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What are the Japanese made of

In the previous article, the term “Russian population” and its use evoked particular interest among readers, which inspired the Genotek team to conduct a little of their own research. It will be based on our own data (customer genotypes). Follow our articles on Geektimes, the results will be soon.

In this article we will talk about the Japanese population. Perceived by Europeans as a nation, isolated from the outside world by its own cultural context and peculiarities of mentality, the Japanese are expressly united in their isolation and proud of their unity. "One race, one civilization, one language and one culture." It is natural, in this case, to ask the question: Is the Japanese people a historically and ethnically integral entity? If so, then who are these people - the aliens, the conquerors or the original inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago? Otherwise, if it is a fusion, a merger, an aggregate of several disparate tribes, then where did they come from and where is their homeland? For a long time this question remained the subject of archeology, ethnography and linguistics. Now population genetics have begun to solve the problem.

It is known that the mysterious civilization from the archipelago in the Pacific Ocean was formed about 10,000 years ago. Where are the origins of the Japanese population and what does this term bear in the new material Genotek.

Likbez: stereotypes about Japan

Sakura. Haiku. Samurai. Ninja. Anime. Hiroshima. Sumo. Nintendo Sushi (right - sushi). Geisha. Shintoism. The Emperor Harakiri. Country of the Rising Sun Bingo! We know nothing about Japan. In the tag cloud stereotypes do not reflect the fact that under the archipelago there is a demographic time bomb that politicians are trying to ignore. On the one hand, the country does not accept unskilled labor. Most of the migrants in Japan are either talented students, or motivated specialists, or well-to-do students of Japanese language schools. Despite the cold tolerance of “white people”, they remain forever foreigners who are forced to keep up with the frantic pace of life. On the other hand, they prefer not to discuss Japanese political leaders. The population of Japan is aging in unity. People are born, but they are not enough to provide natural population growth. At the same time, the effect of the “Japanese economic miracle” is waning. The outside observer sees only serenity and a philosophical attitude to life, of which Japanese culture is woven. And the Japanese.

How to get to Japan without a visa

It is believed that during the Gansy period, 40,000 years ago, the archipelago was still connected to the mainland by an isthmus, and people could migrate there. The first settlers on the island were representatives of the Jomon culture. It is believed that the Ainu are the modern direct descendants of the Jomon culture. Initially, hunters and gatherers, people of the Jomon people moved to a settled way of life and began to make ceramic products, which gave name to the whole period. The word "Jomon" is translated as "trace of the rope" - an ornament that was used to decorate ceramic products of the time. Jomon culture was one of the oldest ceramic finds in Japan. In other words, initially the territory of modern Japan was settled by the people, whose cultural achievements were considered advanced for that time. After the settlement of the peoples of Jomon culture through the archipelago from the Great Land, the people of the people of Yayoi came. The description of further events is a hypothesis of anthropologists.


There are two polar versions of what happened between the two nations. The first development option involves the spread of the cultural achievements of one people in the nutrient medium of another. The people of the Yayoi people brought from the continent inundated rice-sowing, metalworking, potter's wheel and a loom. Spreading information and technology amongst Jomon was tantamount to transforming this people. In accordance with the second option, Yayoi completely replaced Jomon on the archipelago by peaceful or violent means. Both hypotheses: the Jomon transformation and the substitution on Yayoi imply a homogeneous origin — one source. A compromise between these two scenarios is the scenario of hybridization - mixing of two peoples.

Role play

To study the processes of mixing populations, the researchers decided to compare the Japanese genomic data with data from two other populations. It has been proven that the Ainu are direct descendants of the Jomon people. Ainu - warriors from the East. Externally, they differ from the Japanese: they have deep-set almond-shaped eyes, large ears, tough hair and a tendency to baldness, the nose is large, slightly hooked, with wide nostrils. The most noticeable thing in the Ainu is their beard; in the Ainu culture it was customary to grow a beard. The people of Yayoi are migrants who brought bronze and iron to the archipelago. Their direct descendants, which are not related to Jomon, are the continental peoples of eastern Asia. In this study, 221 Korean genomes were used in this capacity.

