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Earnings on Forex. True or myth? Is it possible to make money on the forex market?

Part 1. Background

In order not to offend anyone, I'm not going to use the names of real companies and brokers. I just want to express my subjective attitude to the forex market and share my experience with people who want easy money.

For the first time I heard about the forex market back in 2010. Then my older brother signed up for trading courses and told me a lot about the basics of currency exchanges, candlesticks and people who made a fortune on this. In those early years I was not at all interested in the market, and somehow I had no thirst for easy money. And all these terms like candlesticks, margin, shoulder, sounded like white noise to me. But my brother confidently attended classes, watched video lessons and tried to trade on a demo, and then on a real account. At the end of the course, the academy opened a real account for each student with $ 100 on it. For overclocking, so to speak. According to the stories of his brother, half of his "colleagues" leaked these deposits very quickly. And, as the teachers said, this is a typical novice mistake, everyone goes through it. It will take time, and you will learn how to manage risk, and the money will flow, if not a river, then at least a streamlet, enough for sandwiches with sausage. Sounds good, isn't it?

Time passed and my brother's heat somehow died away. He almost leaked his $ 100, but unfortunately (and as it turned out later, to great happiness), there was nothing to replenish the deposit with. So ended his career as a trader. But he left the market without realizing whether it is possible to earn money there. One of his St. Petersburg friends, inspired by his brother’s stories, also began to trade, but successfully or not, it was difficult to say, for his words were: “I earn something, but then I merge everything again” (oh, how often I heard this phrase later ).

It took a couple of years, and the idea of ​​easy money on the jumps in exchange rates somewhere crawling on the cortex of my brain. A year in 2012, my friend told me that his friend was sitting at home and kicking his life and mortgage on the forex market. Mol opens a couple of three thoughtful deals and each bucks 500 bucks. Here we saw the first person who really makes money on forex. And the fire burned in our hearts. We started reading articles and watching video tutorials about what an exchange is, what trading terminals exist. The terms fell on our heads as if from a bucket - margin, leverage, indicators, warrants and so on. But it was even funny, because we felt that this was the beginning of our millionaire career. We registered demo accounts and started trading.

Naturally, at first everything was incomprehensible, some arrows, graphs of numbers. But after a couple of weeks, we settled in and felt like a fish in water. There was only one but - even on demo accounts we did not have a profit. But the excuse was found quickly - there is no risk and no fear with candy wrappers of a demo account, it’s time to switch to real money. Quickly reviewed the tops of the best brokers and chose a suitable option. And we brought on our first accounts, as expected, $ 100 - the minimum deposit. Well, the trade began, and our expectations were justified, with fear and a sense of responsibility came with real money. In the moments of the opening of the first real deals, the hands shook like on an exam in the traffic police. Why, only with real deposits came another factor, the most dangerous and treacherous. A factor due to which millions of people have lost everything in their lives. Factor, because of which families and even lives are crumbling - AZART! And no matter how much I thought of myself as an objective person, sensible and not subject to excitement, I succumbed to the excitement. And its destructiveness lies in one simple thought: “Now I’m going to invest more in this deal, and not only discard all the minuses, but also double the deposit”. This thought destroys all plans, strategies and risk management techniques. And how many I have not read the articles, that it is necessary to develop a system and strictly act on it, I did not succeed. Sooner or later, excitement took its toll. You can certainly say that I am so petty and spineless, only, unfortunately, I am not alone. And while in my life I have not seen a person earning a forex, except ... a broker!

As a result, like all newbies, we poured our first deposits. But, again, this was expected, because this is a “standard error”. And if the error is standard, it means we are moving along the beaten path to enrichment and heavenly life. Need to work on bugs. And in order to work, we need funds. So we poured the second batch of money on our deposits. Well, what are you trying to do with 100 dollars, we poured 500 in each. Well, in order to immediately repel those 100, and earn new ones. By the way, there were moments when 500 grew to 600 and it was really nice. But then they turned into 400, 300 and melted from deal to deal. We made ourselves promises that it was time to reduce the volume of trade to reduce risks. One simple factor did not allow us to do this - AZART familiar to the pain. After all, every time it seemed, here it is the very deal of my life and now I’ll put everything into it, and how the market will jerk in the right direction. Why, he just always tore into the opposite, taking with him the remnants of our deposit. The second deposits were approaching zero.

And here we are thinking, but is it possible to make money on the forex market?

Part 2. How we “got rich” on gold

As I said, our second deposits were coming to an end, and we decided to understand what was the cause of our adversity. We identified the reason rather quickly - the wrong trading strategy. Like all novice traders, we traded haphazardly. Yes, we had some tactics, but, succumbing to the excitement, we forgot about everything and rushed after the rapidly departing schedules. The rapid movements of the market led us into a frenzy, fearing to miss a large income, we threw ourselves into deals. This behavior is even described in many clever articles and it is called “Drop into the departing train”. And the fact that our behavior once again fits the classical definition of a novice’s mistakes only confirmed that very soon we will become experienced pros and begin to earn decently.

