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IPhone processors can modify for tactical missiles and fighters

Now Apple iPhone devices, according to experts, use ARM chips made by Samsung, created according to the standard design of the British company ARM Holdings. In the future, everything will change.

As you know, in April, Apple bought for $ 300 million US chip maker Palo Alto Semiconductor (PA Semi). Steve Jobs himself soon acknowledged the obvious fact that this was done with the goal of developing his own microchips for future iPhone and iPod models.

Apple has traditionally kept in strict confidence all the details about the products that are under development. However, the guys from PA Semi, apparently, this secrecy does not apply. The other day, one of the company's leading engineers told the NY Times what they are working on now, and also provided some interesting details about the history of the relationship between PA Semi and its main customers, Apple and the Pentagon.

Since its inception in 2003, the startup PA Semi has specialized in the development of high-performance ARM processors with reduced power consumption (less than 20 W). At one time, these chips were planned to be installed even in desktop "Macs", but at the last moment Apple went back down and spread to Intel chips . Such a sharp turn of events nearly brought down at that time the entire business of PA Semi. After that, they began to look for new customers. And soon found.
Extremely low power consumption of processors attracted the attention of experts from the US military. Immediately prior to the sale of the company, PA Semi leaders conducted intensive negotiations with the US Department of Defense on the supply of PA Semi processors for use in missile control systems, in aviation computers and other equipment. After the deal with Apple, people from the Pentagon tried to push compliance with the agreements and the signing of long-term contracts, but Apple has so far refused.

Now PA Semi operates as a subsidiary of Apple and has relative independence. The management is still continuing negotiations with the Pentagon, but whether the iPhone processors will be modified for use in tactical missiles and other military equipment is unknown, but there is such a possibility. Some analysts believe that Apple may sell part of the chip to the Pentagon to recoup the cost of buying PA Semi. In addition, representatives of the powerful military lobby associated with the US government insist on supplying these processors. In particular, a representative of the company Extreme Engineering Solutions, which carries out military orders for the US Army, said in an interview with the NY Times that they intend to continue using PA Semi processors in their systems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/39973/

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