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Expanding functionality with third-party services

While Google Chrome does not support plugins, it is possible to extend the functionality through bookmarklets.

Bookmarklets are a small javascript code that is used as a bookmark in the browser, with which you can use some functions.

One of the Google Chrome fan sites has published a huge list of bookmarklets. And so, a large list, a short description from me.

Google Cache

View the cache of this page from Google.
javascript: void ((function () {var% 20a = location.href. replace (/ ^ http% 5C:% 5C /% 5C /(.*)/ ,"$ 1 "); location.href =" http: //www.google.com/search?q=cache: "+ escape (a)}}) ())

Google Links

Viewing links to this site is not a very useful feature, but maybe someone will be useful.
javascript: void ((function () {var% 20a = location.href. replace (/ ^ http% 5C:% 5C /% 5C /(.*)/ ,"$ 1 "); location.href =" http: //www.google.com/search?q=link: "+ escape (a);}) ())

Google site

Search the site. Very useful when there is no search on the site or it is looking bad.
javascript: void ((function () {var% 20a = location.href. replace (/ ^ http% 5C:% 5C /% 5C /(.*)/ ,"$ 1 "); location.href =" http: //www.google.com/search?q=site: "+ escape (a)}}) ())

Google Images from Site

Search for pictures on the site.
javascript: void ((function () {var% 20a = location.href. replace (/ ^ http% 5C:% 5C /% 5C /(.*)/ ,"$ 1 "); location.href =" http: //images.google.com/images?hl=en&q = "+ escape (a)}}) ())

Translate Page to English Russian

In the original, there was a translation into English, but we need something Russian, so something had to be changed.
javascript: location.href = 'http: //translate.google.com/translate? u ='% 20 +% 20document.location.href% 20 +% 20% 20 '& hl = en & tbb = 1 ′

DomainTools Domain Lookup

View data by domain.
javascript: void ((function () {var% 20a = location.href. replace (/ ^ http% 5C:% 5C /% 5C /(.*)/ ,"$ 1 "); location.href =" http: //whois.domaintools.com / "+ escape (a) =}) ())

Validate Page HTML at W3C

Check validation html page.
javascript: location.href = 'http: //validator.w3.org/check? uri ='% 20 +% 20document.location.href% 20 +% 20% 20 '& doctype = Inline';

Validate Page CSS at W3C

Check validation css page.
javascript: javascript: location.href = 'http: //jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator? uri ='% 20 +% 20document.location.href;

Highlight Nofollow Links Red

Highlighting links with nofollow red.
javascript: var% 20t = document.getElementsByTagName ('a'); for (i = 0; i <t.length; i ++) {if (t [i] .rel.toLowerCase () == 'nofollow') {void (t [i] .style.color = 'red');}}

Highlight all Links on a page Yellow

All links are highlighted in yellow.
javascript: for (nIx5Bs = 0; nIx5Bs <document.all.length; nIx5Bs ++) {if (document.all [nIx5Bs] .tagName == 'A') {with (document.all [nIx5Bs] .style) {if ( backgroundColor == 'yellow') {void (backgro undColor = document.bgColor)} else {void (backgroundCol or = 'yellow')}}}}

Removes Flash, Java and Background Music

Remove Flash and Java elements, as well as background music.
javascript: (function () {function% 20R (w) {try {var% 20d = w.document, j, i, t, t, n, b, r = 1, C; for (j = 0; t = ["object", "embed", "applet", "iframe"] [j]; ++ j) {T = d.getElementsByTagName (t); for (i = T.length-1; (i + 1) && (N = T [i]); - i) if (j! = 3 ||! R ((C = N.contentWindow)? C: N.contentDocum ent.defaultView)) {b = d.createElement (" div "); b.style .width = N.width;% 20b.style.height = N.height; b.innerH TML =" <del> "+ (j == 3?" ​​third-party% 20 "+ t: t) + "</ del>"; N.parentNode.replaceChild (b, N);}}} catch (E) {r = 0} return% 20r} R (self); var% 20i, x; for (i = 0; x = frames [i]; ++ i) R (x)}) ()

And so, by the end, I believe, you have already noticed that bookmarklets are quite simple and create bookmarklets, at least based on those that are higher - easier than ever! Dare ;-)

Bookmarklet Source
Google Chrome Blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/39967/

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