Why, only the sum of almost $ 600 already merged did not seem trifling to us, and we decided to slow down a little. They switched to very small deal sizes, tried to open strictly according to the system. And, in general, even something worked. Only here the profits were quite boring. With the balance of deposits of about $ 100, we earned $ 1-2 for two dollars per transaction, which could last more than one day. This situation has grieved us, because at such a pace to return the old deposits will turn out soon.

And we decided to ask for help our friend, the one who, sitting at home, makes money on the stock exchange both for mortgage and for living. His answer was simple and clear - you are trading with the wrong pairs. Throw you this eurodollar, go to the gold trade (XAU / USD). Why, there was only one major drawback in the gold trade - the minimum transaction amount was $ 125, and you also need a bit of a drawdown. In general, our deposits were not suitable for gold at all, and we didn’t want to put new money on them from our own wallet. However, we added the schedule of gold in our terminals and began to glance at it regularly. Painfully beautiful there were figures, and the intensity of movement really inspired hope for a quick profit.

After a couple of weeks, we felt ready! It seems that deposits have ceased to melt and we have somehow begun to control ourselves. We developed our own systems, graphics there, arrows, almost like a pro. We gathered our strength and put another 500 dollars on deposits. Well, just 125 it was necessary for one deal, and not the fact that it was she who would shoot, and that the stock was small. And we went to trade in gold. I remember that adrenaline of course we had enough. To open a deal where each item costs $ 1 was cool. With each movement of the market, the numbers in the terminal changed not childly. The most interesting thing was that we had positive transactions, and the fact that the cost of one item is large made the profit very weighty. We closed a couple of deals +200 dollars. The second interesting fact is that gold was really good at analyzing. Especially well it worked out strong lines. The truth was one thing - the chart did not fit the strong lines more than once a month, but always wanted to trade. But we controlled ourselves, set pending orders and waited for juicy deals.

And life would be honey if everything depended on us. After some time, we saw that gold does not always work out strong lines, sometimes it just punches them and takes them to the stop-loss, taking our money. Yielding to all the same AZART, we rushed after the schedule, changing the transaction on the opposite. But this, as you know, bad practice and deposits we leaked. And we merged them very, very quickly, rushing now to one, then to another adventure. And what is most interesting, in all this fuss you start to get tired of losses and stop feeling that you are losing real money. Own, which have recently transferred from their own wallet to a broker.

At the moment when our accounts hit the margin, we were so exhausted that even in general we were glad that at last everything was over and there was no need to worry anymore. We firmly decided to leave the forex market and all these undertakings with easy money. Even in spite of the fact that we saw positive deals and even closed them. In spite of the fact that we, our comrade, are sitting at home, and with a couple of transactions, he ensures his life, and we plow in our work and there are no prospects for a carefree future.

Is it possible to quit forex? Is it possible just to leave him like this one day and never to return?

Part 3. How a trading assistant helped us deposit a deposit

After a couple of months without forex, my hands began to itch silently. The insult from the loss faded away, and those most profitable deals and big candles on gold did not give us rest. After all, there were also successful transactions, and they were opened according to our system, when all the facts were clearly planned, and the entrance to the transaction was carried out only if there were signals. So what was the reason for our defeat then? Why did we leave conquered? And all the forums and books said in one voice that the market does not forgive mistakes, that 90% leave with nothing precisely because they trade haphazardly. And only 10% of real pros really earned their millions on the market.

And then we came across one interesting phrase "The road will be mastered by going." We used this phrase more than once in the humorous version of “The road will be mastered by a person walking, walking on ...”. One way or another, it has become our motto. Indeed, all our troubles are only a thorny path to the laurels. And only cold-blooded traders who are able to learn from mistakes, are able to reach the end. And we went. But how do we learn to be cool? How to stop succumbing to temptation and trade strictly according to plan?

The answer came as an insight - you need to write an assistant. After all, it is a cold-blooded machine that can, without succumbing to panic and AZART, objectively assess the situation on the market. Almost all modern terminals have built-in programming languages, and we, by the way, are programmers by profession. The idea was innocent - to write an assistant who would evaluate the market by a number of factors and told us whether to open a deal or not. During the week we tried to code. Esteemed specifications, looked at examples - everything became clear. The helper was written fairly quickly. I will not go into the details of our system, but it assessed the chart at different periods and highlighted interesting points in which, according to our assumption, trade began.

The test assistant began, which was very successful. Yes, there were many mistakes, but there were more than 70% correct decisions. We worked while on demo accounts, because our real accounts were lying in zero. In the process of writing an assistant, we saw another important advantage in him - he can work around the clock, he's a machine. Here we decided to entrust him with all the trade. They added it with the function of opening a deal and started testing. Again, almost all terminals have access to price history and are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the helper on the story. The results of the evaluation struck us. Income from transactions amounted to 1000% deposit for the month. True, it was only a story, but we checked it for a long period and the results inspired confidence. Having debugged a number of system parameters on history, we decided to launch a real-time assistant. True while on the test account.

