuner

As usual, the first time I tried to use without instructions. As a result, instead of a pleasant awakening, I received a nasty squeak. Disconnected, went to the kitchen, again I hear. It turned out that he had not disconnected, but suspended. Disconnection is realized by pressing the side button, and it is not so convenient to press it.

There is also an option to check for how long the alarm is set. Conveniently.

As for whether awakening works only from light, then, as I have already said, yes. It works very well for me. If you wake up from the sun in the summer, then such an alarm clock will suit you. If not, then work on the other 3 components of an easy wake-up call or set an audible alarm clock after the light one.

LCD screen (4)

The screen on which time is displayed and the rest of the indicators is quite clear and simple. From the options on it - this is the brightness setting You can not turn it off completely, which is strange. And why should I need to make it dimmer / brighter, I did not invent. I would completely turn off. So that nothing shines at night.

Here he is:

Time setting (5)

Despite the apparent complexity, time on the device can be supplied without instructions. Everything is intuitive. Alarm clock is also possible, but there is an opportunity to stumble.

Here are the basic elements for changing time.

Backlight (6)

The instructions say that you can turn on the backlight just like that, turn on the color backlight, and also adjust the brightness of the backlight. This function is apparently necessary in order to create an additional source of lighting at home. Instead of bras, for example, or something like that. I did not invent any other use of this function.

Types of color lights
You can turn on the light alarm to switch between colors

Audio (7)

As the sound of the alarm clock, you can put the radio, the sounds of nature, the standard squeaker and something of your own through the jack input jack. However, the feature is that all this can be included and just like that. Very convenient, for example, to give, if you are not demanding on the sound quality. In one device there will be both an alarm clock and a radio with an mp3 player.

Sounds of nature can also be customized. Only 4 different sounds. I heard crickets, babbling brook, seagulls with the sea and birds singing. In principle, nothing like that, but I always did not like the surrogates for the sounds of nature. In those days, when I was actively changing melodies on my phone, I tried to choose some nice melody for the alarm clock.

Day Sleep function (10)

If suddenly you realize that you want to sleep during the day for 10-120 minutes, then you can use napping, which is also a daytime sleep function. You can choose the time after which the alarm will ring, and that's it. The default sound is very unpleasant, squeak. You can not change it.

Automatic shutdown (“sunset” function) (11)

By analogy with the dawn, the sunset can be configured. To, for example, an hour later the alarm turned off, and the light gradually faded away in the last 10-20 minutes. Good for reading, if you have an alarm clock very close. You understand that you already see badly, it means everything, it's time to sleep. However, it is necessary to cheat again with the radio, twist the volume to zero so that there are no sounds at all.

Buttons for setting 'daytime sleep' and 'sunset'


During use noted for himself the following disadvantages:

Does the task cope

The device has a lot of functions. For me, the main task was to wake up without sound, only from the light. This feature works very well. The level of light increases gradually, so you wake up not instantly as from sounds, but gradually. It is very cool. For the autumn-winter period, a uniquely useful device. It even happens that the light from the alarm is in harmony with the events in a dream. In general, a worthy replacement for sunlight. Recommend. The rest of the functions are by no means necessary to me, but for someone they may be useful.

Want to buy?

And if you write the word GEEKT-EN as a promotional code, then you can purchase the Dawn Light Alarm Clock with a 10% discount on the Dadget page . The promotional code is valid 14 days from the date of publication of the review. Make a New Year's gift to your loved ones!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399817/

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