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Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, my happy end story

I lived at that time in p. Fevralsk, I studied in high school number 3. In the summer of 1992, I worked as a construction worker (my father arranged) for 1 month, I studied in the 9th grade. I worked for 4 hours, but there was some kind of fatigue, right after dinner I was falling asleep.

In the autumn of about November, I caught a cold, this happened quite unexpectedly, since I usually didn’t have much of a disease, and until that moment, I didn’t even miss a school because of illness. Somehow the lymph node of the submandibular region sharply increased, and it increased so that it was not even clear that it was he, because the neck on the one hand increased very much.

At first there was a suspicion of mumps, but in the infectious disease ward, I was kept for just a couple of hours and sent to the therapeutic department. The next day, the therapist decided to take a puncture from the swollen neck. The puncture was not very successful, I almost fainted, and the puncture did not show anything, because exhaust hood could not be done. Hmmm, although she still showed that this is not an abscess. At the same time, I was diagnosed with sinusitis, the sinuses were washed and prescribed antibiotic treatment. I quickly went on the mend, even the inflammation of the submandibular lymph node subsided. A week later, they were going to discharge me, but something prompted me to do complete blood tests. And I must say that at that time they completely defrosted in our village hospital and could not do blood tests.

I asked my father to be treated at a military unit hospital, my father agreed with the military and they took me to the hospital. The guy therapist turned out to be very serious, immediately did all the tests and asked me well about my health, etc. In general, I immediately had some confidence in him. The next day I was already examined by the head of the hospital, along with the therapist. They did not understand something, they talked to me, I remembered then only a phrase, that there could be no talk of any treatment for the spleen in the hospital.
A day later, they called my father to talk, explained to him that the blood tests were very bad and I should be sent to the regional hospital. Gave all the coordinates of the doctors and the direction, with the urgent recommendation will go as soon as possible. I already wrote out with the feeling that I had already recovered and treated the trip to Blagoveshchensk as some kind of adventure, I still did not know that all this would be delayed for 5 years.

In Blagoveshchensk, I got to the hematology department, for the first time I was led by Gorodovich Sergey Nikolaevich, then Valery Vaitsehovsky led me, and then (when they realized that the remission was stable) I was given care by young hematologists.
Actually, I was immediately diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, ALL (in the commonplace, blood cancer).
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a hematopoietic malignant disease characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of immature lymphoid cells (lymphoblasts). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common malignant disease in childhood and adolescence. The peak incidence occurs in age from 1 year to 6 years. Boys are sick more often. The disease occurs with damage to the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and other organs. Affection of the central nervous system is more characteristic during relapses after chemotherapy.

I was immediately prescribed treatment according to the D.Hoelzer regimen , they could have administered some other drugs, but I somehow remembered that it was with these drugs that I was mainly treated. Incidentally, the protocol mentions the irradiation of the head, I did not do it, well, and some other procedures that are written in the protocol.

About 1.5 months later, they brought me to remission, during which time I recovered by 5–10 kg, stretch marks appeared , but overall my well-being was not bad. I began to study textbooks on my own. I forgot to tell, after the cytosar dropper, my hair began to fall out quickly. Guys nurses cut me bald, and my hair began to grow thin like a baby :).

You know the feelings in general, the situation in the hematology department at that time was some kind of soulful, many patients have known each other for more than one year. Doctors inspired confidence and generally justified it. The hardest thing was of course to see friends dying; I have seen such cases more than once, have seen treating doctors worry about their patients. Every time when I came and found out that someone of my friends had died, I was perceived very closely.

After they brought me to remission, they decided to send me to Moscow for further examination, they sent me to San. In Moscow, I slept in the corridor for the first day, because all chambers were occupied, the attending physician (in Moscow) was very surprised by my analyzes, and my referral to the metropolitan branch, since according to him, I had very good analyzes and in general it would not cost me to come.

I was not kept in Moscow for a long time; they also gave me the first lumbar puncture , drugs (methotrexate) were not given to me then. This began to be done later, but as I now understand, purely for preventive reasons. Many people are afraid of lumbar puncture, I can only say that I did this procedure 20-30 times. I didn’t get any particularly unpleasant sensations, but it wasn’t quite pleasant, and the bridge after this repeated procedure began to give me difficulty, but now it’s even impossible.

From Moscow I flew away with the full knowledge that this looks like a long time. My first year was mostly in the hospital, the course of treatment was a Hoelzer scheme, a little truncated, as I said. I spent about 1.5-2 months in the hospital, and then I was allowed to go home and I took the therapy myself, depending on the number of leukocytes in the blood. In fact, the first time, of course, I went to a therapist to tell her how many pills I should take, but then she and I got tired of it, and I received tests directly in the laboratory and took the pills according to the scheme I was given.

In 1994, I entered the 3 institutes, I passed school exams in Urgal (not at my school), where these exams were equal to entering FEGU, I also entered DALGAU and AmGU. In FESTU I was not accepted for health, because the department Bridges and tunnels for which my passing points were enough did not accept people with blood diseases. I had a choice, between DalGAU and AmSU, it was decided to go to DalGAU since The Institute of Construction in which I entered was across the street from the hematology department in which I was treated. Later, however, the regional hospital moved closer to AmSU. But by this time I even made the scheme which was done to me in the hospital, I took place at the day hospital.

Thus, I was treated for 5 years, now I live and work in St. Petersburg, my son is growing up, who is already 6 years old. I am not registered with a hematologist, and I don’t even appeal to hospitals, since there is no reason.

Health to all !!!

Ps. I want to say at last that blood tests are better to do at any suspicious ailments ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399337/

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