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To the right of red: hot girls, cats and spy passions

We see the world in the optical range from violet to red. The imager allows you to look to the right of red and see the invisible thermal radiation of the infrared range.

Earlier, scientists, military men and very rich people could afford such a device. Now the level of accessibility has gone down, which allows many interested people to discover the wonderful world of warm images.

The imager gradually penetrates into our lives and helps in solving many problems.
The infrared eye “Seek Thermal XR” uses a smartphone as a “brain” and a screen, which significantly reduces the size and cost of the device.

Before watching the seals and other hot, answer the simple question - is it possible to see the Moon from the Earth's surface in the imager?

Johnny, make me a montage!

The imager is infrequently used in cinema. In addition to “Predator” it is difficult to remember at least a dozen other films in the infrared. And here opens a wide field of activity in which you can use various techniques, finds and phenomena to attract the viewer. People doing advertising - wind the imager on the mustache!

Girls drivers ... How much has been said about this. But if you look in a different range of waves, they are very similar to us - they get rid of everything cold, they like a warm interior and shake off their shoes when they land.

The film "Girl, snow and car."

People radiate joy, goodness and ... warmth. What could be more delicious than a warm meal on a frosty winter day? Even the seals living in the trees come running to the food. By the way, the coldest part of a cat is not its nose, but its tail. Kind grandmother with hot hands and a kind heart in the short film “Cats”.

Girls, these are not only drivers, but also caring mothers who won't let them get cold ... for their child. The film "Mittens".

Have you heard of ravens walking their dogs? It is not clear what the mistress of the dog feeds the birds in the movie “Warm Birds”?

But after feeding the comedy begins, which is better to look in the usual light. The film “Crows from Mira Street”.

Before, I thought that snow and ice on the roads disappears only because of the wheels that destroy the snow cover. But after observing into the thermal imager, it can be seen that the cars are also mobile infrared stoves, which by the radiation from the engine, muffler and wheels help the road service in draining the asphalt cloth. The film “PAZ”.

The thermal imager is a money saving device.

We all love the heat, and in this there is nothing wrong. It becomes a little bit when getting a receipt for heating and there are several reasons for this.

1. Poor thermal insulation of buildings, errors in the installation of window and door blocks.
The imager detects this problem with a bang. Examples are available in the first review “ To see the invisible! “Seek Thermal” is a thermal imager from Santa Barbara ”and on the Internet when searching for pictures on the topic“ thermal imaging of buildings ”. Today, it is one of the main options for using a thermal imager to reduce heat losses and make money by device owners.
Diagnostics of the house before purchase and during its operation allows detecting problem areas in thermal insulation, glazing, heating, power supply and make a reasonable decision about the advisability of purchasing or the need for additional thermal insulation of the house.

I went to visit friends, not one, but with a tablet and a thermal imager. A person engaged in windows and after demonstrating the possibilities immediately wanted to have such a device to show consumers the quality of installation of their products. It is commendable when a person thinks about the quality of work, and there would be more such people!

2. Over temperature in the house, which is caused by a malfunction of the boiler room, a malfunction or improper setting of the heating units.
At the usual look it is unobtrusive,

But the imager makes it easy to find that a significant amount of vents are open in the house, there is a “overheating” and that will affect the numbers in the receipt.

3. “Heaters” and “heaters” of balconies for which other residents of the house pay.

Thermal power and residents - keep in mind a useful device!

Electronics - the science of contacts

While they are not far from energy, it is necessary to recall its not only heat but also the electrical part. As you know, in electrical and electronics it is necessary to eliminate two main faults - there is no contact where it should be, and there is contact where it should not be. The imager perfectly sees the closed (overheated lines), but the most interesting thing is that it allows you to detect contacts that will soon lose their (sorry for the pun) contact.

When the clamp is reduced at the connection point, when the surface is contaminated or oxidized, a slight (at the initial stage) increase in resistance occurs at this point. According to the Joule – Lenz law, an increase in the amount of heat occurs, which the imager captures.

Inspecting electric panels periodically, electricians can use a thermal imager to detect it and prevent various harmful effects long before the occurrence of a malfunction. And in general, it is more pleasant to protect the wires than to change their charred remains! In the photo album, one example is shown, when on the cell tower a broken unit is perfectly visible from a distance of about 70 meters!