This vague object of study

Japanese researchers obtained an “image” of each of the three populations: they analyzed each of the available genomes not entirely, but by breaking them into haplotypes. A haplotype is a collection of several variants (loci) that are close in the genome. Consideration of haplotypes, rather than loci, separately, provides wider opportunities in terms of defining such population events as population separation, gene drift. As a measure of heterogeneity or similarity, multivariate statistics were calculated, based on the frequencies of occurrence of various haplotypes in each of the populations.


The picture graphically shows three models. AIN, JPT, CHB - the names of three populations, Einians, Japanese, Koreans, respectively. N in each case, the initial population size, and T - the time of mixing.

See the past

The authors of the study tested three hypotheses for the emergence of a Japanese population: the transformation of Jomon, the hybridization of Jomon and Yayoi, and the crowding out of Jomon by the Yayoi people. For each hypothesis, a simulation model of “modern” genomes was constructed under the assumption that populations were mixed according to the model. The generated data allows us to estimate the probability of obtaining the observed haplotype frequency statistics in each model (for each of the three hypotheses). To carry out a simulation, the authors of the article independently entered such parameters as the number of initial populations, the duration of coexistence, the time of divergence of populations, the proportion of mixing. The researchers also applied Bayesian methods to estimate model parameters, such as the time frame for mixing and the intensity of migrations.

Eastern mix

The hypothesis about the hybridization of two peoples won by a large margin. According to the results of simulations, it turned out to be the most plausible. It turns out that about 10,000 years ago from west to east, the Japanese archipelago, the habitat of an advanced civilization of the time, was inhabited by continental migrants who brought technology from the mainland. This confusion gave rise to the Japanese. At the same time, the authors recognize that the degree of mixing throughout the archipelago may be different. However, the “Japanese population” is not only the Japanese, the descendants of two ancient cultures. Ethnic diversity persists to this day.

Indigenous people

In addition to the people of Yamato (the self-name of the Japanese people), the Ainu and the Ruukusians of Okinawa belong to the indigenous Japanese. Both peoples belong to the Jomon branch, they lived on the islands in isolation and were not affected by the migration waves. For a long time, the backpackers had their own kingdom, their own language, and their own religion. However, there was never complete sovereignty: you first had to pay tribute to the emperors of the Chinese dynasties, then to China and Japan at the same time. At the end of the 17th century, the Japanese Empire annexed the Ryukyu Archipelago, so Okinawa Prefecture was formed. The Ainu are also indigenous to Japan, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. The combination of their external features and language does not allow them to derive their origin from any particular race. The origin of Jomon scientists has yet to be resolved.


It is not known whether it is worth talking about this in the context of population genetics, but in Japan there is also a special caste of people called Burakumins. The paradox is that from the point of view of genetics these are native Japanese, and from the point of view of Japanese it is a taboo subject for conversation. However, research on the origin of Buracumin has not been conducted, there is also an opinion that these are Chinese artisans who immigrated to Japan. Nowadays, the Buraku mines are descendants of people who were in the past associated with “unclean professions” - dressing hides, garbage collection, cleaning of temples, and jesting. Then they had the right to live in a specially designated area, had no right to have relationships with people outside their caste. At the moment, these people make up about 2% of the population of modern Japan, but as a group of people in modern Japan, they are not recognized. The concept of "Burakumin" is translated as "a resident of the village", a person's belonging to Burakumin can be said on the basis of archival documents. An offensive gesture is considered to be raising the hand up with four bulging fingers, in a sign that these people are “four-footed”, that is, not human. Formally, Burakumin is accepted into universities and at work, and then anonymous persecution begins. Parents carefully check the origin of the elect and chosen ones of their children. Buracumin discrimination is subject to UN surveillance.

Population genetics reveals the past, not based on someone's opinion or ideology. Dissecting human origin, the researcher finds out the fate of the nation, restores the history of the place piece by piece. The concept of nationality becomes a convention. The origin of a person allows you to solve the question of your own identity and understand yourself. Now it is available to us.

“Genealogy” is a project of Genotek company, in which there is an opportunity to analyze 36 ethnic groups. Among them are "Japan and East China." In addition, you can find the haplogroup on the paternal and maternal lines, the variants of the Neanderthal genes in your genome, find relatives in the database. Geektimes readers can use the GeekGenes promo code and do a DNA test at a 10% discount . Read us.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/399281/

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