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MT8057S ... like a breath of fresh air

A man comes in from the street, and he says - how stuffy it is here! Goes to the window and opens the window. And you sit like that frog, which is boiled over a slow fire, accustomed to the musty atmosphere and you do not feel anything.

Not only we, ordinary inhabitants, have heard about the importance of clean air. In his decree , the President of the Russian Federation approved a regulatory act, which says about the need for airing the sleeping rooms before and after sleeping, in classrooms before classes and in the breaks. But if daily airing is conducted in the army under the supervision of a company duty officer, then in the civilian no one except us will take care of it.

A person needs fresh air, but the main places of our stay are closed spaces: an apartment, kindergarten, school, institute, production, office, car, where some finishing materials and furniture items are not environmentally friendly, and “gas”, emitting harmful substances to health .
But the main "gazilschikom" in the room is a man. Its respiratory and evaporative systems emit a huge amount of various waste products. For example, ethanol, ammonia, acetone, acetic acid, phenols, and other elements determine the characteristic individual smell of a person. And in the future, various diseases will determine the smell.
But as they say, it is better to prevent than to cure!

Reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the room can be a simple and effective way, which is called airing. And the MT8057S carbon dioxide detector will help us in this, suggesting the need to ventilate the premises to reduce fatigue, drowsiness, discomfort, headaches and various diseases.

Information about the time and content of carbon dioxide in the air - the most important data for humans!

The term "ventilation" is derived from the Latin word "ventilatio" - "airing." In the theory of solving inventive problems, there is the concept of an “ideal system” - this is a system that does not exist and its function is performed.

Close to the ideal, the airing system was in old houses, where the street air through the distributed slots came from windows and doors, passed through the rooms and carried away the waste and polluted through the hoods in the bathroom and kitchen, filling our air supply with freshness.
There were enough minuses in the system, but it performed the task of replacing the exhaust air. There were difficulties with adjusting the performance - for example, I did not like to seal the windows for the winter.

Airing contradicts energy efficiency. The more we ventilate, the more we spend on heating, especially during the cold season. Therefore, plastic windows were invented, of which “not blowing”. Their advantages are: they keep warm better, it is easier to wash and open, no need to paint. But then there was a problem of air circulation in the room - the air supply was “cut off”!

Lack of ventilation, condensation on the windows, mold, breathing problems and illness.
The walls began to mount the inlet air valve. Windows supplied with micro and slit ventilation systems. In fact, at the new turn, a return to the previous ventilation system takes place.

Some residents install a forced ventilation system, the most advanced supplement it with recovery. But most of the population remains with the banal airing with the help of ordinary vents.

And if with the old “leaky” windows the ventilation was carried out almost constantly, then in the modern hermetic system there was a problem - how often should the air vents be opened? Well, if a person in his life played the role of a person on duty or on duty on a company, they need to be ventilated according to the charter in blood, but what about other people?

In the process of preparing the article, I came across a site where the author, based on the volume of the room and the number of people in it, calculates the necessary ventilation frequency. But all people are individual and sometimes breathe with indifference, therefore a device is needed that will show the real concentration of gas dangerous to humans and signal the need for ventilation.

Scientists and physicians still have not come to an unequivocal conclusion about the degree of harm to each of the numerous substances secreted by man, but the fact that mining products must be removed far away is unambiguous.

Since the person-gasifier is located indoors, where there are excretions of finishing materials, furniture and clothes, airing solves the problem globally, without understanding what and to what extent is more harmful.

For the analysis of air, you can use any of the gases emitted by man, but relatively easily determined by modern instruments, and formed in large quantities during breathing, it is carbon dioxide. It can be said that while a person is indoors, the increased concentration of carbon dioxide is one of the markers of the deterioration of the air environment.