The thermal imager, like the dial test tester, should be a pocket electrician!

A star named Sun

150 million kilometers, while it is the most distant object, which was recorded during testing of the device.

Joke: what is more important than the Moon or the Sun?
- of course the moon! The sun shines during the day, when it is already so light, but the moon - at night!

On the night of November 14/15, 2016 a super-moon occurred, when our satellite, with the usual 384,000 km, became 30,000 km closer. On the morning of November 15, I stopped to refuel the car, turned my head and gasped at the beauty. SLRs were not at hand, but managed to take a picture on the phone

And thermal imager:

What we see is the surface of the moon heated to 120 degrees, or the infrared radiation of the sun reflected from the moon dust?

Minute nostalgia.
In the picture of the pipe, next to the red signal light, there is a green dot “ Time Lamps ”, which for almost five years shows the exact satellite time, and from which my “writing” began on Habré. Then asked Bumburum Boomburum to write about this project, but he pushed me to independent swimming, since then I have been waving on Habré.

In addition to space objects, clouds are visible in the sky, which are of great importance in the formation of weather.

The thermal imager was also big-eyed here, which allows it to be used to observe the cloud cover, and what is interesting, even at night, when no camera can take a regular photograph. Meteorologists - pay attention!

In general, the ability of a thermal imager to see at night is as good as during the day, it amazes me, although from a physical point of view,
explained very simply on wikipedia.
All bodies whose temperature exceeds the temperature of absolute zero emit electromagnetic thermal radiation in accordance with Planck’s law. The spectral density of the radiation power (Planck's function) has a maximum, the wavelength of which on the wavelength scale depends on temperature. The position of the maximum in the emission spectrum shifts with increasing temperature towards shorter wavelengths (the law of Wien shift). Bodies heated to temperatures of the world around us (-50 .. + 50 degrees Celsius) have a radiation maximum in the middle infrared range (wavelength 7..14 µm). For technical purposes, a range of temperatures up to hundreds of degrees radiating in the range of 3..7 microns is also interesting. Temperatures of about a thousand degrees and above do not require thermal imagers for observation, their thermal luminescence is visible to the naked eye.

Spy Passion and TTH

As you know, spies do not like when they are calculated. But nowadays, when cities are covered with observation cameras, and it is difficult to pass unnoticed, there is one interesting way ... Some cameras already or still do not work for various reasons, others are empty models. Having a thermal imager, you can easily make your way along cold routes.

The camera is working, it's better not to “glow”. Similarly, “burn” and video cameras control the speed on the roads.

I’m not touching anyone in a car, I’m taking warm plots for an article through the lowered glass ... A tablet on my lap, a thermal imager in my hands, is connected via a USB extension cable. Out of the corner of my eye I observe an increased interest of one person with a short haircut. Then his approach ...

- You spy!
- In terms of?
- You have a microphone in your hands for interception.
- No, this is a thermal imager. Show image.
“You're lying, I know, this is a microphone.” You just switched it to thermal imager mode now.

Then he departs, takes a photograph from the side of the car, and removes it - probably “punch” the databases. Just in case, I also recorded it with what was at hand - a thermal imager. In general, I got vigilant ... Thank you for not arresting or confiscating!

Responding to the short-cut assumption, we smoothly proceed to the description of the tactical and technical characteristics of the thermal imager used in writing the article.

The hero of the article is the thermal imager “Seek Thermal XR”.

There is no microphone in the imager, so all the films presented in the article go without sound, and the passer-by confused something in the identification of models.

As already mentioned, the imager is a prefix to the smartphone, which processes the image from the thermal imaging camera and displays it on the screen. The image can be saved with a photo or film at a frequency of 9 frames per second.

There are two versions of the thermal imager - for Android and iOS. In addition, in each version there are two models that differ in angle of view: 36 and 20 degrees. Since there is no own power supply in the device, the smartphone must support USB-OTG mode.

The shell on the title picture is used only to show the size and the fact of hatching into the light of an interesting device. The imager comes with its strong case, which allows you to easily carry the device, even in my pocket, where there is a bunch of keys to the apartment, the keys to the car, metal fines and other junk.