A couple of weeks of tests showed nothing. The profit was zero, but there was no loss. We found the excuse quickly - now the market is sluggish. The market was indeed sluggish during this period. We decided not to torment ourselves, and then suddenly with this demo account we’ll skip the whole move - replenished deposits and launched an assistant on a real account. They put him the minimum size of the transaction and let him sail. He swam for about a month. The behavior of the market was completely different from the story. Although all forums and textbooks in one voice asserted the golden rule of trade: “history repeats itself”. Yes, that's something she did not happen again. The robot traded, opened a bunch of deals, but we did not wait for a 1000% growth.

Probably, the phrase “Third deposits were merged” is now expected. Assistant, we allowed to drain only half of the deposits, then cut the wires to him. Remained on our accounts bucks at 250. In the meantime, gold was coming to an oooooochen strong line. Well, AZART took its toll and we decided in one transaction to recapture all the lost money. They put orders and waited. Orders, by the way, worked as needed. And we went to the plus. Saw immediately to 500 dollars. But they didn’t stop at that, they started as they wrote in the textbooks “Milking the Market to the Last Drop”. But the market milked us faster.

Third deposits were merged. And the mistakes are the same - yielding to excitement, we departed from the plan. Although sometimes the story is simply not repeated, and the market ignored all the lines and went about their business. Is the market subject to analysis or is it influenced by random fundamental factors that disrupt all the plans of traders?

But the main question that began to interest us: "Are there those people who have earned in the forex market?"

Part 4. And if there are those people who have earned the forex market?

This question we, in fact, studied at the earliest steps, and the answer was obvious - YES! But we began to look more carefully. On the Internet, a lot of stories about that trader and that, here they are, these lucky ones. And, reading their stories, we saw how they started, how they made all the same mistakes of newbies. Won German grandmother, who retired the village for the terminal and made a fortune. Well, yes, it seems there are such people on the Internet. And in life?

We turned to our old friend with a mortgage. True, we were struck - while he did not earn anything, but only let down 200 thousand !!! The wife pays for the mortgage, and he is interrupted for part-time work, and all his earnings bear on deposit, hoping to recapture the minus. Prior to that, he was simply ashamed to admit his failures, they say, they will think, you need to be abnormal to lose such money. So it, in general, is. Although, in his understanding, he did not lose them, he is still in the process of knowing the market, and big profits are already on the horizon.

My brother's St. Petersburg comrade abandoned this business a couple of years ago, they say, "he earned something, but then he merged everything." It turns out that all real people with whom you can talk have earned nothing. On the Internet in the forums, people boast that they have been trading for years and have been very successful, but in the neighboring branches these same people say that they open at a minimum, because the deposit is close to zero. Weirdly for a millionaire.

After analyzing the entire forex market, I came to a number of contradictions:

1) If it’s easy to make money on the market, as brokers say about it, why don't they just trade themselves? After all, why should they collect these crumbs, in the form of percentages of deals, when they themselves can turn millions there and earn millions. But in the brokerage companies I work hundreds of employees.

2) Why should someone who has developed his unique trading system, which brings a steady income, share it with others? Yes, not just divided, but also to try to conduct paid seminars of 100 rubles per participant. And some even offer discs to be sent by mail for 200 rubles. Somehow it is petty for a millionaire, isn’t it?

3) Why should people who have written a successful assistant, who brings 1000% per month, post it to the network? After all, you are already a millionaire, why create competition?

4) Why does a person who considers himself a pro and has been successfully trading for many years, writes on the forums the questions “Well, where does the market go? What are the predictions? After all, you have a system and you are based on your proven signals, and not on the opinion of little-known people.

After analyzing my and other people's experience, I came to the following conclusions:

1) Yes, there are people who have earned money on the forex market, and these are the same brokers who collect interest on transactions and conduct paid seminars on “how to quickly drain a deposit”. In addition, I am sure that most of them do not open your trade at all, but simply keep money in their accounts, waiting for you to merge them. And you will merge them, for all these trading systems are nonsense.

2) People who say they make money on the forex market are in fact ordinary slot machine players. Just dependent on AZARTA and eager that they are about to beat off the entire loss and take the jackpot. Not accidentally, I singled out this word in all articles. This is the same dependence as a casino and other long-proven dependencies.

3) All these win-win systems are aimed only at the fact that you quickly merge the deposit and, in the hope of returning the lost, carry more and more money to the broker.

I described my experience only so that people who gather or already trade in the forex market, analyze my words and try to understand that it is impossible to make money there. You will not be able to tame the market. The market is not subject to analysis or systems. Most likely, you just drop your deposit, and then the next and the next. Leave this venture before it’s too late. You will not be able to return the money already spent.

Stop! Forex is a soulless machine that absorbs your earned money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399617/

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