“Canary” MT8057S

The device is used to measure and display the concentration of carbon dioxide, color indication of threshold values ​​and their sound alarm. Also measured air temperature.
It is possible to connect a computer to display the graph of the measured parameters and configure the device. According to the schedule, it is possible to analyze the work of the ventilation and security systems, assess the human vital activity and the degree of its activity, determine the number of people.

From the moment the power is applied to the beginning of the alternate display of carbon dioxide content and temperature, it takes 24 seconds.

If someone saw the device thought about deja vu, then he was not mistaken. On Habré and GT there were several articles devoted to this gauge, but since This necessary device is not yet worth it in every office, apartment, and school, then it is necessary to talk about it more often, and not only on TM.

I recommend reading the previous series of three articles “Warned, it means armed” in order to learn many interesting things on this topic and read about what was not included in this publication:

Part 1 : photosynthesis (a beautiful graph for the release of carbon dioxide at night), all living things breathe (eggs, bread, potatoes), shock measurements (gun, soda).
Part 2 : ventilation of rooms, damage to meetings, schedules at work with and without airing, the advantage of two instruments for conducting experiments.
Part 3 : graphics, calibration, analysis of the device, the principle of operation, fermentation.

The ZGm053UK sensor used in the device works according to non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR), has sufficient accuracy for the absolute majority of users and is the most expensive part of the product.

In the last review, a video of the operation of the sensor emitter lamp was shown, this time it took an oscillogram of pulses on it. Cutting pulses with a gradual increase in voltage, which occurs every five seconds, is presented in the film “ Pulses on the transmitter emitter ”.

Changes for the better

Compared with previous reviews, the device has changed. First, a sound emitter exceeding the threshold values ​​(the letter “S” in the name from the word Sound - sound) is added to the meter, which is visible on the photo of the printed circuit board. If the concentration exceeds the first threshold (800 ppm by default), then once every 15 minutes we will hear one long “whistle” (actually a squeak). The notification period is chosen optimal, since in 15 minutes you can turn on the ventilation system, if it for some reason turned off. If the concentration exceeds 1200 ppm, then every minute three short “whistles” sound, which will definitely draw attention to the problem. When working with the device, it was possible to catch a rare moment when in one short fragment both types of sound alerts sounded. The film " Sound alerts MT8057S ".

The sound indication is convenient for users with poor eyesight and for those who have a great ventilation system to attract attention if it fails. If the ventilation is such that the display thresholds are exceeded many times a day, audible alarms can be turned off. In order not to look for instructions, actions are printed on the back of the device.

The second difference of the device from the first installments, this change in the power connector, which now besides the leads is attached at four points, is “pinned” on top by protrusions on the case and pushed outward,

That allows you to use not only the native, but any other power cord.

Traffic light - the best way to display!


The girl stops her car in front of a red traffic signal. Lights up yellow - it stands, green - stands again. Red turns on again, the policeman comes up and politely says: madam, do you prefer any other color?

The traffic light on the MT8057S is beautiful! Firstly, the chosen method of warning about exceeding the threshold values ​​allows, both day and night, to instantly assess the carbon-dioxide situation in a room at any glance from any distance without approaching the device. According to the results of operation, it can be argued that the LEDs are self-sufficient means of display and a carbon dioxide meter is possible, which, from the display, will have only one three-color LED. The remaining information and settings - by "air", or when connected via a cord.

Secondly, there is no need to explain numerical values ​​to small children and elderly parents, and you yourself will forget them in the near future. Lit yellow, and even more so, red - air!

Thirdly, if necessary, the display thresholds can be reconfigured.

The selected method of indication and the type of sensor do not allow the use of a self-contained battery power, therefore the device is “tied” with a USB cable to a socket or computer. For short-term autonomous research, you can use an external battery PowerBank.


People have a desire to “screw” the meter to the existing ventilation system, which will allow to change the performance, reduce energy costs and automate the process.

Options are offered:

- open the device and take the signals from the LEDs;
- do not open the device by installing photodiodes in front of the LEDs;
- explore the interior of the device and find control signals there;
- order a model with a functionality that provides “raw” data;
- in the new version with sound, contact and contactless ways of removing information from the sound module will appear.