In the last review “ To see the invisible! “Seek Thermal” - a Santa Barbara thermal imager was overlooked by “wide-eyed” “Seek Thermal”, today it is a “long-range” 20-degree “Seek Thermal XR”, which is equipped with a focusing lens optics.

The case of both models is magnesium, which means low weight with excellent strength.
A matrix of 206 x 156 points, i.e., the temperature measured at 32136 points in the field of view of the device is simultaneously displayed on the screen!

Of course, it is cheaper to inspect the object with an infrared thermometer (on GT there were two of my reviews - part 1 , part 2 ), but it’s very difficult to keep a thermal image in mind with numerous data, and for a long time. The thermal imager allows you to instantly get a thermal image, in which various thermal anomalies are visible, allowing you to draw useful conclusions, this is its undoubted advantage.

Chalcogenide optics. The sensitivity of infrared radiation in the range of 7.2 - 13 microns, which corresponds to the above data from wikipedic knowledge. The temperature range from -40 ° to 330 ° C covers the needs of most appliance applications.

Reviews, reviews, reviews ...

According to my calculations, today's article is the fourth in a row on GT about thermal imagers "Seek Thermal":

1. See the invisible! “Seek Thermal” is a Santa Barbara thermal imager , mine .
2. Thermal cameras for smartphone Seek Thermal by AlexeyNadezhin .
3. To see the invisible, connect the non-connected or squeeze out all the juice from Seek Thermal , by IronHead .

Judging by the polls of my friends (many engineers), not everyone is aware of such an interesting and promising instrument. Rather, they heard, but did not assume that it became available, and thought of it as something purely theoretical. Theory - into practice! Therefore, by and large, there is still very little information about the device and more articles are needed, especially on the use of the device. Many reviews made by different people allow us to see the device from different points of view, to evaluate its positive and negative sides.

What are you cute looking askance, head bowed low?

In some comments when reviewing a thermal imager, the thought slips that Android phones come with different orientation of the connector, and this does not allow the thermal imager to be positioned in the right direction when it is connected.

When writing an article, I connected the device to the tablet via a USB cable, and I consider it very convenient, since You can take pictures from different angles without experiencing special stress. Often, it is necessary to remove an object from a point where you simply cannot fit yourself, and it is very convenient to stick your hand with a thermal imager while watching an object on a separate screen. Therefore, a cord is also needed for iPhone, where the orientation of the connector is always correct. In addition, the cord allows you to capture unnoticed by the object of study. I doubt that the girls from the films shown would have been glad that they were being filmed on the smartphone with a thermal imager. And so, they did not even pay attention to the car parked nearby.
Crows when taking pictures are very wary of the fact that an unfamiliar object is directed at them. And in this case, the letters XR in the name of the device (Long-Range), allow you to stay at a safe distance for them.

Another so-called drawback is the price of the device. Indeed, not everyone can afford it, but it is pleasing that, in the area of ​​transcendental heights, the prices for such a unique device are approaching consumers.

The packaging of the device, an unusual look at the Kul-Sharif mosque, a tractor with overheated wheels, a mouse-gazelle, a search for non-working equipment on the communications tower and other photos that were not included in the review are located in the photo album " Seek Thermal XR ".

A lot of useful and interesting information on the use of the device are on the page of the Dadzhet, where it can be purchased for your experiments, observations and work in studying the world of heat and cold.

For Geektimes readers, we offer a 10% discount on the “Seek Thermal XR Android Thermal Imager” by the GEEKT-TV2 code. And who has an iOS smartphone or tablet, can buy a “Seek Thermal XR iOS Thermal Imager” with a 10% discount on the same GEEKT-TV2 code. The promotional code is valid 14 days from the date of publication.

Information for bloggers and authors:

The company "Dadzhet" is interested in publishing independent objective reviews of dadzhetov in various kinds of media. The company “Djadzhet” will gladly provide dadzhetov bloggers and authors who want to test them and write a review.

The device after writing a review remains with the author. The company is not trying to tell the author what to write about our product, but asks to show the article before publication. In this case, it is possible to clarify information and prevent errors. Whether to consider company comments or not is always up to the discretion of the author. Read more ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399497/

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