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The Chinese are going to build a powerful solar power plant in the Chernobyl exclusion zone

The exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, previously referred to simply as the “30-kilometer zone”, is prohibited for free access. She was subjected to intensive contamination with radionuclides after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The zone includes several adjacent regions, including the north of the Ivankovsky district and the north of the Polessky district of the Kiev region, plus several other regions. All economic activity is prohibited on the territory, although people live there (mostly unofficially).

Because of its proximity to the capital of Ukraine and a number of features, the exclusion zone attracts the attention of investors and industrialists. In April of this year, it was already reported that the most contaminated 10-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl NPP is planned to be turned into a radioactive waste dump. The head of the State Agency of Ukraine for the management of the Chernobyl NPP Alienation Zone, Vitaly Petruk, said the following: “People cannot live on the polluted land for another 500 years, so we plan to make it an industrial complex.” Fortunately, there are more interesting options for exploiting idle lands. One of them - the construction in the zone of alienation of the solar power plant.

The same Petruk said in April: “We are considering options for constructing a facility using alternative energy sources, such as solar panels, in order to effectively use the remaining parts of the electricity infrastructure in the region, including the power grid of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.” It is impossible to create anything else in this zone, since it is not possible either to hunt animals, gather berries or fruit, or conduct agricultural activities. Doctors recommend generally have as little as possible in common with the Zone.
True, one resource, which is a lot here, can be used. It is about solar energy that can be recycled for free. This will try to make the Chinese company GCL System Integration Technology (GCL-SI), a subsidiary of the GCL Group. She, together with China National Complete Engineering Corp. (CCEC), will begin the construction of a "solar farm" next year.

“The project is promising, it promises social and economic benefits, since we are going to help the region with“ green ”energy. We are pleased that together with Ukraine we are helping the local population, ” said Shu Hua , chairman of the GCL-SI. According to the company's management, the creation of a solar "farm" in Chernobyl also helps companies to start working in other countries. The Chernobyl project is one of the key steps for the GCL-SI.

The station will produce 1 gigawatt of energy per year, which is more than most other solar power plants produce. Unfortunately, the company has not yet disclosed the exact construction site, but GCL-SI representatives say that the Ukrainian regulatory authorities have already inspected the region where the station is to be built. “Ukraine has approved a law allowing it to be used for agricultural and other needs, which means that the level of radiation contamination is normal here,” said a company representative. Of course, the station will not reach the planned production volume immediately - this takes time. Capacity will be gradually completed, so that the object will be released on the planned performance in a few years.

At the moment, China is the world's largest producer of solar energy, at the end of last year, the total capacity of solar power plants in this country was 43 GW. In addition, in 2015, China produced 72% of the elements for solar power plants, including solar cells and modules.

The advantage of this region is that there is a fairly high level of insolation , in addition, there is a developed energy infrastructure, for example, high-voltage transmission lines, many of which are used. Therefore, the cost of creating the energy infrastructure necessary for a solar power plant will be less than if everything was done from scratch.

In addition to China, interest was expressed by Canadian energy companies, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and several investment funds from the United States. Money to create such a large object requires a lot. The construction of a complex of “solar farms” with a capacity of 1 GW will require investments of more than $ 1 billion: “We can consider this project as trustworthy and reliable, where you can invest money,” said the director of the EBRD’s Ukrainian division.

It is not yet known whether the Chinese will work here independently, or whether it is a question of cooperation of companies from different countries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399475/

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