Method without opening the device and breach of warranty, available to owners of all devices, including previously purchased.

Develop and release a prefix to the carbon dioxide meter, which is connected to a standard USB connector instead of a computer, removes data and transmits them, or ready-made control signals to the ventilation system by wire or bluetooth / wifi.

Graphs, graphics

Gradually we are approaching the sweetest - the graphics, which were many in previous articles: photosynthesis, the breathing of people and food. Today there will be measurements in homes with different types of windows and in the car.

Schedule number 1. Cottage with modern plastic windows, ventilation is closed. One person lives, leaves in the morning, comes in the evening. The device daily in the morning changes its location.

On the first day, the instrument was diagnosed at the open window. The calibration is excellent - the device showed 400 ppm.

It is seen that there are big problems with clean air. After a person leaves the premises, the level of carbon dioxide does not fall to normal values ​​and is kept at around 1200 ppm. It can be assumed that the source of carbon dioxide is either a working gas boiler (closed combustion chamber), or another batch of fermenting wine.

Schedule â„–2. To check the effectiveness of ventilation, a few days later new measurements were taken, but with operating exhaust ventilation. The situation has changed dramatically, the concentration of carbon dioxide has returned to normal.

Schedule number 3. Three-room apartment with old wooden windows and a population of three people. Good data, insignificant excess of the norm at the time of cooking, a return to the street readings when leaving the premises, that is, the windows are truly “full of holes”.

Schedule №4. Vehicle interior. The scheme of the experiment from 11/19/2016. The carbon dioxide meter is connected to the tablet and is located between the front seats, the data is recorded in the table . From the driver’s side, it looks like this:

With a working ventilation system and any number of people, the concentration of carbon dioxide does not exceed 1200 ppm, only occasionally reaching 800 ppm. But if internal ventilation is turned off, then one person who is in the cabin of a muffled car quickly gains concentration to critical values. She would have "climbed" and above, as it was at the general meeting in the last article, but it became necessary to leave the parking lot.

MT8057S serves as a measure of the carbon dioxide state of your apartment, place of study or work.
The previous two of my gauge for a long time, "walked by hand" before settled for permanent residence.

Sometimes people complain of their sores, not understanding the cause of their occurrence. They go to doctors or medicine men, they buy medicines, spending considerable funds. And the reason may be simple - an allergy to some substance released in the room. Systematic airing significantly reduces its concentration. It is easy to check the version, maintaining, for example, a green carbon dioxide level during a month and at the same time observing one’s well-being. It became easier - it means the reason in the gas. It did not help - look for another source of the disease.

For example, in my practice there was a case when the cause of the increased level of carbon dioxide was a mesh clogged with dust on the ventilation grille. And the person complained of frequent headaches and took pills, unable to determine the cause of the indisposition.

Pharmacies can provide carbon dioxide meters for rent so that residents can take the device for several days and check their apartment. Although the cost of the device is such that many people can buy it for permanent possession of themselves or as a gift to their loved ones. Thanks to the traffic lights, older people will not have problems with controlling air quality. Timely airing of the room will improve health without the need to purchase drugs.

If any deputy reads the article, then it is advisable to do a really good and useful job by including a meter in a health conservation program. Kids in kindergartens and schools will be grateful.

Air in importance is above drinking and eating. The better its composition, the better our health. If the traffic light of the MT8057S carbon dioxide detector shows us a green light, it means that the concentration of carbon dioxide is normal, the ventilation system does its job, all other harmful gases are also carried away from the room, and we breathe fresh air.

Air out, gentlemen!

Album with photos to the article “ Carbon Dioxide Detector MT8057S ”.

And if you write the word GEEKT-CO as a promotional code, you will be able to purchase the device with a 10% discount on the Dadget page . The promotional code is valid 14 days from the date of publication of the review.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399335/

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