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Quadcopter in the work of the installer-signaller

Unmanned aerial vehicles are rapidly entering the daily life of man. If a few years ago to manage the drone, flying over long distances, it was a pleasure available only to the military and especially wealthy people. Now almost everyone can afford a budget quadcopter. In Russia, this is generally relative freedom. After all, aircraft that do not reach up to a certain weight cannot be recorded. Moreover, on the whole, the rather “muddy” formulation of the law governing the flights of the Kopters gives their owners relative freedom.

Quadcopters are already in full use when shooting video clips, they use excellent panoramic views. Copters deliver packages:

Spread food in restaurants:

They distribute Wi-Fi signal and even provide first aid:

It becomes clear that unmanned aerial vehicles are increasingly intertwined with the spheres of human activity.

Walking around on the Internet I came across interesting information on one of the forums dedicated to providing. Employees of one small provider from Vologda use quadrocopters in their work for several months. I contacted these guys and they kindly took some photos and videos with a detailed story about the use of the copter.

Passion applicable to work

It all started with a simple hobby. One of the employees of the Vologda provider has forked such a toy, the quadrocopter Phantom 4.

An excellent machine with four engines and four screws, respectively. As standard, it is able to soar into the air to a height of 500 meters from the take-off point. The maximum height is 6 thousand meters above sea level. Flight time is about half an hour, and the remote control distance is about 3.5 kilometers. Equipped with all sorts of things like sonar, accelerometer, altitude sensor and magnetometer. Using navigation, you can set the coordinates of the take-off point, and in case of loss of control, it will return there independently.

Communications installers often encounter minor work troubles, such as keys forgotten in the office. In addition, cable pulling in hard-to-reach places, for example, through a busy highway, may cause a real headache. The idea to use “phantom” in the work arose among the guys almost immediately after the purchase of the device. But the quadcopter needed some upgrades.

At Phantom, they installed a reset and an antenna of greater power, which made it possible to increase the range of the vehicle to five kilometers.

Photos of the new antenna

Key Reset Test

Began, as they say, small. Delivered keys and small tools to installers working in the field.

Also, the “phantom” did an excellent job with tasks like delivering an optical patch cord from building to building when working in the field.

Reset Optical Patch Cord

After the first tests with the transfer of small goods, it is time for this test. It was necessary to adapt the drone to work on cable pulling in “problem” spans. The catch was how to pull the cable with a drone. The problem is that simply tying the rope to the drone and using it to pull the cable is unrealistic, because after a few tens of meters the rope will become heavy and the drone will be out of control. Therefore, it was decided to use a fishing thread with a load.

It looks like this:

Reset fishing line was originally tested in the office

After several successful tests, the quadcopter is actively used when pulling the cable in places difficult for the installer. A good example in the video below. The cable needed to be stretched over the construction site and the boiler room. The span was about 160 meters. With the help of a drone, it was much easier to do this.

In the same way, the drone was used when pulling the cable through a busy street with constant traffic.

The guys from the Vologda provider have shown in their experience how unmanned aerial vehicles can be used when working as an installer in the field. Using a drone greatly simplifies many things and speeds up some workflows. Already one thing is clear now that the widespread introduction of quadcopters in the Internet service is only a matter of time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399487/

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