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If only not by bread alone

Bread is the easiest food to satisfy your hunger. “I need a little! The edge of the bread. And a drop of milk. Yes it is heaven. Yes, these clouds, "wrote Velimir Khlebnikov, the founder of Russian futurism and the" chairman of the globe. " Obviously, Khlebnikov was in excellent health, because for people with lactose intolerance or gluten these lines would have raised questions. How genes affect our diet and why everyone is so worried about this "gluten" tells Genotek.


Nothing is easier

Food is not only one of pleasures, but also a physiological need. Living organisms extract substances from the environment, then they need to be digested, split and receive energy for their existence. When something is broken in this chain, there are problems with nutrient absorption. A person needs to follow a balanced diet consisting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, you need an optimal content of vitamins and trace elements. But if you just need to satisfy hunger, you can eat bread. Bread is an incredible combination of flour and yeast, it is no wonder that it is “all over the head.” In the simplest case, making bread requires only flour, water, and heat. Bread is one of the oldest products to be made, variations on the subject of bread are found in almost all cultures: Italian focaccia and Georgian shoti, French baguette and Caucasian lavash, and even Israeli matzoh. Practically there are no kitchens of the world which have completely refused bread. It is made from such cereals as rye, wheat, and barley. Bread of any nationality has a special “spongy” structure. Its formation is due to gluten.

Good vegetables and evil cereals

Gluten is translated from Latin as "sticky." This is not a special substance, but a collective name for several protein groups in wheat, rye, oats, and barley, as well as in their hybrids. Gluten gives viscosity to porridges, elasticity to dough and appetizing structure of bakery products. Among gluten proteins, there are some that are soluble only in strong alcohols. That is, passing through the stomach, they will remain undissolved, but for someone it can be harmful. It would seem that dietary fiber, which is rich in vegetables, is also not digested by digestive enzymes, but they are considered useful. And the same gluten, recently considered one of the main evils, almost on a par with GMOs (see the stickers on the products in the store "Does not contain gluten!"). And if GMOs are not really harmful to anyone, then gluten is really dangerous for some people. It would seem, why are fruits, vegetables, berries - good and healthy, and cereals - evil and poisonous? The fact is that both are fruits. But the fruit of the grain is a seed, a germ, not protected by any shells. The nutrient of this fruit is destined for the germ itself. Fruits, vegetables, and berries also contain seeds, but the flesh around them is a defense. The insoluble fiber of the fruit of the fruit - lignin and cellulose - pass through the small intestine like a brush and scrubs everything on the way. In this case, the seed coat can not be digested in the digestive system of the animal. Thus, fruit trees used fruit eaters as carriers and distributors of their seeds.

Inner carpet

Known from the encyclopedia is the fact that the surface area of ​​the small intestine is incredibly huge. If you spread it all, you can cover them with a tennis court. This is achieved by outgrowths on the walls, also called villi. In the small intestine, food digestion processes are completed. Villi are used for the absorption of nutrients that come in the most split form, passing enzymes, acidic medium and bile. The device of the villi is fractal: the surface of the villi is covered with smaller villi. They secrete mucus, which provides parietal digestion and facilitates the absorption of digested substances. The catch is that the secretion of mucus and the length of these villi may be different.

Stick in the small intestine

The main unpleasant manifestation of gluten intolerance is celiac disease. The mechanism of this disease has long remained undescribed. Now it is known that genetic factors play a prevailing role, and secondly, external factors influence. There was an idea that the length of the villi of the small intestine affects celiac disease, artificially reducing the surface area. Modern studies show the genetic mechanism of gluten intolerance. First of all, HLA genes influence the development of the disease. HLA is the main human histocompatibility complex, a device that recognizes the "enemies" of the system. Many autoimmune diseases (cases of an organism attacking itself) are also associated with genetic disorders in this region. A specific variant of this gene perceives gluten proteins as antibodies and provokes inflammation. Chronic inflammation of the small intestine leads to a lack of nutrition of the villi and the flattening of the intestinal mucosa. Thus, the intake of all nutrients in the body slows down.

European suffering

If earlier this disease was considered rare, then in 2002 it was published that the disease occurs in one of 200 people. They are mainly affected by people of the Caucasian race. This is a multifactorial hereditary disease, that is, it consists of the interaction of several genetic variants, but the leading role belongs to the HLA genes. It is important to consider the factors that trigger the occurrence of the disease. These include: intestinal infections of a bacterial (dysentery, salmonellosis) or viral (rotavirus) nature; excessive consumption of wheat (baked goods and cereals); surgical treatment, for example, surgical removal of the appendix; severe stress. After this, there may be persistent inflammation in the intestines, which also affects the supply of nutrients from the outside. Symptoms of gluten intolerance are easily confused with some other digestive disorders. To date, there are several ways to make an accurate diagnosis. Genetic analysis allows you to identify your own attitude to gluten using targeted analysis of gene sequences associated with intolerance. In addition, you can learn about other features of your own metabolism and adjust the diet. Biochemical and histological analyzes are also used for diagnosis. If signs of inflammation are present, the diagnosis of celiac disease is confirmed.

What to do next

Gluten intolerance is currently no more effective prevention than a gluten-free diet. Surrounded by cereals, we can hardly imagine what it means to completely abandon them. For a person with gluten intolerance there is no difference between a loaf of white bread and 100 grams of flour, the body will react to it the same way. It should be borne in mind that gluten is not only in cereals and bakery products. All sorts of sauces, convenience foods, canned goods, sweets often contain gluten. In addition, caution should be taken to such alcoholic beverages as beer and wheat varieties of vodka. Celiac disease is not a condition that develops in response to the use of gluten, it is a hereditary disease, it is a lifelong one. A complete rejection of gluten without medical indications may lead to a deficiency of iron, calcium and B vitamins. If you suspect you need to undergo a medical examination.

Interest in gluten was formed not so long ago. Previously, unpleasant phenomena on the part of the gastrointestinal tract were explained by “specific features” or simply did not talk about them. Now there is an opportunity to make your life easier and learn about the features of the digestibility of products, to undergo appropriate surveys and make an individual nutrition plan.

You can create your own optimal diet, taking into account the peculiarities of gluten absorption, using DNA research. Geektimes readers have the opportunity to find out their own predisposition to gluten intolerance, lactose, peculiarities of caffeine and alcohol digestibility. It is enough to pass the DNA test "Diet and fitness." By the way, there is a 10% discount for you on the GeekGenes promotional code on all studies in the section “Personal Genetics” .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399665/

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